Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Molten Core Raider
Also, I hate the phrase "killing monsters for cool loot!" - they bastardized the loot system. Even in that twitch stream last night with Yang, he has no idea why having loot tables on bosses is a good idea, or why people might like that. It's as if they are so focused on pulling in the WoW crowd - which hey, from a business perspective makes total sense - that they somehow forgot about the Diablo crowd.
AA, have you tried PoE? I know I highly preferred PoE to D3; new leagues begin March 5th and a lot of people are super excited for it. Fresh HC economy, nom nom nom.


<Bronze Donator>
Also, I hate the phrase "killing monsters for cool loot!" - they bastardized the loot system. Even in that twitch stream last night with Yang, he has no idea why having loot tables on bosses is a good idea, or why people might like that. It's as if they are so focused on pulling in the WoW crowd - which hey, from a business perspective makes total sense - that they somehow forgot about the Diablo crowd.
WoW does have loot on specific bosses.

Ever stop to think that maybe you're in the extreme minority and that most of the complaints you continually voice are being addressed? The mistake you keep making is thinking there's legions of players wanting to play D3 the same exact way you do, so it gives you license to post like a righteous cunt. Go back to playing P99 and be happy there's even a niche game that still caters to you masochistic blowhards.


Molten Core Raider
After we would close for the day, the few of us that ran the shop would log all 80 computers into battle.net and run bots. This was how you played D2 if you were "hardcore"
So your argument as to why d3 is superior to d2 is that d2 had botting? Because d3 doesn't have botting? d3 has MORE botting, and had them much sooner after launch. Botting was rampant and caused massive inflation in the AH because of sanctioned RMT and therefore damaged the game experience for far more players. I must have missed something because criticizing d2 for bots just because you elected not to bot in d3 makes zero sense to me.

Speaking of the AH, you want to complain that you weren't actually playing the game because bots were apparently too irresistible for you to refuse? I very literally spent more time browsing the AH than I did playing the game in d3. At least if you botted d2 you didn't have to stay at the machine, while in d3 you had to very tediously search for bargains in the AH to advance your character. AH filters were limited to 3 for how long after launch? Yeah, fun times.

Both games are farming games. That's what diablo IS-- a loot casino where you roll the dice after each kill. And I would argue d2 did it better simply because certain builds in certain areas had better chances for certain items, meaning you didn't just farm the exact same route with the same build every single game.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Because d3 doesn't have botting? d3 has MORE botting, and had them much sooner after launch.
Citation please. Or is this now a thread where we just make up wild accusations based on anecdotal evidence?


<Bronze Donator>
So your argument as to why d3 is superior to d2 is that d2 had botting? Because d3 doesn't have botting? d3 has MORE botting, and had them much sooner after launch. Botting was rampant and caused massive inflation in the AH because of sanctioned RMT and therefore damaged the game experience for far more players. I must have missed something because criticizing d2 for bots just because you elected not to bot in d3 makes zero sense to me.

Speaking of the AH, you want to complain that you weren't actually playing the game because bots were apparently too irresistible for you to refuse? I very literally spent more time browsing the AH than I did playing the game in d3. At least if you botted d2 you didn't have to stay at the machine, while in d3 you had to very tediously search for bargains in the AH to advance your character. AH filters were limited to 3 for how long after launch? Yeah, fun times.

Both games are farming games. That's what diablo IS-- a loot casino where you roll the dice after each kill. And I would argue d2 did it better simply because certain builds in certain areas had better chances for certain items, meaning you didn't just farm the exact same route with the same build every single game.
I believe Madruk was just stating how he played D2, not quantitatively comparing the two games. I think he said as much later in the thread.

Certain builds were better for certain areas because of fucking double immunities. Worst design decision they made on D2. Maybe even D3.


<Bronze Donator>
You got lucky, that was the rarest double immunity and *most* of the time, switching to a weapon with the physical resistance reduction curse would bust the immunity. Most of the time. Otherwise, have fun just running away. Great gameplay. Requiring points in berserk just to deal with physical immune is stupid enough.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
All my other characters were single-spec Sorcs so dealing with getting immunity fucked was just an everyday occurance


but the brilliant part about the game tenks, is you had a FUCKING CHOICE TO DO THAT. d3 gives you no choices. no customization. nothing. here are all your skills, they are just as good as everyone elses. here are all your stats, you are the same as everyone else. it blows.


no it is blatant truth. i spent thousands of hours on d2 and about 100 on d3. it makes me sick what they did to that game. and no, i never botted. also, file me under the group that loved trading, hated auction house. i got to be a decent member in the community and had traders on friends list and stuff. you don't do that with the auction house. i have no idea how they made the game less community focused.

also moving the game from 8 players to 4 was a huge mistake. would have been awesome to see the number increase or at least be able to have 1 of each class. oh well.


Molten Core Raider
Citation please. Or is this now a thread where we just make up wild accusations based on anecdotal evidence?
Oh yeah, let me just cite wikipedia for you. At least you didn't call me a masochist or a cunt, so that's something.

Assuming you're even serious, I'll respond. Botters were very strongly motivated to develop bots because of the sanctioned RMT, and they started making bots well before launch using the beta client. fohguild.org had multiple threads about which bots people were using and avoiding getting caught weeks after launch.Here is a thread on ownedcore discussing a working bot before the game even launched.

Botting is just much easier today than it was 14 years ago for reasons that aren't even in Blizzard's control. Tools like autoit are well developed and cheaters have experience from previous games. Game clients are more 'multi-taskable' and whatnot as well. People are running multiple bots in VMs on the same machine.

