Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Source? Its not that I don't believe you... It's just that I don't believe you. I can't find any price drops from any major retailers.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Oh yeah, let me just cite wikipedia for you. At least you didn't call me a masochist or a cunt, so that's something.

Assuming you're even serious, I'll respond. Botters were very strongly motivated to develop bots because of the sanctioned RMT, and they started making bots well before launch using the beta client. fohguild.org had multiple threads about which bots people were using and avoiding getting caught weeks after launch.Here is a thread on ownedcore discussing a working bot before the game even launched.

Botting is just much easier today than it was 14 years ago for reasons that aren't even in Blizzard's control. Tools like autoit are well developed and cheaters have experience from previous games. Game clients are more 'multi-taskable' and whatnot as well. People are running multiple bots in VMs on the same machine.

I was referring to things like farming whites in the cow level, and farming SoJs from Andariel. Certain items had a better chance of dropping off certain mobs in certain acts. Also, as for builds, making a bliz sorc for meph runs is one example that came to mind.

Immunities punished builds that focused on one skill, which encouraged skill diversity; otherwise everybody would just be rolling one spec. All game design choices have pros and cons, and immunities definitely have some cons. Immunities weren't what pissed me off in d2 though, iron maiden mobs was #1, followed by the ridiculous damage from the lightning mobs.
They did eventually remove iron maiden from Oblivion Knights. I don't think the damage from Gloams was ever adjusted.

I liked the Immunity factory in D2. A lot of builds really came into their own during Nightmare, and by the time you were moving into Hell, you were a wrecking ball. The moment you arrived in Hell, it was generally apparent that the game play style that got you through Nightmare would need to change entirely. Cold based builds were suddenly useless against much of A1. Even after you had significantly geared up and leveled up in Hell, some builds just weren't very well suited for certain areas. You would try to mitigate these factors with little tricks, be it a Lower Resist wand or an exceptionally strong merc, but in generally it just wasn't efficient to play in these places. That sort of variety gave the game a lot of life. They made some changes which eventually negated the immunity issue a bit, namely the stupid strength of Blessed Hammer and later on the Infinity runeword.

The feeling that each type of character had a unique niche was really appealing to me, and this was largely driven by the Immunity mechanic. I would usually have several different high level characters just in case I needed to help somebody through a certain type of region. Javazons were great for a lot of areas; Trap Assassins had a lot of overlap but I usually kept one of them as well as their Mind Blast/Merc/Sentry/Trap combo could stop some extremely powerful combos in Hell. Would normally have a Barbarian for Hell ancients and a Sorc for rushing and MFing on bosses. I felt this gave the game a lot more character than the one size fits all approach that modern games seem to be leaning towards.

In regards to botting, I do not remember it being an issue at release. By mid 1.09, however, it was completely out of control. As a player in HC, I felt like the main driver of botting was generally an arms race for PvP. The characters that mega wealthy botters could afford were impossible to compete against as a lay person. In the back of my mind, the possibility of eventually gearing a successful PvP toon was a significant driving force behind my high play times. PvP was also in a lot of ways a direct driver of economic action and trading.


the best part of diablo2 for me was trying to make wacky builds work. throwbarbs, singing barbs, kickassins, etc. in d3, you play the one or two builds or you can't play. there is no room for the fun build. no items that really make things shine. upped ethereal titans on a javazon? oh shit!

edit : i guess what people don't understand is that we didn't want a reskinned diablo2. we looked at how great diablo2 was, saw how they had over 10 years to develop a better game, and showed up with a game that was significantly hamstrung by their own decision and ultimately led to a much worse gaming experience. that is the problem. i can forgive the stupid pony level and a lot of other shit, but you didn't bother bringing the fucking fun.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I just watched a video of a barb who beat inferno without ever attacking. Sure it was only mp1 but it was creative and different. It's easy to say that there are no creative builds anymore but that's just not true. The difference between d2 and d3 lies so much more in the meta game then the actual game itself. In d2 there was more build variety because if you took a certain skill, you had to make it work. You couldn't just click a button and redo it. Granted, the items were done more creatively so that helped with giving ideas for builds... But the fact of the matter is that most people just go to Google every patch and do a search for "best build"


running through everything and only killing what you have to is not creative. hell that is what you had to do when inferno first came out because it was broken. then you go on to say that diablo 2 had more build variety further supporting my claim. i just dont even


Silver Baronet of the Realm
no... you misunderstood. I don't mean he avoided things.. he didn't. he killed everything but never attacked. it was a thorns build. the entire build was about NOT attacking. it was just different. and i'm saying that d2 DIDN'T really have more build variety... it just feels like it because people don't WANT to make creative builds, they want efficient builds. in d2, the meta game was basically just trading. now, it's about how to get the most dps out of your character class. if you want to do that, there's going to really only be one of two builds that do that. that hasn't changed from d2 to d3. in d2, if you wanted to build the STRONGEST character, you really only did it a few different ways. sure, if you got an interesting item, you might make a new character to use it, but really you just sold it.

build variety only existed in d2 because certain items gave odd ideas, which, admittedly, d3 is lacking. outside of that? if you've played your character to 60 you've probably played close to 40 different builds. i'm not saying that you have to like it, or that you're stupid if you don't like it.. just that a lot of the problems with d3 aren't problems with the game, just problems with the culture of gamers.


<Bronze Donator>
the best part of diablo2 for me was trying to make wacky builds work. throwbarbs, singing barbs, kickassins, etc. in d3, you play the one or two builds or you can't play. there is no room for the fun build. no items that really make things shine. upped ethereal titans on a javazon? oh shit!

edit : i guess what people don't understand is that we didn't want a reskinned diablo2. we looked at how great diablo2 was, saw how they had over 10 years to develop a better game, and showed up with a game that was significantly hamstrung by their own decision and ultimately led to a much worse gaming experience. that is the problem. i can forgive the stupid pony level and a lot of other shit, but you didn't bother bringing the fucking fun.
Pony level was a sarcastic response to fgts like you. If you didn't like pony land you really shouldn't have been ok with the cow level either.

