Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man - I am *loving* Path of Exile. Apparently they just topped 2,000,000 players; I would assume a good chunk of those are people like me, who didn't get the ARPG they were looking for from Blizzard.

I want all of you fucking Diablo 3 fanbois to sit back and listen for a god damned second.

Diablo 2 was my favorite game of all time; of all time. I spent thousands of hours in it - the item hunt, the unique builds, the music and the darkness. I'm going to liken it to a really hot chick that you start banging for a year or so. She's great - smart, nice tits, perfection.

With Diablo 3 - all of that evaporated; she got fat, dejected, and really into Caramel De Luce ice cream. She's not hot anymore, in fact she's quite repulsive. You try not to avoid her because of the great times you did share in the past, remembering her perky tits.

But those days have vanished and you are stuck with an empty, angry, pathetic clone of what she once was.

Also - deadwing - sorry bro had to toss you on ignore. Nothing personal but your troll attempts are so WoW-ified and 2008 that they just get me angry.

Much love,

You're such a butthurt faggot. You're almost worse than Dumar.


Knows nothing.
I never equated fun to botting in either game. I wasn't even trying to draw comparisons to how people botted then and now. I was just making a statement that I play d3 differently than I did in d2. And that the crowds I played with and observered considered a "hardcore" player to be one that botted every possible second to have as much of a "fortune" as possible. That's it.

That d2 was your favorite game of all time, things are starting to make sense why you feel so strongly about d3. Tough luck. Hopefully you have other things in life to look forward to (and spend some of this energy on) other than a game you so vehemently hate.

Also I am not by any stretch a Blizzard fanboy. Have you ever seen me post in any other blizzard thread? Maybe once in hearthstone. I don't play wow, sc or really hs. Hell I haven't even played d3 in months. Yea I put a lot of time into d3 over the last year, but that can't possibly constitute fanboism.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So I feel like all the EQ and D2 people should get locked into their own forum and they could be happy talking about shit that makes no sense to anyone else?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
To clarify, when I say botting was more common in d3, I mean at the same period of the game's life. I.e. d3 and launch vs. d2 at launch. Comparing the cheating situations of d2 years after launch, after people had much more time to develop bots, to d3 at launch is silly.
This circular disagreement could have ended much sooner if you had clarified that you were talking about launch.

But, with all the rampant dupes available, botting wasn't nearly as needed in D2 like it is in D3. In D3, you also have the allure/ease factor of the RMH, which is going away. So, it remains to be seen which game will be more rife with botters by the end of its lifespan.


no one will give a fuck about bots because you can't trade. there is going to be no economy. they have effectively killed diablo. gold for gems maybe. or gem for gem. whatever. it's a stupid fucking system they have implemented. i wish the designers would jump off a fucking cliff.

as for the people who say i am wrong, fuck you too. there is a reason that diablo2 was played for YEARS after the game was released and patched. this game does not have the same lasting power. they wanted to milk every dollar out with the AH and the game was designed around the AH. now since they have taken the AH away, they are punishing us anyway with bind on acquire gear. they really don't fucking get it or hate their customers. either they are that fucking stupid (a huge billion dollar company) or that fucking cruel to their paying customers. either way, fuck them.

let us not forget about the pvp that was promised, the guild shit, etc. there is literally less support for this game than there was for diablo2. i just don't fucking understand. at all.


<Bronze Donator>
Because your posts are about a year late. They're working on most of the stuff and most people don't give a shit about trading. You post meaningless griping, good for you.


people do give a shit about trade. their brilliant auction house worked out so well they dumped the idea. this lack of trade is going to be the next idea that gets boohooed because it is a stupid fucking idea. you can only twink yourself except you can't because of new smartloot. let's also look at how awesome d2 did with making a shitload of drops worth picking up. white items!!!!, chipped gems, random rares for crafting, low level uniques, etc. it goes on and on. lets also not mention the still lack of pvp (i haven't seen too much news on it even for xpac) and the general loss of community and build deviation. those are all things that are relevant with the expansion pack. they could also increase game size as well. there is a ton of stuff they could do to bring back the good times. i mean, look what LoD did for d2. i highly doubt d3 xpac going to be even close.

so yea, totally worthless, meaningless and other words that you can shove up your ass.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Lack of pvp is a good thing. They wouldnt/cant do any pvp without trying to balance it. The end result would be ongoing nerfs into arena blandness, so just leaving it out is one of their better decisions.


that is great for you and what you wanted. the problem is when they were advertising the game, talking about it, hyping it, it had pvp. at E3, they had pvp. diablo2, had fucking pvp (albeit limited).

