Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


And mostly in the conception phase. Not when it's complete and going through beta about to be launched
Thats bullshit I was in friends and Family for Alpha, and none of the shit you were claiming was in there. The best you could do is lag through some walls,and see some of the missions from crota with tons of textures missing from them i.e. content that isn't done. Also you know dick about post production in gaming if you don't think they are constantly cutting, and adding all the way through production which takes years.

First thing we know nothing about the first big expansion. All we have is a powerpoint from last E3 with some possibilities on it. We can see just from the HOW slide that things have changed dramatically since then.

I'm not even sure they can do anything big anymore due to the size of Destiny on the xbox 360, and PS3 right now. Were still on last gen,and they are dealing with massive limitations with it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Read broseph instead of quoting me out of context, Hobby has a very broad meaning in Gaming...

Read the definition then put 2 and 2 together, I know you can do it. I have faith in you.

You are saying all Hobbies are not casual, and the definition proves you wrong.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Thats bullshit I was in friends and Family for Alpha
Oh you were now. So did your friends teach you to lie your ass off like Bungie/Activision did with the launch of this title and the continuing bullshit scam which is called Destiny? Sounds like if you were in the F&F alpha you have a vetted interested to white knight this game at all costs and deflect harder than an Activision PR Rep after a 5 day Meth Bender.


Nope, there was plenty of us in there go look at the start of the thread jack ass.

Ever heard of Zarcath?? you know the FOH board member that was a player tester for Bungie during Destiny. Let me make it easier for you because I know you are slow, he invited us.
O you mean people that play test games actually frequent a board dedicated to gaming? say it ain't so. Do your homework Bitch before you spread more of your lies.

What I don't like is people like you that come into threads like broken records spouting the same shit every month like it makes any difference to the people playing this game.
look we get it, you feel ripped off for whatever reason. Let me ask the board is anyone not clear on that by now?

Shall we pen you in for next week, when you will say the exact same thing again?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I white knight Destiny and ignore the truth
Kind of like this little gem that was deleted by Reddit because they are in the pockets of developers?

View image: Screenshot 2014 09 27 13 02 07

Where in the fuck do you think all that content went to jackwagon? I'll tell you where. Along with the other shit that was made and cut to sell three times over and beyond the cost of the original game. When Comet comes out, for $59.99 in the fall, you will see this same shitmagicallyreappear and when that happens what will be your next scapegoat to cover you and yours' ass?

Maybe you should read that part where Bungie sent them10 hours further into the game. Christ the story missions in this pile of repetitive shit took me less than 7 hours to complete. Don't worry, because as this person fought a Spider walker, which you do not fight at all in this game (You fight Devil, Winter, and Iron walkers depending on the planet you are on) you will also see Spider Walker's magically appear as well! MAGICALLY BUDDY. Your 2014 launch content for the low low price of another $59.99!


Reddit is in the pocket of the developers haha.

I guess anonymous is run by Disney next.

Story mode is not what is killing the health of the game. Even if this mystical 3 hours did exist we would still be in the same boat we are in now.You would still be complaining.

This is a game that has all the resources right now to be a good game. Activison isn't telling them to not put in ranked modes, leader boards, increased difficulty on their current content.

No one cares about repetition in this genre of gaming, they care about rewards and items they can show off.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>


UT must be the guy who complains about story modes in Fighting games haha.

How old are you btw? You seem so out of touch. I know some people on this board are in their 40s, are you one of those people?
The main audience of Diablo right now could give two shits about the story. You think they grind their accounts to 500 days played because of Story mode? Grab a clue Grandpa.

The active players of destiny don't care what they add. They can use old assests to the cows come home. They want the rewards, and challenges of a Diablo game.I.E a reason to log in to play with their friends.

Who gives a shit if you completed the story. No one cares. People want shit to show off that is not easy to get. That's what these games are based on.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Who gives a shit if you completed the story. No one cares. People want shit to show off that is not easy to get.
You mean the one of 5 artist weapon types no one looks at in Destiny? For $19.99 for HoW and $59.99 for the other 50% of the game you already bought in September 2014, you can now look at 10 armor types instead of 4 with different colors! You would have a case here if Destiny had gone the route of much different particle effects for a LOT of weapons from a large database. That still wouldn't excuse the cutting and repackaging of content finished 2 years ago resold twice over, but at least then there would be something unique.

Pardon me as I deploy my Ghost while I get into my car and venture home from work. "Oh No... It's TRAFFIC!" I speed up, "Oh no! TRAFFIC!" I speed up.... "Let me see if I can get us into the left lane.... Hold tight...OH NO.... ITS THE TRAFFIC!" Then I am home. What a wild ride.


You mean the one of 5 artist weapon types no one looks at in Destiny? For $19.99 for HoW and $59.99 for the other 50% of the game you already bought in September 2014, you can now look at 10 armor types instead of 4 with different colors!
And if they were rare as shit ,and meant some sort of accomplishment. Then they would mean something wouldn't they.

You are just so confused on how all this works. Didn't you play everquest? the game where people would log in for years just to get a different colored Breastplate that was sold on the vendor?

People don't care. They want things that they can show off that no one has. It doesn't matter if it's just a different color.

Destiny is not doing that. They are giving people everything they want on the first day. They totally pulled a 180 for Crota because of whiners like you.

That still wouldn't excuse the cutting and repackaging of content finished 2 years ago resold twice over, but at least then there would be something unique.
This is really the most retarded statement of all of it.

Ok let's just say they released Destiny with Crota, and House of wolves day one. That shit would have been burned through in 2 months. That game is dead for over a half year until they get an expansion out.

The things you are complaining are not the issues that are killing Destiny, or people not logging in anymore that played at the start. There is nothing to do, that is what is killing the game. It's so easy to fix this with no new art assets. That's the shit to be mad about not that you didn't get 3 more hours on a story mode, or that they have 3 different tanks that are colored different. That's what idiots fucking complain about.

Destiny has a stupidly high population for a console game. Still... even with nothing to do. That just proves to me if you added leaderboards/Ranked/Seasons/nightmare modes, even if it's fluff rewards they would love it.


Will someone please stop this cripple fight
Yes, moving on it looks like they're making the crucible grind a bit easier by doubling the rewards from completing matches. I think it's a good step because I've always hated maxing out crucible marks.

They're also adding (I guess the frequency) of exotic and legendary drops from crucible matches. Also a good thing because now maybe the guy who actually played the match will have a chance at gjallahorn instead of the guy who was afking the whole match.


Did they have a contest at Bungie to see who could do a voice over with the worst vocal fry or something? I thought that was a parody video at first.