Certain builds were better for certain areas because of fucking double immunities. Worst design decision they made on D2. Maybe even D3.
I was referring to things like farming whites in the cow level, and farming SoJs from Andariel. Certain items had a better chance of dropping off certain mobs in certain acts. Also, as for builds, making a bliz sorc for meph runs is one example that came to mind.

Immunities punished builds that focused on one skill, which encouraged skill diversity; otherwise everybody would just be rolling one spec. All game design choices have pros and cons, and immunities definitely have some cons. Immunities weren't what pissed me off in d2 though, iron maiden mobs was #1, followed by the ridiculous damage from the lightning mobs.


<Bronze Donator>
no it is blatant truth. i spent thousands of hours on d2 and about 100 on d3. it makes me sick what they did to that game. and no, i never botted. also, file me under the group that loved trading, hated auction house. i got to be a decent member in the community and had traders on friends list and stuff. you don't do that with the auction house. i have no idea how they made the game less community focused.

also moving the game from 8 players to 4 was a huge mistake. would have been awesome to see the number increase or at least be able to have 1 of each class. oh well.
So don't use the AH? D2JSP was/is alive and well, among other sites I'm sure. Or play hardcore. What's with you people? The game has to make you trade?

Immunities punished builds that focused on one skill, which encouraged skill diversity; otherwise everybody would just be rolling one spec. All game design choices have pros and cons, and immunities definitely have some cons. Immunities weren't what pissed me off in d2 though, iron maiden mobs was #1, followed by the ridiculous damage from the lightning mobs.
I'd be fine with immunities if the game gave you ways to deal with it that didn't make you feel like a gimp. Either spec for immunities and kill shit really slow, or spec for killing shit and when your immunity popped up often enough, kill it really slow. That's not good game design. That's why barbs were my favorite after that retarded decision. Physical immunity was really uncommon, so all you had to do was drop 20 points in berserk, which was a good synergy for other skills, and just kill a few mobs slower than you'd like.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Oh yeah, let me just cite wikipedia for you. At least you didn't call me a masochist or a cunt, so that's something.
You've stated that D3 botting is more prevalent than D2 botting, with nothing to really quantify that statement. You've used anecdotal evidence and the notion that botting is "easier" today than it was 14 years ago. Botting is also easier to "catch" today than it was 14 years ago.


Even botting was more fun in d2 it was fun to see what you got after a night but botting in d3 was just tedium having to id everything and vendor 99% of it


Molten Core Raider
Botting is also easier to "catch" today than it was 14 years ago.
Citation needed.

To clarify, when I say botting was more common in d3, I mean at the same period of the game's life. I.e. d3 and launch vs. d2 at launch. Comparing the cheating situations of d2 years after launch, after people had much more time to develop bots, to d3 at launch is silly.

d3 had multiple bots that you could purchase with real money from the author's web sites days after the game launched. Professional overseas RMT operations were running bot farms and doinginterviews with markee dragon3 weeks after launch. If you need a 'citation' to prove to you that this wasn't the case until much longer into d2's life, then I'm done responding to you. Did d2 even have a beta?

Angry Amadeus_sl

no it is blatant truth. i spent thousands of hours on d2 and about 100 on d3. it makes me sick what they did to that game. and no, i never botted. also, file me under the group that loved trading, hated auction house. i got to be a decent member in the community and had traders on friends list and stuff. you don't do that with the auction house. i have no idea how they made the game less community focused.

also moving the game from 8 players to 4 was a huge mistake. would have been awesome to see the number increase or at least be able to have 1 of each class. oh well.
Perfectly stated.

Angry Amadeus_sl

AA, have you tried PoE? I know I highly preferred PoE to D3; new leagues begin March 5th and a lot of people are super excited for it. Fresh HC economy, nom nom nom.
Man - I am *loving* Path of Exile. Apparently they just topped 2,000,000 players; I would assume a good chunk of those are people like me, who didn't get the ARPG they were looking for from Blizzard.

I want all of you fucking Diablo 3 fanbois to sit back and listen for a god damned second.

Diablo 2 was my favorite game of all time; of all time. I spent thousands of hours in it - the item hunt, the unique builds, the music and the darkness. I'm going to liken it to a really hot chick that you start banging for a year or so. She's great - smart, nice tits, perfection.

With Diablo 3 - all of that evaporated; she got fat, dejected, and really into Caramel De Luce ice cream. She's not hot anymore, in fact she's quite repulsive. You try not to avoid her because of the great times you did share in the past, remembering her perky tits.

But those days have vanished and you are stuck with an empty, angry, pathetic clone of what she once was.

Also - deadwing - sorry bro had to toss you on ignore. Nothing personal but your troll attempts are so WoW-ified and 2008 that they just get me angry.

Much love,



Molten Core Raider
Man - I am *loving* Path of Exile. Apparently they just topped 2,000,000 players; I would assume a good chunk of those are people like me, who didn't get the ARPG they were looking for from Blizzard.

I want all of you fucking Diablo 3 fanbois to sit back and listen for a god damned second.

Diablo 2 was my favorite game of all time; of all time. I spent thousands of hours in it - the item hunt, the unique builds, the music and the darkness. I'm going to liken it to a really hot chick that you start banging for a year or so. She's great - smart, nice tits, perfection.

With Diablo 3 - all of that evaporated; she got fat, dejected, and really into Caramel De Luce ice cream. She's not hot anymore, in fact she's quite repulsive. You try not to avoid her because of the great times you did share in the past, remembering her perky tits.

But those days have vanished and you are stuck with an empty, angry, pathetic clone of what she once was.

Also - deadwing - sorry bro had to toss you on ignore. Nothing personal but your troll attempts are so WoW-ified and 2008 that they just get me angry.

Much love,

I didn't expect the March 5th mini-expansion to really matter too much, but the little tidbits Chris keeps throwing out are actually getting me really stoked.