Two day raid launch confirmed 1780 cap for all encounters. No problemo.
My warlock is already 1782 and I haven't even done all my powerful, much less pinnacles for the week yet.
Had 12 artifact unlocks (cap) at season rank 41.
I cannot stand strand personally. Great concept - until your spiderman webhook is on a 1-2 minute fucking cool down. It could have been great to use as fun traversal. I am looking at my new solar build now - grendade and knife city with healing. I need the exotic arms (Hoping it is on Xur this week) , and need to check out the stats of all my gear to match a loadout I saw.
But basically, fuck strand in the ass. Might not be a popular opinion but they had a chance to make traversal something viable and then fucked it all up with CDs. Maybe my opinion will change but @MusicForFish, Dex, and I had to cheese the fuck out of Headlong just to get passed that godforsaken quest. Whoever designed that should be hung out to dry. Along with whoever the hell thought Nimrod was a good idea.
One more quest to go to complete the campaign, they have seasons to explain the baseline stuff of the veil whatever the hell it is, and I hope they have the WQ team on the next expansion to wrap it all up. I have a feeling the raid for this expansion will be pure fucking aids if Headlong is any indicator of what is to come.
I dont do hard mode campaign. I usually do all the campaign shit on EZ. The legendary is like dragging your dick throug glass, at least for me. I have no patience wiping to some dumb stuff and having to redo an entire section. It reminds me of soloing dungeons. Yeah I can do it after xx tries, but why? The extra loot isnt even anything special other than upgrade cores and world drops and blues. Exotic at end can be farmed EZ mode in one of the lost sectors. 20 extra light at end with the blue set they give you, I mean if thats worth your dick on a cheese grater than sure. Especially this one where they make you do the strand shit on your optimized void or solar build? Yeah ok. No thanks.That last boss fight for the campaign on legendary took me a minute, you basically have to go strand just to deal with everything pushing you off the fucking platforms. I'm liking the increase to difficulty at the base level, game was definitely getting to easy for the majority of content.
I mean you had all of D1 with Cayde and over a year of him in D2 with an entire expansion dedicated to his death, not really fair to compare. That doesn't make a lot of his dialogue any less corny when put in direct comparison to Nimbus though. Like I said, they get a little better post campaign and cool down with some of the cowabunga shit.
Spoiler for Raid ending cutscene (apparently)
First day 1 emblem in the books. What a raid.
Much like Vow of the Disciple though it'll be way easy come Sunday.
Won't get a chance to do contest mode cause of work schedule but caught Aztecross's stream for the final boss/kill. They were damn near able to 1 phase on contest mode so yeah, gonna assume super easy come tomorrow afternoon.