Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Silver Donator>
Well D3 is definitely not fun while rerolling, at least with current system. It's slow and boring as all fuck since the difficulty is like extremely shit until at least hell. It is however much much much better in RoS, since you can set your difficulty from the start and level to 50ish in one playthrough, while having the auto cutscenes skip(which is just really skipping them without pressing the key but still). I had a lot of fun leveling my crusader on RoS, I had a lot less fun leveling my sorc when I picked up the game at the RoS announcement to prepare a bit for launch, and the sorc wasn't a reroll either(highest sorc I had was 20 or something).

So at least for that imo RoS is a success, it's more fun to level in. I don't know about staying power and what not, nor do I really care, I do enjoy these games for the leveling aspect more so than the endgame farming(which I actually dislike mostly) so for me RoS is gonna be quite nice, leveling a WD, getting my monk and sorc to 70 and maybe lvling a crusader again too, and then fucking around for a bit at high lvl. I expect it to last about a week or so, which for the reduced price tag, and even for a full new game price, is well worth it in my book. I don't expect games to hold me more than a week nowadays, I just care about them holding me more than a couple of days.


Vyemm Raider
What I liked about D2 was there were items and rune words that would make or break a build. You basically needed to have those items on hand before you considered trying the build. The reason being, is that these items completely overhauled how certain skills functioned and interacted.

I haven't played D3 enough to know if there are any items like this. It appears as if gear in D3 does not change how a character plays at all. The only thing that limits how a character functions is their level and skill rune access. Gear simply increases your multiplier which lets you compete against the game's multiplier, which just makes me wonder... what the hell is the point of the higher difficulties.

Like I said, I haven't played enough yet to know if end level items have really interesting and creative attributes... or if everything is simply +gooder


Too much +gooderer, too many useless skills/abilities compared to the viable setups.

They fix that, and I'm getting an xpac box.


Got something right about marriage
What's Pantheon?

But, let me see if I can finally understand your opinion. Because D2 forced you to reroll characters to try new gear and specs and you happened to find that tedium fun, D2 was fun. Because D3 cuts out the rerolling while still allowing you to try new gear and specs(same end goal), it's not fun? Even though in D3, you can force yourself to reroll a new character to try specs and gear, it's only fun when the game forces you to do it?

That about sum it up?
What you seem to not understand is that I genuinely enjoyed rolling new characters. There was nothing tedious about it for me. When there is a purpose to the gameplay that very purpose creates a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. That accomplishment, that carrot at the end of the stick or light at the end of the tunnel reduces or eliminates the tedium (if the time spent vs reward is within reason). That's what you don't seem to understand. I never felt forced to do anything. I could stick with one character and farm all day and level to 99, or I could map out a new character, find new ways to level faster, brag about how quickly I was able to power level myself. These things are rewarding to players. There is a reason people roll alts or keep a stable of playable characters in many games. It's why people re-roll the same character class in single player RPG's on higher difficulties or with self imposed rules or do speed runs of old NES games. There is no reason to do that in D3 for most people.

I understand why you prefer the D3 system. You don't seem to be able to understand why someone else might prefer the D2 system. That's your failure to comprehend, not mine. For me and my money D2 had significantly higher replay value. D3 is a one and done game for someone like me. Which is fine. I never complained that D3 was a waste of money, just that I prefer the way D2 played. But you're lumping me into some category of people who come into threads of games they hate and seagull it up. Flap your wings, scream a bunch, shit all over everything then leave. I don't do that, I've never done it in any thread on these forums. When I complain about something that complaint tends to have substance and a real argument behind it.


<Bronze Donator>
So reroll characters in D3! You're not saying anything that can't be done in D3. 10 barbs at level 60. One's your female barb, one is your male barb, one is your hardcore barb(you can reroll this guy ad infinitum), one is your lightning weapon barb, one is your LoH barb, one is your LPS barb, one is your earthquake avalanche seismic slam barb(aka the tremor barb), one is your no AH barb. I mean, cmon, I'm making these up on the spot.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
What's gold sell for these days? Is it worth installing to buy a few billion before the expansion?


Got something right about marriage
So reroll characters in D3! You're not saying anything that can't be done in D3. 10 barbs at level 60. One's your female barb, one is your male barb, one is your hardcore barb(you can reroll this guy ad infinitum), one is your lightning weapon barb, one is your LoH barb, one is your LPS barb, one is your earthquake avalanche seismic slam barb(aka the tremor barb), one is your no AH barb. I mean, cmon, I'm making these up on the spot.
You really are a typical engineer. And I should know, some of my best friends are engineers. I went to Clarkson University, which you probably know since you're from Ithaca. You are a very literal bunch, and even when you know you're wrong you'll never admit it. Just latch onto minutiae ad nauseam until the person you're arguing with gives up. A war of attrition.


Molten Core Raider
What I liked about D2 was there were items and rune words that would make or break a build. You basically needed to have those items on hand before you considered trying the build. The reason being, is that these items completely overhauled how certain skills functioned and interacted.
Agree. D2:LoDs itemization was outstanding. D3 is poor in this and pretty much every other regard. The fact Blizzard has had to remove trading from the game in RoS and turn it into a pinata speaks volumes about how clueless they are these days about how to plug into fun gameplay.