Diablo III PvP Update - Diablo III

and now the expac and still no pvp. they have literally taken more things out of the game then they have added going from 2 to 3. you can balance pvp by doing just what they did in d2. "fuck you it isn't supported but you can do it have fun". at least that is something. hell you can have different rule sets for pvp than pvm. it doesn't matter. if i see jay wilson in the street id punch him in the fucking face.


Trakanon Raider
What exactly are you looking for with pvp in diablo? Are you wanting pvp where you can just go and kill people in random games without their consent? I'm pretty sure that won't be happening ever. Are you wanting a duel mode where you can fight a friend? With how the game is setup, it will just be who attacks first wins, unless they apply a -99% damage dealt debuff in PvP or something dumb.

I just don't get the desire for PvP in diablo. It would feel out of place in my eyes.


Trakanon Raider
Because D2 had it, damn it!

It's like people bitching SC2 doesn't have the insanely obnoxious UI of SC1


well actually because diablo1 had it. and diablo2 had it. it actually was kind of a core thing to the game. but fuck it, lets get rid of it. lets put in my little pony land instead. that would obviously be the thing to do.


Molten Core Raider
So I feel like all the EQ and D2 people should get locked into their own forum and they could be happy talking about shit that makes no sense to anyone else?
To be fair this isn't a Blizzard fan site. It's a forum for expressing opinions.

The people who have liked D3 are in the minority. The game released in an awful state and it hasn't changed much. Wilson getting sacked and the extent of the changes they are implementing in RoS are proof of that.

A few folks like it - good luck to you.

For me D2:LoD was a great game. D3 is and has been a total piece of junk brought about by Wilson slurping on Kotick and chasing the $$$ through the auction house. I'd bet Titan was built around a similar cash grab.

D3 made the new Sim City look brilliant - it's that bad.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
that is great for you and what you wanted. the problem is when they were advertising the game, talking about it, hyping it, it had pvp. at E3, they had pvp. diablo2, had fucking pvp (albeit limited).

Diablo III PvP Update - Diablo III

and now the expac and still no pvp. they have literally taken more things out of the game then they have added going from 2 to 3. you can balance pvp by doing just what they did in d2. "fuck you it isn't supported but you can do it have fun". at least that is something. hell you can have different rule sets for pvp than pvm. it doesn't matter. if i see jay wilson in the street id punch him in the fucking face.
It absolutely is great for me - it sucks for people that wanted D3 for pvp, but that's their problem. D2 pvp was fine because there were no rules around it, the same type of pvp would be no problem for me in D3 either. But the company that made D2 has changed in the last decade and it's impossible for them to just switch on pvp and say fuck you if you dont like it like they did while designing D2.

The biggest problem for people seems to be that D3 is not a D2 reskin (and dont get me wrong, I'd love a D2 reskin). Once you get past that the only question is do you like the game that D3 IS, and not what it should've been in your mind (my answer to that is "meh, 4/10 past the first week" but I hope RoS improves the score).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
To be fair this isn't a Blizzard fan site. It's a forum for expressing opinions.

The people who have liked D3 are in the minority. The game released in an awful state and it hasn't changed much. Wilson getting sacked and the extent of the changes they are implementing in RoS are proof of that.

A few folks like it - good luck to you.

For me D2:LoD was a great game. D3 is and has been a total piece of junk brought about by Wilson slurping on Kotick and chasing the $$$ through the auction house. I'd bet Titan was built around a similar cash grab.

D3 made the new Sim City look brilliant - it's that bad.
The state of the game right now compared to release is very different. It's fine if you still don't like it but to say that the people who DO like it are in the minority is a bit disingenuous


Molten Core Raider
It's fine if you still don't like it but to say that the people who DO like it are in the minority is a bit disingenuous
Depends whether you are talking about people who post in this thread or people who bought it. Most people who bought it won't go near it even now.

Sales on RoS will be telling. It's not doing well on pre-orders. Here in the UK they keep dropping the price pre-release, which is unheard of for a Blizzard game. It's available for ?20 now.