BTW, your other points are only partially correct and are being addressed with the expac, so please stfu. Complain about something new or something that doesn't appeal to 5 people.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
There have never been deals available like this for Blizzard titles in the past pre release.

Like I said we'll see how it sells soon enough.
Well speaking personally, this will be the first Blizzard game/expac that I don't ever buy. Legacy of the Void will be number two.

They've slowly lost me as a loyal customer. I first waited ~3 months to get Mists of Pandaland, and only played that for a month or two, and won't ever go back to WoW. I bought D3 opening night, enjoyed it for a month or so (really just the first playthrough on hardcore with my friend(s), and then a LITTLE bit of inferno), then the shittiness caught up to me. And I bought Heart of the Swarm opening night, but I still haven't finished the campagin. Fucking piece of trash, ugh.


Molten Core Raider
What deals? You linked 2 sites selling at MSRP.
RRP is ?30 - ?32.99 :

Diablo III - Reaper of Souls (Mac/PC DVD): Amazon.co.uk: PC Video Games

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Diablo?*III?*Products - Battle.net Shop

Price I linked above at ?20.99 is a decent discount for pre order that you just don't see for Blizzard games in the past.

Interesting that some of the major distributors aren't stocking it :http://www.zavvi.com/elysium.search?search=diablo+3

Is it still going to be online only ? A game with no trading, BoA gear that's online only.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
The 2 sites you linked are taking advantage of the fact that you can now change your region for every current Blizz game in the b.net app and is selling US licenses to anyone who wants them, as they work just as good as any other license. When you check out, you can choose whatever currency you want, and it's still $39.99 US. They're just using smart business practices to get more customers. Blizzard's overseas pricing is retarded and I want to see more retailers taking advantage of loopholes, because a digital copy is still a digital copy anywhere you get it.

Angry Amadeus_sl

no one will give a fuck about bots because you can't trade. there is going to be no economy. they have effectively killed diablo. gold for gems maybe. or gem for gem. whatever. it's a stupid fucking system they have implemented. i wish the designers would jump off a fucking cliff.

as for the people who say i am wrong, fuck you too. there is a reason that diablo2 was played for YEARS after the game was released and patched. this game does not have the same lasting power. they wanted to milk every dollar out with the AH and the game was designed around the AH. now since they have taken the AH away, they are punishing us anyway with bind on acquire gear. they really don't fucking get it or hate their customers. either they are that fucking stupid (a huge billion dollar company) or that fucking cruel to their paying customers. either way, fuck them.

let us not forget about the pvp that was promised, the guild shit, etc. there is literally less support for this game than there was for diablo2. i just don't fucking understand. at all.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Well speaking personally, this will be the first Blizzard game/expac that I don't ever buy. Legacy of the Void will be number two.

They've slowly lost me as a loyal customer. I first waited ~3 months to get Mists of Pandaland, and only played that for a month or two, and won't ever go back to WoW. I bought D3 opening night, enjoyed it for a month or so (really just the first playthrough on hardcore with my friend(s), and then a LITTLE bit of inferno), then the shittiness caught up to me. And I bought Heart of the Swarm opening night, but I still haven't finished the campagin. Fucking piece of trash, ugh.
Precisely. I think they've forgotten how to make great games. Or, maybe the people they have no never really made great games.


Molten Core Raider
The 2 sites you linked are taking advantage of the fact that you can now change your region for every current Blizz game in the b.net app and is selling US licenses to anyone who wants them, as they work just as good as any other license. When you check out, you can choose whatever currency you want, and it's still $39.99 US. They're just using smart business practices to get more customers.
None of that is true. At least you accept you were talking crap when you said I'd posted them selling at MRRP.


Pony level was a sarcastic response to fgts like you. If you didn't like pony land you really shouldn't have been ok with the cow level either.

BTW, your other points are only partially correct and are being addressed with the expac, so please stfu. Complain about something new or something that doesn't appeal to 5 people.
Maybe you are an idiot. Maybe you don't know how to read. Maybe you don't have reading comprehension. I said the pony level was forgivable if the game was FUN. It isn't though. Look at all the d3 threads posted on old FoH. Look at the one here. It isn't fucking fun. I am posting the reasons why the game isn't fun. Why they haven't delivered on even the foundation that d2 laid. You are stupid. I literally don't know how to respond to you anymore. You don't fucking get it.

I see you played a lot of d3. Maybe you are one of the few people who enjoyed it. Good for you. Most people didnt. Most people are pissed not because the game isn't d2, or reskinned d2, or anything like you keep spewing out of your idiot head. They are pissed because they shit on their customers and left us with the shit sandwich.


Molten Core Raider
You're saying those sites are selling physical copies? Try again.

You're saying the're not selling at MSRP? Go toPlay-SC.com - Buy Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls as Digital Download for PC and MAC - CD Keyand choose your currency on the top right, try USD: $39.99.
Now you're putting words into my mouth. I never said anything of the sort.

The $20 price doesn't come close to coming out at ?39.99. I'm not going to respond any more. Send me a PM if you want to carry on talking shit.

Important part is seeing how much it sells which we will in a small number of weeks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
UK MSRP != US MSRP. There's no noticeable US pricing discount anywhere online. There's plenty for non-US currencies since as mentioned, non-US pricing is stupid and those countries can just take the US price, which is cheaper FOR THEM.