Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Played few hours on my (pretty strong) barb, found 0 upgrades. Not even for my alts.

Loot 2.0 is just as shitty as 1.0, except it has more defensive stats and less offensive ones.


Molten Core Raider
RoS has kind of fallen off my radar. I'm not 100% sure I'll pick it up at this point on release day.
Marvel probably still going to be the stronger game, hopefully they get some decent ideas to pilfer off the top of RoS.


<Bronze Donator>
The legendary drop rate was still being tinkered with as of 2 weeks ago. They said they implemented some piece of code that monitors your drop rate and ups the chance for a legendary the longer you go without a drop.

But, if your barb is already decked out, why were you expecting it to rain upgrades?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
But, if your barb is already decked out, why were you expecting it to rain upgrades?
Because its "loot 1.0" gear, which was bad.

Because PTR has "smart drops", which were supposed to be good.

Etc. Its not that I don't get legendaries or smart drops, its just that they suck. Still. (and I mean they are quite boring, very limited selection of useable stats, and overall quality of drops is just bad, I couldn't even find stuff for my alts which are on a 300m budget or something).


<Bronze Donator>
Smart drops just means most of the time, the loot will drop with str as the main stat(for your barb or crusader). This actually answers your third point about not finding stuff for alts and I will agree it's a problem. I played a couple characters to 60 on the PTR and there was almost no transfer of gear between characters. It's even worse if your follower has a different main stat.

Again, loot 2.0 doesn't mean shit is just going to fall from the sky. The people in here loving the new system were console players starting from scratch. Of course they're going to get a ton of upgrades. You're not, especially if you have a lot of attack speed gear. Attack speed got nerfed again.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
The people in here loving the new system were console players starting from scratch. Of course they're going to get a ton of upgrades. You're not, especially if you have a lot of attack speed gear. Attack speed got nerfed again.
You don't say? People which never played D3, were getting upgrades?

That was a selling point I am sure.

Contrary to "not getting upgrades", which is not a selling point for the fabled loot 2.0, nor for RoS which is build around said loot 2.0

Could just be me.


<Silver Donator>
Loot 2.0 doesn't mean you're going to find a ton of upgrades right away, and especially not if you're geared in legendaries/top tier rares already(not like super top tier but high tier at least). It simply means you'll find less loot that is entirely unusable by your character(wrong main stat), but past that it's still the same(well I believe the stats are generally higher too, they fixed the ranges so the minimums are higher). Enchanter helps a lot more than loot 2.0 in fixing items that could be good but aren't, but at the end of the day the best items in a lot of slots are still legendaries so until you find those, you're not gonna get many upgrades if your gear is already good. When you do find those legendaries though, they have better chances of being better for you by having your primary stat on them.

The other change is for leveling, where you constantly get better upgrades more often than before. In vanilla D3 it wasn't uncommon to enter inferno with gear that was lvl 30-40 because you never found anything better. It's much more unlikely now.


<Bronze Donator>
You do realize the situation you were playing your character wasn't, for lack of a better word, "intended"? You're at max level and geared out in between major content cycles, you're not supposed to find any upgrades. RoS goes live, you ding 61, upgrades ARE going to rain, I guarantee it.

Loot 2.0 promises less garbage drops. And it does deliver on that. Less stuff overall to pick up. Almost all drops will have stats useful to your character. And if it's not an upgrade, you can salvage it for tradeskills that will always be useful. Nobody has made the promise that loot 2.0 will give you upgrades all the time regardless of what you're currently wearing. That's stupid.


Trakanon Raider
Have they given a release estimate for patch 2.0, or is it coming out with the expansion in march instead of a pre-expansion patch?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Deathwing, honest question from someone that didnt like D3 too much after the honeymoon phase (but loved D2x), am I gonna like RoS changes? Havent kept up with it at all except I heard about the AH removal (no idea on other trade changes). My main beef was that good/best items for any build for a class were mostly identical, lack of variety if you will.


<Bronze Donator>
Very hard question to answer. I don't know what you liked about D2. I don't know when you stopped playing D3. And there's so much that's changing in RoS that I probably don't have all of it easily accessible to answer you.

Be a bit more specific. What didn't you like about D3?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
In D2 I enjoyed collecting stuff for specific builds, like runewords or specific uniques and to optimize you often used different items per build. In D3 I grew bored because even if I switched to entirely new builds, I wouldnt actually change gear at all, everything hinged in a few select +gooder items (cd, cc, haste mainly). I quit in June and checked it out a couple of times since but only for a day or two usually.

To give you an example of what I liked, the disintegrate spell for wizard had enough cost reduction options that made it viable to cast for extended times with the proper items, that mod was something I specifically sought out for the build. Most other skill mods were +gooder boring (more crit and the like). There were some other items like it for other classes, but imo far too little compared to the huge amount of focus on dps. One glance usually told if something is crap or hot, there was little to no "hmm but it's nice for a xyz build I'll stash that". I guess I enjoy the item hunt more if it occasionally opens entirely new ways to play the classes, instead of just making me kill a second faster. I also liked the addition of paragon but it too felt too flat - afaik they expand on that, good move imo. In D2 you were always at least getting xp even if nothing awesome dropped, endless paragon probably has that effect.

Other issues were less game design-related like the retarded story that's also pushed in your face every step of the way, but afaik that's gone. I'd also like less convoluted systems in place and more straight monster bashing, I hear they build in some stuff I'm not sure about but with just rumors or outdated beta info I dont want to judge early.

TLDR: "I guess I enjoy the item hunt more if it occasionally opens entirely new ways to play the classes, instead of just making me kill a second faster." .. after re-reading this post that line really stuck out as the main point.