porkchop sandwiches
Potato del Grande
- 524
- 546
Good shit - was not expecting that to happen. Really glad this show got good again. Those flashbacks really reminded me how awesome Doakes was.
I took that scene to be Hannah basically telling Deb that she knew she did it.Hannah really did drug Deb? Gimme a fucking break.
Hannah drugging Deb isn't any worse than the alternative of Deb flipping a convertible, injuring her own arm, and planting the the car into a ditch in the middle of the day by herself.What the motherfuck was that terrible, terrible finale. I feel like I got raped it was so bad. Hannah really did drug Deb? Gimme a fucking break. It was such a terrible attempted murder that there's no way it wasn't Deb doing it to herself. Dexter writers go "hey, since we suck at writing and all, and the only way this makes sense is if it's a setup, let's actually make it really Hannah! That'll throw them off! Herp derp."
Second, why did Deb have to kill LaGuerta? Dex was going to do it anyway. Why not just leave? And with her own gun? "OMG I can't believe I have to let Dex kill LaGuerta. This goes totally against my moral compass. How am I going to live with myself? OH I KNOW, KILL HER MYSELF AND MAKE IT 10 TIMES WORSE FOR NO REASON!" And if Dex's original plan worked, he would have a big pool of blood consistent with a knife wound on a table. Just "herp derp I'm the blood guy it looks like a gun shot. Case closed lol got out of another one"
Then dispose of both bodies, clean up the scene, and make it to the party by midnight, wearing your killing clothes despite the fact that YOU HUGGED A DEAD BLOODY BODY IN THE SAME CLOTHES.
What the Jesus black titty fucking christ was this abomination.