Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Bronze Donator>
Furor has verbally berated me for many things, almost all of them deserved, but this is not one of them. Odd that I miss those raiding days.

You're wrong, grow up and accept it. Masochist D2 is not coming back. And get it straight, I'm not defending D3. I'm saying you're wrong. Learn how to nuance a discussion beyond black and white.


Eh D3 didn'tsuckafter they patched it.

Oh and almost zero games compare to D2 Lord of Destruction expac with synergy patch.

I could go into just about every Other Games thread and say "the finished Diablo 2 product was better wtf is this garbage"!

As far as PvP ActiBlizzard has openly stated that they believe non-consentual PvP is TERRIBLE GAME DESIGN (again, according to them). I mean, I think that's retarded but they are trying to sell games to the millions and millions of unwashed drool cupping masses who won't last a single week night without uninstalling after going 0-200 against players that exercise things like "effort" and "learning from mistakes" or "figuring out what to do better". So yeah, continuing to bark up ActiBlizzard's tree about that shit is pointless and everyone should know better.


Trakanon Raider
They still fucked up itemization really badly, primary stats are nonsense that only lead to mudflation, defensive stats were eclipsed by a little bit of lifeleech and the whole resist/absorb/immunity system was thrown into trash for no good reason and almost every stat scales linearly so more of anything is better.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Masochist D2 is not coming back.
Masochist D2? What's AA demanding that was so bad, or are you just adressing his old man ranting in kind? For the record I did like that you basically wrapped up a build in the 80s in D2 but still had gains from the last, drawn out levels. Item-only progression is something I'm not too fond of. I assume that unlimited paragon levels will fill that purpose.

They still fucked up itemization really badly, primary stats are nonsense that only lead to mudflation, defensive stats were eclipsed by a little bit of lifeleech and the whole resist/absorb/immunity system was thrown into trash for no good reason and almost every stat scales linearly so more of anything is better.
Didnt they seperate main stats from the rest of the random pool? I tried to read up on that and smart drops (without going over the last year of this thread) but googling turned up alot of conflicting info, I assume that's because of beta changes. One blurb that caught my eye during that they are trying to do away with you always being one hit from death and merely living due to leech, that does imply less overwhelming incoming dps


Trakanon Raider
I'm not talking about how they put stats on items, which is what they are fixing, I'm talking about how primary stat is the holy grail for every class and how it multiplies every other stat like crit/as/cc so you end up with some crazy numbers that don't serve anything.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hey guy, who the fuck are you?

If Furor was here he'd bitchslap the shit out of your smarmy face.

D3 sucks and you keep defending it like a pathetic cunt. It's funny.
You constantly try to use your "I'm old school card" so often it is almost a running joke at this point


<Bronze Donator>
Masochist D2? What's AA demanding that was so bad, or are you just adressing his old man ranting in kind? For the record I did like that you basically wrapped up a build in the 80s in D2 but still had gains from the last, drawn out levels. Item-only progression is something I'm not too fond of. I assume that unlimited paragon levels will fill that purpose.
He wants "character progression". AKA, he wants to punch himself in the balls. Want to try a new build, have fun releveling to 85 for the 11th time. There's a lot of tedium and annoyance in D2 that's thankfully missing from D3 and most players don't want it bad. It's bad enough that he comes in here every few days with the same vague "this game sucks!" without really expounding upon anything. But he acts like everyone else agrees with him.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
He wants "character progression". AKA, he wants to punch himself in the balls. Want to try a new build, have fun releveling to 85 for the 11th time. There's a lot of tedium and annoyance in D2 that's thankfully missing from D3 and most players don't want it bad. It's bad enough that he comes in here every few days with the same vague "this game sucks!" without really expounding upon anything. But he acts like everyone else agrees with him.
Something you get for free is worth nothing.

Without having to put effort into creating a unique character, people just don't get attached to theirs.

D3 has no diversity.

While their might be diversity due to the new skill-specific affixes, those are BoA and require a combination of hard luck and grinding to get, without any guarantees.

You say leveling to 85 is so terrible, what is worse about that then grinding for a required affix which you need for a specific build?


<Bronze Donator>
Nirgon could help you better, but none of them jumped out at me immediately. They WILL sell appropriately priced, you just won't get 100's of millions of gold.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, if it's not hundreds of millions of gold I'm not going to bother. I just sold off enough gold to buy the expac with 300 mil left on my character, just in case I ever do want to buy it.


Got something right about marriage
He wants "character progression". AKA, he wants to punch himself in the balls. Want to try a new build, have fun releveling to 85 for the 11th time. There's a lot of tedium and annoyance in D2 that's thankfully missing from D3 and most players don't want it bad. It's bad enough that he comes in here every few days with the same vague "this game sucks!" without really expounding upon anything. But he acts like everyone else agrees with him.
I haven't played D3 since a month after release. One of the big reasons was because there was really no reason to try different builds. When you have a character just respec at max level all you need to do is swap gear out, if you don't have gear that's as good as your previous spec the new spec will probably not be fun because it will be slower to do the same content you've been doing previously.

