Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Bronze Donator>
Maybe you are an idiot. Maybe you don't know how to read. Maybe you don't have reading comprehension. I said the pony level was forgivable if the game was FUN. It isn't though. Look at all the d3 threads posted on old FoH. Look at the one here. It isn't fucking fun. I am posting the reasons why the game isn't fun. Why they haven't delivered on even the foundation that d2 laid. You are stupid. I literally don't know how to respond to you anymore. You don't fucking get it.

I see you played a lot of d3. Maybe you are one of the few people who enjoyed it. Good for you. Most people didnt. Most people are pissed not because the game isn't d2, or reskinned d2, or anything like you keep spewing out of your idiot head. They are pissed because they shit on their customers and left us with the shit sandwich.
Here's your problem, you're complaining about a game that doesn't exist anymore. Your complaints, crude and scribbled they may be, probably would have been valid discussion about a year ago. There have been improvements since then and there are going to be many improvements in about a month. Unless you want to discuss what the game is going to become, people are just going to roll their eyes at you and disregard your comments.

And waxing nostalgically about the masochistic days of yore isn't going to win you any points either. You and a few others may like trading but it's quite obvious it has no bearing in this thread. The devs don't care about your little niche, and rightfully so. Catering to a small player base is dumb. So when you make these comments, what point do they serve?

I suggest you give the game another try when 2.0 goes live. Or you can just respond to my post and lie that you've already given it a try recently. Your choice.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Most people are pissed not because the game isn't d2, or reskinned d2, or anything like you keep spewing out of your idiot head. They are pissed because they shit on their customers and left us with the shit sandwich.
So you skipped over most of AA's posts (or others) where they say it isn't enough like D2?


ill let him post since i dont put words in peoples mouths, but i am assuming that he is upset that they didnt advance or improve the game at all. graphically it obviously is, but outside of the that, the gameplay went backwards.

deathwing, after dropping the pc version, i played the console version with my cousin at our house. it is a great ARPG like baldurs gate dark alliance, but as for it feeling like a through and through diablo game? nope. loot 2.0 or 1.5 or whatever the console has, is fine when you are playing as the one character. it does not solve the problem of finding gear for any of your other characters though. even with the way better gear the console has, silly builds still don't work with any kind of meaningful power. you either play the few specs that work, or you sit in mp0 and get nothing. doesnt make for a fun game.


<Bronze Donator>
Yes, finding loot for alts is definitely a problem with the new loot system. It's been raised on the beta forums many times, but I haven't seen a blue posting about fixing it yet.

I'm sorry your silly builds didn't work. Maybe you're bad at silly builds? Or they were too silly? I bet my frostbolt build in D2 would suck as well. Or how about corpse trap only build at /friends 8? Look, I can apply hyperbole to fit my narrative too. The amount of builds each class has at max is beyond reasonable and what you can play a few monster power levels down is quite varied.


stopped reading after you said frostbolt build. which is kinda funny because im sure you know about the charged bolt build but are just being a dick. if you are going to blatantly be daft there is no point talking to you. you god damn well know what i mean about build variety.


<Bronze Donator>
Nope, apparently I don't. Please explain your selective version of build variety and how it applies favorably to D2 and not to D3.


<WoW Guild Officer>
stopped reading after you said frostbolt build. which is kinda funny because im sure you know about the charged bolt build but are just being a dick. if you are going to blatantly be daft there is no point talking to you. you god damn well know what i mean about build variety.
Wasn't CB nerfed after the first ladder in which it was played? I had on, and it was "fun" for a while. But using CB instead of lightning/chain-lightning always felt like it wasn't intended.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Diablo III 3 - Reaper of Souls Mac/PC CD Key - cdkeys.com

Play-SC.com - Buy Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls as Digital Download for PC and MAC - CD Key

There have never been deals available like this for Blizzard titles in the past pre release.