Trump's Staff
I played D3 quite a bit around launch duoing with my Girlfriend mostly. We play pretty casually and for all its faults I feel like I got my money's worth so I will almost certainly pick up the expansion. Can anyone provide some info as to how the 2 new content modes are? I am curious to see what they changed in that regard but haven't had luck Googling a succinct review of them.

I don't really want to wade into this debate (have had enough of them with my colleagues), but for me the biggest failing of D3 was something I never really hear anyone complain about, its content construction. I thought the systems (excluding itemization) and moment to moment gameplay are pretty unmatched by any other action RPG out there including D2.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I guess I don't get it either (and I'm not an engineer)... why would you want to start a brand-new character to try out a new piece of equipment? That's sounds tedious as hell. I fucking hated it in D2 (and I made Javazons, Burizazons, Charged Bolt Sorcs, and Frozen Orb Sorcs), and my buddies always complained when I made them power level me.

The only time releveling was fun was when a new ladder came out, because then it's a legitimate race.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Khane, I'm not an engineer.

I understand that rerolling in D2 was fun, and completely agree mapping out a new character, and changing things up a bit to level faster, etc was what made it fun.

But, isn't that do-able in D3? Or what is different in D3 that makes it not fun to do? Help me understand.

Angry Amadeus_sl

So reroll characters in D3! You're not saying anything that can't be done in D3. 10 barbs at level 60. One's your female barb, one is your male barb, one is your hardcore barb(you can reroll this guy ad infinitum), one is your lightning weapon barb, one is your LoH barb, one is your LPS barb, one is your earthquake avalanche seismic slam barb(aka the tremor barb), one is your no AH barb. I mean, cmon, I'm making these up on the spot.
Do you even read the shit you type?

I would suggest a ban on your trolling.

You can instantly change skills at max level, so there's no need to reroll. That's the greatest weakness - no sense of involvement in your character at all, because you don't need to have one.

Get it, fucky?

Angry Amadeus_sl

Agree. D2:LoDs itemization was outstanding. D3 is poor in this and pretty much every other regard. The fact Blizzard has had to remove trading from the game in RoS and turn it into a pinata speaks volumes about how clueless they are these days about how to plug into fun gameplay.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Khane, I'm not an engineer.

I understand that rerolling in D2 was fun, and completely agree mapping out a new character, and changing things up a bit to level faster, etc was what made it fun.

But, isn't that do-able in D3? Or what is different in D3 that makes it not fun to do? Help me understand.
There is no point to reroll in D3 since you can change your skill selection at random. In D2, your skills were locked in once chosen, permanently. After a while Blizzard wanted to cater to the masses and introduced a skill reset mechanic through an NPC that allowed you to reset your skills once per act.

Angry Amadeus_sl

What you seem to not understand is that I genuinely enjoyed rolling new characters. There was nothing tedious about it for me. When there is a purpose to the gameplay that very purpose creates a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. That accomplishment, that carrot at the end of the stick or light at the end of the tunnel reduces or eliminates the tedium (if the time spent vs reward is within reason). That's what you don't seem to understand. I never felt forced to do anything. I could stick with one character and farm all day and level to 99, or I could map out a new character, find new ways to level faster, brag about how quickly I was able to power level myself. These things are rewarding to players. There is a reason people roll alts or keep a stable of playable characters in many games. It's why people re-roll the same character class in single player RPG's on higher difficulties or with self imposed rules or do speed runs of old NES games. There is no reason to do that in D3 for most people.

I understand why you prefer the D3 system. You don't seem to be able to understand why someone else might prefer the D2 system. That's your failure to comprehend, not mine. For me and my money D2 had significantly higher replay value. D3 is a one and done game for someone like me. Which is fine. I never complained that D3 was a waste of money, just that I prefer the way D2 played. But you're lumping me into some category of people who come into threads of games they hate and seagull it up. Flap your wings, scream a bunch, shit all over everything then leave. I don't do that, I've never done it in any thread on these forums. When I complain about something that complaint tends to have substance and a real argument behind it.
Exactly. You can tell he's got the engineer mind with this but not the "enjoyment" mind. Probably a huge WoW fan, post-TBC.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Khane, I'm not an engineer.

I understand that rerolling in D2 was fun, and completely agree mapping out a new character, and changing things up a bit to level faster, etc was what made it fun.

But, isn't that do-able in D3? Or what is different in D3 that makes it not fun to do? Help me understand.
For one, the levels at which you obtain the skills (depending on build more importantly the runes) is set in stone and extends across the entire level range in D3, while in D2 you could have your prefered spells while wrapping up normal mode.

I'll buy it, and I'm not making it a pointless argument why D2 was more fun for me then D3vanilla, but it was for me. Fun is subjective. I did reroll different builds in D2 and made several wizards in D3 (or tried - lost interest in doing so because normal/nightmare was too easy and my skill progress was dictated by the game to a large degree). So my hope for the expansion is that sticking with the lvl70 but getting build-changing items to try new stuff, which wasnt really there in D3 before. We'll see if it lasts longer then the base game - entirely random levels alone sound more fun then the setup D3 has right now. I'm one of the sickos that didnt map hack and enjoyed the larger levels in Hell D2.