Levelling a new character is not tedious in games like D2 because you get to use the items you found to make you a god through the lower levels. You enjoy smashing shit with your new build while levelling up again. In fact, I rarely kept playing my 80+ characters in D2, the most fun part of the game for me was levelling up new specs. So I disagree with you that it's tedium since one of my major pieces of enjoyment with ARPGs is in the levelling process. I may be alone in that but I don't think I am. Go to the Marvel Heroes thread and see how many people enjoy starting and levelling new characters and ask them how often they stick to just one character. The funny thing is the level cap and respeccing can work and it can work well (It's actually also how Marvel Heroes is set up, level to 60, able to respec with a rare item drop). D3 just doesn't have enough classes. Marvel has something like 29 different playable hero classes and they add new ones all the time. D3 has what? 6 classes with the XPac? Farming in ARPGs is fun, but you need other ways to enjoy the game outside of that as well. There's only so many loot runs I can do in a row, eventually I'm going to want to play a new character and smash shit while levelling.


Lord Nagafen Raider
D3 Classes have a large pool of abilities to specialize in, but they are balanced terribly. I strongly disagree about D2, I rarely replayed it because I did NOT want to start at level 1 again and plow through acts 1-5 over and over again for hours before the build actually reached fruition. There's no fun in doing the same thing I've done half a dozen times to try something new for half an hour. The D3 model is way more entertaining to me. 5 classes (currently) that I ground up to 60 that all have very different playstyles that can then further be differentiated with a few button clicks for something almost brand new.

There's plenty of modern games out now that I wish had more lenient respecing tools (Valdis, Dust) so I could play them differently without having to start from scratch. Obviously, there are people who disagree (Khane), but it sure doesn't look like you're the majority anymore, if you ever were. If I could have played every class in an MMO at the same level as my highest level WITHOUT grinding, I gladly would have done so, as would probably 95%+ of the population. Intentional grinds to inflate game play times are not smart, cunning, ingenious, or even fun (usually). They're intentional grinds designed to artificially inflate game played times.


<Bronze Donator>
If I remember D2 correctly, no, you didn't relevel characters with stuff you found at 85+. The treasure classes restricted items from dropping under a certain ilvl. D3 has this too.

I think you're conflating two points. I say rerolling characters to try new specs is a tedious and meaningless timesink. You say you like killing shit and feeling powerful while leveling up. These are two separate things that happen at the same time but aren't related.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Nah bro D2 was perfect. It was a total blast to find someone to rush you to Act5 normal and then leech off XP from Baal runs while just trying not to die. It was so fucking fun.


Vyemm Raider
I say rerolling characters to try new specs is a tedious and meaningless timesink.
Pretty sure everything in games is a time sink. I'm not necessarily for or against re-specs, but let's be realistic here. What does a re-spec accomplish other than allowing you to try a new build and become bored 10x as fast. Sure re-leveling could be considered tedious, but at least it made trying new builds an effort. Now it's like "Hmm, gee... I'm bored I think I'll switch specs.." an hour later, "Hmmm, this spec isn't fun either... *logs off*."

Honestly I find it funny that on a forum where the majority of people clamor for EQ style gameplay we have people bitching about the tedium of having any sort of time sinks in a game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Without the MMO part of EQ, no one would have played it, and even with the advantages EQ had it wouldn't really be considered successful by today's standards. That may sound obvious, but there's a HUGE difference between tedium in a social setting and tedium in effectively a single player setting. Getting your D2 lowbie alt into boss runs was the most fun way to grind because there were other people involved and you were actually doing something requiring some small skill (not dying).


<Bronze Donator>
Pretty sure everything in games is a time sink. I'm not necessarily for or against re-specs, but let's be realistic here. What does a re-spec accomplish other than allowing you to try a new build and become bored 10x as fast. Sure re-leveling could be considered tedious, but at least it made trying new builds an effort. Now it's like "Hmm, gee... I'm bored I think I'll switch specs.." an hour later, "Hmmm, this spec isn't fun either... *logs off*."

Honestly I find it funny that on a forum where the majority of people clamor for EQ style gameplay we have people bitching about the tedium of having any sort of time sinks in a game.
Bolded part is pointless pedantry.

So, you walk to work, right? Mow your lawn by hand with a nose hair trimmer? Power your house with a bicycle hooked up to a generator? I mean, otherwise, you might get bored.

And no, I seriously doubt the majority of people on this board are clamoring for old school EQ gameplay. Is this something you people tell yourselves to feel "right"? Vindicate your preferred gameplay based on its merits, not because other people want it too.