Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, for collection. I have an ok palindrome that i use for hand cannon bounties. Not a fan of HCs otherwise.


Trump's Staff
Started playing again to get the hang of it before Destiny 2. PS4, leveling a warlock from 25. I'm pretty good at pve and currently terrible at pvp (though only 25 with no gear/skills really). BrikkerLive psn if anyone wants to play.

Fastest way to level is...grinding strikes? Crucible?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
PVE leveling is super fast. My titan leveled with story and bounties, hunter with the boost, and warlock with just whatever bounties were convenient while doing a daily gold event. You should level all three characters so that the daily event not only gives 15 marks but also a guaranteed legendary engram.

Do TTK story (at least the first couple missions) as early as you can manage it so that you unlock the third subclass immediately. I would recommend ignoring the Y1 DLCs until you're 40. I wasted a lot of time doing that stuff when I should have been leveling with TTK and RoI missions.

Crucible XP seemed really shitty when I tried it pre-40, and it's so easy to get all the marks needed to buy everything remotely good (96%+) that I no longer bother with pvp at all. Only part that sucks about that is I can't buy the crucible quartermaster's guns if they are ever any good, oh well.

Strikes are probably good XP too, but pre-40 strikes aren't helping you progress unless you advance the story to the point where you have a quest to do them.

Vorph- is my PSN name. Might be a bit spotty the next few days but I'm usually on for a couple hours at least, just to do daily stuff.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Man, got a resurgence to prep for D2! Sounds like a good time!
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
How do you discern between TTK and regular missions? Also did you get a 40 boost for buying RoI or from something else?
The first mission is called The Coming War. Subclass is from a side mission that unlocks after that, you get it from your class trainer. In general though, TTK missions have the TTK symbol on them (looks like a "V" with some stuff above it). RoI missions have a hammer icon.

And yeah, TTK comes with a 25 boost and RoI comes with a 40. Complete edition gets you both.
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Trump's Staff
The first mission is called The Coming War. Subclass is from a side mission that unlocks after that, you get it from your class trainer. In general though, TTK missions have the TTK symbol on them (looks like a "V" with some stuff above it). RoI missions have a hammer icon.

And yeah, TTK comes with a 25 boost and RoI comes with a 40. Complete edition gets you both.

Hrm, I bought a digital code for RoI off Amazon and didn't see a 40 boost anywhere. Where would I retrieve it? That'd be handy to boost a hunter to 40 for the 3rd char


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hrm, I bought a digital code for RoI off Amazon and didn't see a 40 boost anywhere. Where would I retrieve it? That'd be handy to boost a hunter to 40 for the 3rd char
Mine were at the postmaster.

Looks like the Amazon digital version of RoI might not come with the boost though, according to the Q&A there. I bought the complete edition during E3 sale on PSN.


<Gold Donor>
Well if it was open beta like D1s open beta, it only lasted for a week or two if i remember correctly. Level capped at 8.


FoH nuclear response team
True, but I think the hype is going to be crazy and people aren't going to want to go back.

I really though Zarcath was going to come through with some codes for the 4 day weekend.


FoH nuclear response team
He hooked us up with the trolling of a lifetime and then dropped a deuce on our chest.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Meh, Destiny is a single player game as far as I'm concerned anyway. Never liked the raids and the Nightfalls were always 10x more fun to figure out how to solo. Not that my gear is anywhere close to good enough to try that in RoI.

I'm losing interest because vendors have had nothing but garbage two weeks in a row, and if Xur goes 3 in a row tomorrow morning then I'll probably just give up.


Trump's Staff
I doubt I'll play the beta (which I also heard only lasts about a week). I got a code for it though (PS4)...we'll see.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
PS4 beta is 18th-23rd if you have a preorder code. Enough time to get a feel for the new stats, make sure they didn't fuck up the shooting mechanics that made the first game worth playing, and see how it looks/runs on the Pro.