In that case you might enjoy porn more, better story and acting too!Even though they are obviously not going to show Hannah nude, seeing her legs wrapped around Dexter as they rolled around in bed made it worth it to watch the season imo.
well since Dexter is never home to teach him anything and Harrison is being raised by aPuerto Ricannanny who basically takes the kid anywhere and everywhere she goes for days on end... yea, he can finally write his name.Harrison took this long to learn how to write his name?
They should have killed Harrison at the end of s4.This show is True Blood-level dumb now. Really wish they would have called it quits after the Trinity/Lithgow season, if they had this show would be mentioned in the same class as Breaking Bad, or The Wire. It's fallen very, very far from that point now.
Yeah but Rita was an annoying nag.Well, Skyler is (or was) a very shallow character for so long, we haven't had a chance to really come into giving a shit about her. These last few episodes have definitely added depth to her, but too little too late, in my opinion.