Like I said we'll see how it sells soon enough.
Shady-ass key reseller sites sell every game that cheap. They get keys from retail boxes meant for Eastern Europe and other places where games are sold way below MSRP, and they sell them to people overseas. Sometimes they work fine, sometimes the publisher gets sick of their shit and bans all those keys from being used outside the region they originated from. I'd never buy anything from one of them.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah don't know what's that supposed to show, major outlets actually sell it at the normal price or very slightly under(1-3euros under, which is a normal thing when they're trying to get more preorders than other places). Just check every other games on the sites you linked, they're selling Titanfall for 25pounds instead of 40, TESO for 25 instead of 40, Thief for 25pounds etc. It's not that they're specifically doing anything with RoS prices, they're just selling vastly under the price tag for every new big game because they're only selling keys from countries they can buy the game for less than what they're selling it for, it's nothing new. Unless you're implying that Titanfall is having sales issues and isn't doing well and that's why they're also price slashing that, in which case, well, not much to add really.


im done deathwing. i put you on ignore. you either never played the game or are just being an ass. either way i don't feel like dealing with it. people who loved the game and played it for years afterward know what i am talking about.


im done deathwing. i put you on ignore. you either never played the game or are just being an ass. either way i don't feel like dealing with it. people who loved the game and played it for years afterward know what i am talking about.
I know I am playing Devils Advocate but you're seriously going to put him on ignore for his rebuttals? At this point it sounds like no matter what someone says or Blizzard does you'll hate the game just out of spite.

Angry Amadeus_sl

I know I am playing Devils Advocate but you're seriously going to put him on ignore for his rebuttals? At this point it sounds like no matter what someone says or Blizzard does you'll hate the game just out of spite.
If Blizzard makes an actual Diablo successor, I'll take him off ignore. Fair?

Angry Amadeus_sl

What exactly are you looking for with pvp in diablo? Are you wanting pvp where you can just go and kill people in random games without their consent? I'm pretty sure that won't be happening ever. Are you wanting a duel mode where you can fight a friend? With how the game is setup, it will just be who attacks first wins, unless they apply a -99% damage dealt debuff in PvP or something dumb.

I just don't get the desire for PvP in diablo. It would feel out of place in my eyes.
I'm not a huge PvP guy, but I enjoy it as another aspect of the game which provided me some respite from endless boss runs in D2, for sure.

However - I mean - how fucking difficult would it be for Blizzard's 841 designers to simply build a "mutual hostile" in-game toggle?

See - it's things like this that would make a world of difference to 3,417,572 screaming fans, and that they simply cannot implement because of their charter and business practice (i.e. "can we make money off of that? we'd need to at least equalize the development team cost..."). And yet, I bet they could build that feature in less than two days, flat.

They just plain out fucking suck.

Angry Amadeus_sl

For what they did to this franchise, and for how they continue to demolish any remaining goodwill towards Diablo fans, I secretly hope they read each and every derogatory post and feel ashamed, every night, for what they've done.

Shame on them for creating a fucking disasterpiece, and shame on anyone (read: that deadwing fuckhead) who either half-assed troll supports them, or openly supports this debacle of a game.

Good riddance.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just don't understand the devotion people feel to avideo game franchise. Do you get this way about movies as well? Phantom Menace must have been raised your blood pressure a fair bit.


it did. i only watched the first one and it made me sick. this is from someone who just liked the starwars franchise, not loved it or anything crazy. why do people have to ruin the things that people like? star wars wasnt perfect, but these 3 movies wouldnt stand on their own let alone as prequels to a lot of peoples favorite movies.

why don't people make things people like instead of making things that are fun to make? there is a serious fucking difference.


Trakanon Raider
I just don't understand the devotion people feel to avideo game franchise. Do you get this way about movies as well? Phantom Menace must have been raised your blood pressure a fair bit.
For me, it was the expectation that made me hate D3. I got the game for free through the year pass from WoW, and I even made something like 120$ from cashing out when I quit. So I should be saying it was the best game ever, right? Problem is, I was so hyped for D3 based on my enjoyment of D1 and D2. When D3 came out, I enjoyed it briefly, but then I hit inferno, saw how terrible the design was and how rare loot was, then on top of that, that's when Blizzard started nerfing the game even further by removing things like the act 2 resplendant chest, etc.

It drove me away from the game, and because I was so incredibly let down from what I was hoping for, it left a really bad taste with me that lasts even today. I can't really explain why all that much. I spend money on games, realize they're bad, and uninstall them without caring overly much all the time. I would still call Diablo 3 as one of my personal biggest letdowns of my gaming history. Yet, because of D1 and D2, I'll still likely pickup the expansion and try again just because it's Diablo. Go figure.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So I haven't been keeping up with this to much recently. I haven't touched Diablo 3 in over a year now and almost feel like they owe the people who bought D3 on release day the expansion for free, just for how badly it was released. What I am curious about though is from the people who have been testing RoS, is this expansion pack worth the cost?

Is this now a fun game to play with the changes or just more of the same where Blizzard just doesn't get what made D2 great? Should I buy this game, and lastly is it worth logging in prior to the changes?