Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


Trakanon Raider
I don't know, I'm liking the game, but it is very predictable.

You know you will be to sneak/hack/shoot your way to the target, it literally plays like Human Revolution 2.0. I have yet to encounter a curveball besides the guys in the exo suits, but I had to neutralize a grand total of 1 so far (stun, then punch is the winning formula). For how vertical the levels are, the map does a terrible job at making you aware of that. Even the fact that you can grab any turret and literally walk away through the front door with them is equally hilarious and terribly broken, since the controls (and friendly fire) still work. The existence of multitools/non-existence of unhackable terminals made them do the bullshit with objectives not spawning until you are told about them, which doesn't belong in a Deus Ex game in my opinion. Fuck over the player a little bit, with hacking lvl 5, wall punching and jump augment, there is literally no place I can't get into, withholding the interesting stuff and making me backtrack is bad design.

I have to give it to them when it comes to world building though, the fact that you are checked by the cops every so often without it being annoying but it still makes you feel like second class citizen is genius. They way they build the story on top of HR is great, especially with recent events giving surge to extremism. You can feel it is just real enough to be believable, but still very much a fiction (thank god). Golem City has been a high point so far, bothh due to the level design and the way it wrapped up.

They butchered the czech language really badly, like, basic grammar errors and so on, I'm certain nobody who speaks czech had seen the final version for proofreading.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Being able to pick up turrets and move them around was in the last game.


TLP Idealist
Everyone else here does that thing where you never recharge your battery, you just leave it on the last section and reuse it over and over right?

Also holy fuck when I first went into our T59 compound or whatever it is... I had to hack every PC because I'm a retard and it took forever.


Trakanon Raider
Being able to pick up turrets and move them around was in the last game.
I know, but they were usually a bit better hidden and it doesn't fire off any alerts.

Everyone else here does that thing where you never recharge your battery, you just leave it on the last section and reuse it over and over right?

Also holy fuck when I first went into our T59 compound or whatever it is... I had to hack every PC because I'm a retard and it took forever.
Yeah, that's pretty much how the energy works, from time to time it is nice to pop a bio cell so you can clok AND punch somebody, or when the game doesn't think you should be able to do multiple takedown, so you have to punch twice. I have 25 just in case ...

Even with all the recharge augs it's pretty annoying to wait, but it is much better than in the first game.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I dunno, I've found using energy cells and having a lot of energy at my disposal for fast use has been coming in handy this go round.

I definitely did that more in Human Revolution, though.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So I cant update the game? Get "An error occurred while updating deus ex(missing content manifest)"



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
On Steam? I had that problem yesterday. Try restarting Steam a few times. Eventually it started working.


TLP Idealist
So I cant update the game? Get "An error occurred while updating deus ex(missing content manifest)"


This is going to sound retarded but change your download location in steam to Vietnam and then try again. After that change it back.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Just finished it at ~32 hours for a reasonably thorough first playthrough. 10/10. Exactly what I wanted in a sequel, better mechanically than HR, and more sandboxy/closer to the original game than HR in terms of what you can do in the world/how you can tackle objectives. People bitch it's not globetrotting...sure I guess, but prague is a fantastically realized open world environment. I don't have any problem wtih the plot or ending or anything either, it's like people only want games where it's literally "THE WORLD WILL EXPLODE NOW" at the end. I mean, no it's not THAT serious, but it's pretty damn serious, and the illuminati/conspiracy stuff is fairly on point as expected.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
If you had to rate all the DX games, what order would you rate them in?

My biggest disappointment with the DX games is that the first one was pure genius, but it was concluded in a way that made a logical sequel impossible, so we had to go to prequels. DX2 was so bad that I quit half way through and never played it again.

I liked DX:HR a lot because it was so similar to original DX, but in the same way I disliked it because it seemed a paint-by-numbers copy of the original DX - the idea seemed to be just to make Adam Jensen into the new JC Denton. Good game though.

