Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Bronze Donator>
For me, it was the expectation that made me hate D3. I got the game for free through the year pass from WoW, and I even made something like 120$ from cashing out when I quit. So I should be saying it was the best game ever, right? Problem is, I was so hyped for D3 based on my enjoyment of D1 and D2. When D3 came out, I enjoyed it briefly, but then I hit inferno, saw how terrible the design was and how rare loot was, then on top of that, that's when Blizzard started nerfing the game even further by removing things like the act 2 resplendant chest, etc.

It drove me away from the game, and because I was so incredibly let down from what I was hoping for, it left a really bad taste with me that lasts even today. I can't really explain why all that much. I spend money on games, realize they're bad, and uninstall them without caring overly much all the time. I would still call Diablo 3 as one of my personal biggest letdowns of my gaming history. Yet, because of D1 and D2, I'll still likely pickup the expansion and try again just because it's Diablo. Go figure.
No no no, stop it, this is all wrong. Past tense, establishing when you stopped playing, objectifying it your own opinion instead of everyone else's, this isn't how you shit up a thread.

I do agree with you, D3's release and subsequent shitty gameplay is definitely reason enough to be wary of the expac. But the truth is that you'll still get a lot of hours out of it even if you only play it for a month. So the real question is: are you willing to wait for the expac to come down in price before you buy it?

So I haven't been keeping up with this to much recently. I haven't touched Diablo 3 in over a year now and almost feel like they owe the people who bought D3 on release day the expansion for free, just for how badly it was released. What I am curious about though is from the people who have been testing RoS, is this expansion pack worth the cost?

Is this now a fun game to play with the changes or just more of the same where Blizzard just doesn't get what made D2 great? Should I buy this game, and lastly is it worth logging in prior to the changes?
I don't have beta, but I played on the PTR extensively. The changes I've been reading up definitely make it seem worth it. But a lot of the changes are encapsulated in the 2.0 update, why not login then and try yourself? It's free, so it's really just a couple hours. Start a new character, kill the butcher(guaranteed legendary on first kill of act bosses) and see how you like it.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah current PTR is decent enough to see if the expansion is worth buying for you or not. The only thing you're missing on is bounties(ugh), rifts(but you can get a general idea), crusader(whatever) and the 60+ content. For the most part though leveling a new char on PTR up to lvl 20-30 or so shows you all the different changes and how the game will play out, you can then do some searching on the new features coming that are not in the PTR, there's a fuckton of articles everywhere on internet for that.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
2 for 2. Any other obnoxious D2 nostaglia blowhards wanna go 10 rounds?
You sure trolling up the place.

Wonder if people don't see that your D3 chars are stripped.

Been a while since I saw anyone so desperate to convince others their game didn't suck. Besides the pantheon community, that is.

Angry Amadeus_sl

So I haven't been keeping up with this to much recently. I haven't touched Diablo 3 in over a year now and almost feel like they owe the people who bought D3 on release day the expansion for free, just for how badly it was released. What I am curious about though is from the people who have been testing RoS, is this expansion pack worth the cost?

Is this now a fun game to play with the changes or just more of the same where Blizzard just doesn't get what made D2 great? Should I buy this game, and lastly is it worth logging in prior to the changes?
I just can't support them, that's all. Fuck that team and their shitty decisions, and they'll never get another red cent from me or any of my friends. Fucking assholes, all the way.

If you go buy Diablo 3 expecting *anything* close to the enjoyment you had with Diablo 2, well... jokes on you. No customization, no great music, unicorns still exist and they are colorful and pink, *no trading legendary items between you and a friend*, the list goes on and fucking on.

Don't be a sucker.

Angry Amadeus_sl

You sure trolling up the place.

Wonder if people don't see that your D3 chars are stripped.

Been a while since I saw anyone so desperate to convince others their game didn't suck. Besides the pantheon community, that is.
Ah, haha - that shit stick is still posting?

Deadwings, bro - go hang yourself in a fucking closet. You wanted a war? You can't even equip your fucking characters in a game you defend so mightily.



<Bronze Donator>
You sure trolling up the place.

Wonder if people don't see that your D3 chars are stripped.

Been a while since I saw anyone so desperate to convince others their game didn't suck. Besides the pantheon community, that is.
Ah, #3. The game hasn't been patched in a while. Don't know why you think I need equipped characters to understand its current state.

