Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So many monk options! Just don't know which one to use. What's best for solo and duo play? I don't intend to full group much. Gonna see what gear I might have to give these other builds a shot.


<Silver Donator>
@Xevy Get a zodiac ring. Thing makes your allys refresh so fast you wont even need to worry about mana. Can swap Epiphany out with blinding flash with the last rune for more dmg.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Toughness is becoming an issue for my wizard builds starting at GR65, starting to need all proper affixes on all items and ancient rolls wouldn't hurt either.


Log Wizard
@Xevy Get a zodiac ring. Thing makes your allys refresh so fast you wont even need to worry about mana. Can swap Epiphany out with blinding flash with the last rune for more dmg.
I don't even use Epiphany for spirit, really. It helps, but is unnecessary. I don't use any CD stuff either. I might use a good Occulus or something if I get one. Unity obviously for high GRs.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Did the Cursed Peat with Mudcrush for the conquest, 427 kills. There are a couple that come close (like Cursed Bellows Halls of Agony 3, but too spread out / higher life) but for the sure thing simply keep reseting until you find it.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
Did the Cursed Peat with Mudcrush for the conquest, 427 kills. There are a couple that come close (like Cursed Bellows Halls of Agony 3, but too spread out / higher life) but for the sure thing simply keep reseting until you find it.
Used a Chakram build that used twin Chakran. Lol.


<Silver Donator>
I tried to solo that conquest, but no dice, wizard spells are too shitty in coverage to hit every mob, even like disintegrate is too short to hit from one spawn to the other, and using ranslor tornados to pull stuff in the middle worked well but it takes too long. I did the event with a few different specs like 5times, always 310-320kills only.

Ended up not doing that conquest in the end, I did GR75, 3gems to 65(which is a journey step anyway) and all bosses in 20mins. All bosses was actually easier than I thought, only took 16mins on my first try and I didn't even get that good RNG on act5 bosses, I cleared them in 6mins when on the quick check I did before to see if it was doable I did them in 5mins instead. GR75 was kinda easy, I just got stuck at 71 with shitty RNG for a while, failed 71 9times, then I cleared it with so much time to spare I unlocked 73 right away, and did the rest in one try with decent rifts.

Now just need to find someone powerlvling on HC EU to finish the season journey. Fuck wizard though, not playing this again anytime soon unless they do massive changes to the set playstyles.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The conquest was super easy to get solo with multishot. Stand at one end and just hose down the whole area. I just remade my game until I got a cursed peat bounty.


Blackwing Lair Raider

Picked this up on my DH fiddling around for a monk alt, what would you all reroll? Was a tossup between rerolling main damage (200ish left) or AS to something like spirit regen/LpSS


Lord Nagafen Raider
You don't really want attack speed on Wave of Light monk so yea I'd reroll that into something more useful if you need to. Honestly you could just use it like that and not care much :p Although the build I'm using cubes that and uses 2 other 1-handers for WoL


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not sure how viable bells are now, but the build always needed CDR everywhere so IAS->CDR is probably the only choice there.


Trakanon Raider
I think there's a ridiculous WoL build that's the hardest to gear for but also one of the fastest builds this time around. Just not sure if it's for me or not.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Managed a GR75 with non-optimal Firebird Archon build. Was constantly evading to prevent being one-shot as Halo + APD could not provide enough defense currently. I actually jumped from 72 to 74 due to a channeling + power pylon rift and if you can keep the archon stacks chained it really isn't too bad.


Log Wizard

Picked this up on my DH fiddling around for a monk alt, what would you all reroll? Was a tossup between rerolling main damage (200ish left) or AS to something like spirit regen/LpSS
Roll the attack speed off. Really there's a lot of options for what you want. WoL builds almost all benefit from freebie Spirit gen (up to 6/sec on 2handers) and some use CDR, but not all. Resource cost is okay, but with just a cindercoat, paragon and torch my WoL is only 27 spirit per cast right now.

IF you have an extra gift, IF, you could even roll that socket into something better and leave the IAS. Or even roll the base damage up as that will put it at ~4790dps iirc.

Overall I'd say Spirit/RCD/Life per spirit spent


Lord Nagafen Raider
Had a busy weekend, so I am lagging behind. Thanks Grumath for the boost to 70, then I pieced together some drops with my free set to get to T6-7. Let the grind begin.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
Roll the attack speed off. Really there's a lot of options for what you want. WoL builds almost all benefit from freebie Spirit gen (up to 6/sec on 2handers) and some use CDR, but not all. Resource cost is okay, but with just a cindercoat, paragon and torch my WoL is only 27 spirit per cast right now.

IF you have an extra gift, IF, you could even roll that socket into something better and leave the IAS. Or even roll the base damage up as that will put it at ~4790dps iirc.

Overall I'd say Spirit/RCD/Life per spirit spent
Reroll socket to something else, duh. Unless you gifted it already.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Torch isn't ideal for the build though, like Leadsalad said above. I'd take advantage of the fact that it's fine exactly as it dropped, and just use it to farm the right weapons while not wasting a gift on something that's only temporary.

Not that I'd have the option anyway; 500+ paragon and counting without a single gift drop. Thankfully my ancient Yang's didn't require one or I'd be fucked.


Log Wizard
Torch isn't ideal for the build though, like Leadsalad said above. I'd take advantage of the fact that it's fine exactly as it dropped, and just use it to farm the right weapons while not wasting a gift on something that's only temporary.

Not that I'd have the option anyway; 500+ paragon and counting without a single gift drop. Thankfully my ancient Yang's didn't require one or I'd be fucked.
Once again:Xevron - Community - Diablo III

This is my build. I clear 60 GR's solo in about 7ish minutes. The problem with 1handers is you can get +130% more crit damage, but you lose the burst of a 2hander. The formula for WoL is ssuper long and I don't have it offhand, but I tested both 1handers vs 2handers two seasons ago for WoL and 2hander was just better. There's only one 1hander that benefits WOL, and you can just cube that. I don't know what other 1hander you'd really need. Ingeom is for clearing garbage, not GR's. The sweeping strikes claw was okay as it allowed you to make sure you didn't ever lose stacks, but it's not worth the burst loss.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I did a grift 72 this morning and everything was super smooth, had like half the rift left and then i get the most annoying boss, the fire spitting gargoyle thingamajig and oh god it took like 4 minutes to kill it because every time it oneshots me I have to wait for my garg cooldown to go back.

Hoping I'll be more lucky with coming rift bosses ._.