Now all these games are out of out of historical sequence and are only loosely connected to each other, which is pretty annoying from a story telling point of view. I wish they had the foresight back in 2000 to set this game up for multiple sequels.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I consider the first game, and the second game, in classes all their own. In the former case, one of the greatest games ever, in the latter case, one of the most disappointing games ever due to the need to jam it into a format it wasn't made for (original xbox), and then I consider the two new games reboots of the series, tbh.

So I'd rate them separately.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't remember hacking being so susceptible to RNGesus assfuckery in HR, did they change up the percentages or something? I maxed out all the hacking stuff with my first batch of praxis, and I still have to save scum on difficulty 2-3 hacks quite often (going for the stores, not just straight to the exit).


I'm Amod too!
No shit, I didn't even bother with level 4-5 hacking because 3 was annoying enough even though I had maxed my hacking stealth.


Trakanon Raider
You need maxed fortify, 2-3 fortified nodes give you plenty of time, but RNG can still screw you over, healthy supply of nukes and stops is good to have.

Anyway, finished it, clocked in 32 hours with everything I could find hacked and poked into and I don't really get the complaints about ending. Apparently I got the Pacifist, somehow. The way they setup the last level is straight out of every Deus Ex fan's dreams, where essentially the whole level is the boss fight. Obviously, you can't defeat the big bads seen in the intro, so the whole story has this feeling of futility, but the guy you fight at the end has more background than all the mercenaries in HR combined and it feels better than just talking him to death like all the other ones. Sure the game might feel smaller, since you just work around Prague for the most part, but it's nice to not be saving the world for once and I'm impressed by how much detail they crammed into the city.

Yes, it sets up a sequel, but that isn't really a bad thing, especially with how they hint Adam is in their power all along. Third time in Prague with the martial law enacted really tested my patience, the loading times were a bloody pain, not to mention that all the sidequests only popped up one by one, so I was running back and forth like an idiot. The property bank vault was really nice touch, full of relics. I guess you can't get there without remote hacking to stop the ventilator in the bank garage, or if you choose to break in during the main quest. I felt like they missed a chance for a prison break sequence in GARM, they leave you for dead, but you still have all the firepower ? I also get the feeling some corners were cut, like how all the shopkeepers always greet you like you came there for the first time, the model quality outside of the few faces that pop up outside of cutscenes is markedly worse and the way you get to go the a shooting range after several hours tells me that the opening was supposed to be a bit different.

As far as game mechanics go, I hope they try a few more things in the future, on one hand, it is great that you can move through the whole game just punching people, however a few curveballs wouldn't hurt. Tranq dart to the face is really broken. Hell at the end I just ran around invisible trying to chew through 40+ biocells I had stashed away. They definitely got better with augs and mobility, every single one of them felt like they had a place. I didn't invest into the new stuff too much, since it felt really over the top, my fist works just as well, TYVM.

I'm gonna deduct a few points for how badly they butchered my language. Grammar errors, shitty pronounciation, misspelling of names ...

All in all, it's a good Deus Ex game and a great game in general, for 10/10 they need better writing and facial animation, that's a level below Witcher 3.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I just beat it and am going through the credits, I better get my damn pacifist achievement, I was non lethal the whole time and careful with the bodies.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So ... I am in the palisades on a side quest and hacked the robots to kill everyone lol. Am I still a pacifist since I didn't technically pull the trigger?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Probably not.


Yup, got it.

Now I can do a full combat run, which should be fun. Lotta good toys in this one I didn't even get to touch the first play through.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You need maxed fortify, 2-3 fortified nodes give you plenty of time, but RNG can still screw you over, healthy supply of nukes and stops is good to have.
The problem is, RNG can screw you over before you get to the point where Fortify will have any effect. In the more complicated layouts the red has a direct route to the green and in order to put up a fortification to slow it down you have to have successfully captured 3-4 nodes without getting caught. Having to use up all my nukes/stops/etc. on difficulty 2-3 hacks seems crazy when I have maxed hacking augs, and I guess that's my real complaint about how it works.