Not trying to convince anyone of D3's quality. I've said multiple times that it has flaws. But you guys want to discuss something that doesn't exist, compare it to a game that isn't coming back, and try to project likes of game features unto others. It's useless conversation and serves nothing for the thread and what the devs are trying to do with the expansion.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Let's clean up the terrible posting in here. Make your points and move on.
Deadwings, bro - go hang yourself in a fucking closet.


Knows nothing.
Thanks, Tuco. Almost spit out my coffee. +1 sir.

AA, honest question - if you hate the game so much, why post in this thread? Why try to convince people not to play it? You aren't going to win anyone to you side, especially with comments like that. I get that Blizzard, in your opinion(and many others), shit all over the franchise. Hell, I even agree to a small portion of what you are saying, but this game isn't D2. It's D3. It's essentially made by a different company, with different ideals as a business than the one that created D2. D2 isn't coming back. You love PoE if I remember correctly? Why not spend some positive energy over in that thread, instead of shitting all over this one.

Also, to be clear - I'm not defending Blizzard or D3 by any means. I'm not even saying it's a great game. I'm just saying some of us will try it out, for better or worse. Isn't that OK for us to do with our time and money as we see fit? Our goals and wants and desires don't have to align with yours. The world will still turn if Diablo 3 RoS sells millions of copies. Deathwing won't hang himself because you asked him so nicely, either.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'd say despite a lot of useless back and forth "D3 SUCKS!" "NO IT DOESN'T!", it's worthwhile to at least plead to some of you guys not to buy the game, or at least wait awhile before purchasing it, as either/both of those options will speak to the executives in charge. Especially the latter. I don't expect any of you to forego buying an expac for your month's worth of enjoyment, but delaying the purchase can be pretty effective at telling the company something's wrong. Most of them pay a lot of attention to Day/Week/Whatever 1 sales.

Dunno. Like I said, Blizzard isn't getting any more of my money, after being a life-long die-hard Blizzard fan. They chose the mass market, and they can have it, but they won't get my money too. I sure miss the days of "games for gamers by gamers" though!

Angry Amadeus_sl

Thanks, Tuco. Almost spit out my coffee. +1 sir.

AA, honest question - if you hate the game so much, why post in this thread? Why try to convince people not to play it? You aren't going to win anyone to you side, especially with comments like that. I get that Blizzard, in your opinion(and many others), shit all over the franchise. Hell, I even agree to a small portion of what you are saying, but this game isn't D2. It's D3. It's essentially made by a different company, with different ideals as a business than the one that created D2. D2 isn't coming back. You love PoE if I remember correctly? Why not spend some positive energy over in that thread, instead of shitting all over this one.

Also, to be clear - I'm not defending Blizzard or D3 by any means. I'm not even saying it's a great game. I'm just saying some of us will try it out, for better or worse. Isn't that OK for us to do with our time and money as we see fit? Our goals and wants and desires don't have to align with yours. The world will still turn if Diablo 3 RoS sells millions of copies. Deathwing won't hang himself because you asked him so nicely, either.
That's a good question and I think it deserves an honest answer. I think it's important to hold companies / people accountable when they take a legacy IP and twist it into something completely different, especially after they've already got your up-front box purchase of $50+. It's analogous to bait-and-switch, but in my opinion a lot worse. So, the short and sweet answer is = accountability. And forums generate noise, and that's not always a bad thing. People read forums, and so do designers.

What they did with Diablo 3 is unforgivable. They preyed on the fans' love of the original two games in such extreme ways, in many devious ways. Yet, there is no accountability for this. No answering necessary. Their entire policy around customer management is the worst I've ever witnessed - openly deleting forum threads that disagree with their bottom line, actively ignoring attempts for insight and clarity into their decision making.

Sure, you could say that I take this shit a little too personally, and that might be a douche thing to do, and you would be correct - this is the only time in the history of my 35 years as a gamer that I've felt so repulsed by the decisions of the company that blatantly moves the game away from what made it so great, and into the territory of simple money grab from cross-over franchises. It's a personal insult to anyone who modded Diablo 2, played the game for over ten years because of the elegant design, etc. And you could also say; "Diablo 2 had bots! Diablo 2 had hacks!" - yeah, but I didn't (and still don't) care about *any of that shit*.

