Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Karazhan Raider
I think most of us in RR had more fun cheesing the raid content than actually playing the game as intended. Last expansion not having a raid killed it for me.

Tons of shit to play right now though, so I'm kinda grateful.
I genuinely enjoyed doing vog. CE was fucking awful and no raid in last dlc really was the nail in the coffin


New iron banner armor for Taken king, Also skip cut scene confirmed for xpac





FPS noob
i deleted my 2nd warlock yesterday and rerolled it into a hunter just so i have one of every class since a hunter is pretty badass right now, after just 4 hours (while watching E3 streams) he's already level 11. Should hit 20 today or tomorrow, then it'll be interesting to see how fast I can get to 34 with no gear, marks, etc. I do have one armor core saved up from my alts so it'll make things a little faster, guess I could farm POE for some judgement chances for my hunter too. No matter what it shouldn't take longer than a week or two, since at the least I'll have 100/100 marks for vanguard/crucible this week and another 100/100 next week which would be enough to buy vendor gear and ascend it all.

obviously easier with 2 34s since i already have all the guns and tons of etheric lights, as a total newbie it would take probably 3-4 weeks and some lucky VoG/Crota pugs.


Tranny Chaser
It seems as thought they have completely divorced from any semblance of their 10-year-long epic storyline. Even with the complete rewrite they did in the final year there did seem to be some sort of actual story taking place with promises of future content that included exciting new stuff and mysteries to solve.

Instead each expansion is "hi-ho I'm your new faction vendor. Please let me chew some scenery while you fight some big bad we just invented and who does not further the story at all". They also wont even acknowledge the elephant in the room that is your Ghost now being completely mute.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
They also wont even acknowledge the elephant in the room that is your Ghost now being completely mute.
I crack up at this all the time. I would think it would be pretty simple to fix as well, just get a new voice over actor to be the ghost and claim the reason your ghost doesn't sound like a dinklebot anymore is because it received a software update of some kind and with the new update came a new voice.


I was super stoked when Xur sold the Universal Remote. I thought "Oh man! A longe range shotgun with that second perk? AWESOME!" Just got the perk and this was the result...absolute disappointment



Luke Smith ( head designer on Destiny, Vault of Glass raid etc) is a fucking idiot for giving that interview last week.

Just proves to me that Bungie was part of the poor decisions that are happening in the game, and it's not all EA's fault.

Man, what a dumb ass. There is no doubt they will let him go after this, or he will leave the company.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, its gonna be pretty hard to recover from that asanine interview without a scorched earth policy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Oh god, the line about adding exciting characters. He mentions Eris, Varik and Petra. Back in the days we used to call those vendors... Is that really the best they can do?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oh god, the line about adding exciting characters. He mentions Eris, Varik and Petra. Back in the days we used to call those vendors... Is that really the best they can do?
Yep. Especially when they get grilled on their new pricing model and this is how Bungie answers their questions.

'Destiny: The Taken King' pricing controversy: Bungie, Luke Smith defend rebuying content - Business Insider

I'll pick out a good little tidbit.

Eurogamer: I get that ['The Taken King'] is big but it is also the same price as the base game. That had four areas rather than one and more missions than the Taken King. Why is it the same price?

Luke Smith: All I can do is answer that with the same thing I just gave you... We're really comfortable with the value we're giving to players this autumn. I believe that once we begin to share more, players will be even more excited. And for existing players it also comes with the Founder's pack with a new Sparrow, shader and emblem.

Eurogamer: Just not the emotes.

Luke Smith: It doesn't because they come with the Collector's Edition.

Eurogamer: Final question on prices -

Luke Smith: Is it also the final question on the emotes?

Eurogamer: I'm not going to mention them again. I can't get them.

Luke Smith: But you can if you buy the Collector's Edition.

Eurogamer: I'm not going to buy the game and the two DLCs all over again.

Luke Smith: Okay, but first I want to poke at you on this a little bit.

Eurogamer: Poke at me?

Luke Smith: You're feeling anxious because you want this exclusive content but you don't know yet how much you want it. The notion of spending this money is making you anxious, I can see it -

Eurogamer: I do want them. I would buy them -

Luke Smith: If I fired up a video right now and showed you the emotes you would throw money at the screen.

Eurogamer: What I'm saying is that fan frustration is not because they don't understand the proposition. It comes regardless of how cool the exclusive content is. The frustration - and mine as a fan - is that the method of acquiring it requires me to re-buy content I bought a year ago.

Luke Smith: [Long pause] It's about value. The player's assessment of the value of the content.
Step right up folks! Where the company promotes value for 3 emotes that you will be required to pay $80 for even if you own all the other portions of the game and this is the only way to get it!

I want a shot at this guy. VERY BADLY.

Someone let me loose on this ass "Luke Smith".


Just proves you were wrong the whole time for blaming EA for everything, and saying poor Bungie was the victims.

I'm going to dub you the Social Video Game Warrior. Your Cheeto stained brethren will march on Washington soon!

I'm not even sure what they did was wrong other then charging people the same amount for the digital download of the Collectors edition ( minus all psychical items) versus the physical Collectors edition.

For example, Pretty much every WOW xpac has had a standard, and Collectors edition. And when you buy that collectors edition was for in game items...


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Just proves you were wrong the whole time for blaming EA for everything, and saying poor Bungie was the victims.
It is Activision, not EA. At least know your publishers before your viral campaign begins. And yeah, the executive producer works for Bungie and is a mouth piece for Activision. Best of both worlds! Either way, Luke Smith sounds like a douche. You two related?


So the Head Dev of Bungie who worked on Vault of Glass is the mouth piece for Activision now?? hahahaha

O man, you are so Delusional,and the backpedal begins folks.

It's a conspiracy! , everyone works for Activision at Bungie, and they are trying to separate us from our precious in game fluff items! Whatever shall we do!
However will I live if I don't have that extra dance emote!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So the Head Dev of Bungie who worked on Vault of Glass is the mouth piece for Activision now?? hahahaha
I know. I couldn't believe the decision either! It does make sense though since he was a community manager before.


Karazhan Raider
Its things like this that make me feel relieved I've already moved on from this shitty company. Destiny could have been great