Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Quick look at the top barbs on hardcore shows they have less dps than I do and approximately four times the effective hp that I do. You can't transfer softcore hellfires to hardcore.


Mr. Poopybutthole



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Those are pretty bad cd/cc rolls. Is that ring really worth a whole ton? I'd presume like 10M maybe?


So the CD is a set property on the ring and can be 32-34%. This is extremely low for a ring since they can max out at 50% now. I believe 3% is the floor for CC and the ceiling is 6%. The RA is also the lowest the ring can roll -- but still pretty high. So looks like it rolled int/dex, arcane resist and cc.


<Bronze Donator>
70M? Have prices super inflated in the last month? I don't remember paying that much for my CC pox.

You're leaving the dex and arcane resist out of your search criteria, right?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
game is a lot easier now, you are right. facerolled through second half of act 2 and first half of act 3 this morning on inferno. mp0 but whatever, I am just trying to get used to the game again!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Tenks, Ishad; The information shared has been pretty darn useful, but I think the scale might be off. When you guys mention that "Oh, you can get this stuff easy, just 50 million...." uh, that's it? joy of joys, lol.

This is what I've gotten in the last 2 weeks, on a budget of TWO million:http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/B...3/hero/2982641and I've made it through act 4 on MP2. There is no way in hell I'll be able to afford the wicked good items, but a player can definitely have a good shot on a tight budget.

However, the flip that is: do you guys see a "best bang for the buck" in terms of upgrades, a slot at a time? The chest and legs are very out of date, but EVERYTHING is tens of millions, just to bid, which I simply don't have.


Mr. Poopybutthole
70M? Have prices super inflated in the last month? I don't remember paying that much for my CC pox.

You're leaving the dex and arcane resist out of your search criteria, right?
Of course. It has a double int roll too. I don't expect to get 70m by any means, but I can probably snake 40-50. Probably try to sell it on d2jsp instead of the AH.


<Bronze Donator>
Anything that increases your movement speed. Tyreal's Might, cheap lacunis, firewalkers. Just get to that cap without breaking your other stats too bad. 24% movement speed is too good not to have. Especially for your build. Tornados spawn based on the amount of ground traveled. You might actually get a dps upgrade!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I got back into the game like 2 or 3 weeks ago with 1.5M. I know about building on a budget. Like if you need a 2H mainhand just look for a ~1350DPS dex-stat Skorn to expire. That is how I got mine for 200k. You can get not-so-perfect roll rares for almost every slot if you just look at auctions with 10m until expiration or 1d12h with low buyouts. You'll have to hawk the AH for a day or two but you can build a very powerful character for peanuts these days since the price of items anymore is basically free or prohibitively expensive.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, movespeed is something i've been shooting for. It'll come down to me having to drop a fair amount of resist-all to pick up other stats =/


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, movespeed is something i've been shooting for. It'll come down to me having to drop a fair amount of resist-all to pick up other stats =/
I'll provide an in depth response later. When I can get the ah house in front of me, we need to fix your gear to get you on the path to perma-wrath. What your goal is going to be is sustain wrath while farming low level mps.

2 million will purchase a number of substantial upgrades.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'll provide an in depth response later. When I can get the ah house in front of me, we need to fix your gear to get you on the path to perma-wrath. What your goal is going to be is sustain wrath while farming low level mps.

2 million will purchase a number of substantial upgrades.
Just for farming it's worth it? I guess I need to move up to higher MP levels then, because at 2, it's faceroll on trash, elites die in 20 seconds, and named in 30 (I don't even need wrath most of the time). I believe I have 1.8m gold right now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
He's talking about you basically pop Wrath and you keep it up the entire zone. So you sprint/ww around the entire place clearing mobs at light speed at MP0. It is by far the most efficient method of farming. You don't pop Wrath because you need it. You pop it because it makes shit go faster.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Huh, interesting. And MP0 yields good enough chances of drops (yet to see anything that can even go on the AH) compared to the others; with keys being the exception?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
MP0 is without a doubt the best XP unless you can also one-shot all mobs on MP1. Even with the patch on the PTR the HP scaling of the mobiles does not keep up with the XP scaling. So you're fighting mobiles that have 1.5x HP but only give 1.1x XP. So there is a major disconnect in the reward for having to do 50% more damage per mobile. This gets even worse at higher MPs.

For keys you need to play on the highest MP you can tolerate. For loot there are multiple schools of thought. However you'll probably get the best drops doing MP0 Act3 (everything is mlvl 63) wearing some MF gear. I find that boring so I never move my slider off MP5. I can't stand Plevel grinding on MP0.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Right. I really don't have a desire to grind XP, at all. It'll be there while doing other things, like fighting challenging mobs, or trying to get loot. I've been gunning for higher and higher MP levels and for now, MP2 is cake, MP3 will be doable soon enough.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If that is what you enjoy then I'd just suggest doing what I usually do which is key farming while also trying to hit as many elites as possible per run. Not exactly "Get 5 NV, kill warden, repeat" I usually kill maybe 9-10 per run then the Warden. However I will say you'll get better loot clearing out zones with high mob density. You'll get most your drops from trash mobs not really elites.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Huh, interesting. And MP0 yields good enough chances of drops (yet to see anything that can even go on the AH) compared to the others; with keys being the exception?
It might change as 1.07 increases the bonus xp per monster level but right now running act 3 alkaizer route gives the most xp per hour, you have to massively increase your dps to keep from losing xp per hour. Fully buffed I have 770k tDps and I run mp3/4 I would need close to 1 million dps to keep up xp/hour.