I played the game for the uniqueness of character builds, the careful allocation of stats and skills, the game-changing uniques that added real value to different builds, the strange and sometimes frustrating trading economy, the challenge (non-powerlevel) of leveling to 99 (seriously - go back and try this now!) legit, the dark and haunting atmosphere and music, and the understanding that bosses yielded the best loot in the game - and therefore I could set a simple run in motion to log in for five minutes, hit up Mephisto, and log out. Or not - maybe just one more run. (Note that all of these are gone from Diablo 3.)

It feels as though fans of Diablo are powerless against their destruction of the franchise. They don't listen to their forum MVPs who represent the voice of the customer, when it comes to necessary changes to the game that would greatly increase enjoyment of the game.

But don't listen to me, I'm just some fuckhead on a forum in the middle of the interwebs.

Instead ask:

Why are there less than 1,950 active games in Diablo 3 on this fine Sunday?
Why is the auction house still live, 5 months after they decided to remove it?
Why is there no outreach from the development team in an honest way of any kind (non-twitch "no discussions allowed" sessions?)

And most importantly,

Why does everyone complain about replayability in Diablo 3?

See, and again at the risk of looking like a big douche face, the idea of Diablo being something special is still strong in my head. Year after year, I would return to the game for the next ladder season, the next run, and to try that next character build that I'd never attempted. All of that is gone, and in it's place we are left with a shallow husk of a game that is being molded, twisted into something much different than any of us expected (except, perhaps - those who are new to the franchise, and who were pulled in by Blizzard's marketing team from cross-franchise promotions.)

Battered lover syndrome, I guess.

an accordion_sl

That's a good question and I think it deserves an honest answer. I think it's important to hold companies / people accountable when they take a legacy IP and twist it into something completely different, especially after they've already got your up-front box purchase of $50+. It's analogous to bait-and-switch, but in my opinion a lot worse. So, the short and sweet answer is = accountability. And forums generate noise, and that's not always a bad thing. People read forums, and so do designers.
Says the guy who bought both the PC and console version.

I'm enjoying the console version. Hit me up on PS3. sirsoloman / superchang (can't remember which).
I like the game and you've shown them more support than me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Personally I think most of the RoS changes are steps in the right direction, especially the changes to loot and getting rid of trading completely. Anything that makes playing self-found-only more viable is a huge plus in my book. That's the whole reason I don't play PoE anymore--great game, but some asshole decided to ruin it with the stingiest fucking loot system ever devised by man.

At the same time, bounties sound like a terrible idea cribbed from WoW, and rifts are like the retard version of PoE maps. I'm also curious if they will finally fix the massive stuttering/lag that happens the first time you load into an area after launching the game. The only solution right now is to symlink the MPQ directory to a SSD, and frankly no matter what changes they make D3 will never be a good enough game to deserve a permanent 20GB block of my SSD.

Can't wait for RoS to bomb. Going to be a thing of beauty.
Bomb like D3 "bombed"?

Angry Amadeus_sl

Says the guy who bought both the PC and console version.

I like the game and you've shown them more support than me.
Yeah, I already fessed to that bro. Quit living in the past. The console version is a completely different game, and I enjoyed it for what it was.

However, I should note - after we beat it (I bought it so the lady and I could play together), I haven't gone back.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Bomb like D3 "bombed"?
See, this is the mindset that allows Blizzard to perpetually destroy the Diablo secret sauce.

They sold that many Diablo 3 copies based purely off of Diablo 2, clever marketing cross-franchise (Buy WoW for a year, get D3 free!), and other shit that had nothing to do with the actual game itself.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
To be clear, I have no intention of buying RoS at release. I think it's a $20 (at best) xpac that they're charging us an additional $20 to fix some of the retarded shit Jay Wilson and co. put into the game that should have been shot down at the design stage.

I too wish that D3 had actually bombed, but it didn't. I think you're going to be disappointed if you expect anything different from RoS sales figures. Obviously it won't have anywhere near a 100% attach rate, but it doesn't have to when they're selling it for $40 and there's no way in hell it had remotely close to 66% of the budget of the original game. Not to mention that the PS4 version will probably sell a million or so copies at release at the full $60 price point, and a lot more as PS4s become easier to buy, and an Xbone port is certain to follow later this year.


Knows nothing.

Battered lover syndrome, I guess.
Hey, a positive reply! Fair enough on most of your points. I'll still get the game and likely enjoy some of it. Even if only to the extent you enjoyed the console version (which was acceptable to you). I get that you want it to bomb because maybe it will make Blizzard think again about what they did to the game. The sad reality is, I'm pretty sure that ship has already sailed and there's no going back to the "good 'ol days".