Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Perdition is even worse imo. I had a rift go from an easy 7 minute clear to around 12 minutes because every single time he teleported it one-shot me. Through 226M toughness (and no, I wasn't letting him backstab me). You can't even really avoid the teleport either, he can use it from a screen and a half away and still hit you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Perdition is even worse imo. I had a rift go from an easy 7 minute clear to around 12 minutes because every single time he teleported it one-shot me. Through 226M toughness (and no, I wasn't letting him backstab me). You can't even really avoid the teleport either, he can use it from a screen and a half away and still hit you.
You have to watch his animations and time ss or vault in a very narrow window. Spent many hours fighting that bitch on classic torment.


<WoW Guild Officer>
What should I reroll on this? Wish that RCR was something else like CDR, then vit would go.


Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
What should I reroll on this? Wish that RCR was something else like CDR, then vit would go.

Perhaps don't bother and save mats for UE6 stuff.

Otherwise roll damage range probably. You might not get as much dps as rolling off vit or -resource but who cares, it's not a very good Manticore anyway; you'll upgrade it soon enough.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Man seems to be feast or famine with loot for me. Sometimes it's a great night getting the legendaries you want for the builds you want to try. Other nights like last night, I end the night with not even a dozen souls to show for your time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What should I reroll on this? Wish that RCR was something else like CDR, then vit would go.
You should group with me tonight, I need to farm up a bunch of keys so I can try to finish off my last conquest and I'm already at the point where 99% of my DH drops get souled.


<WoW Guild Officer>
You should group with me tonight, I need to farm up a bunch of keys so I can try to finish off my last conquest and I'm already at the point where 99% of my DH drops get souled.
I'll be on later then. I'm at 5/6 of the UE stuff, just trying for a yang's and the shoulders.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Perhaps don't bother and save mats for UE6 stuff.

Otherwise roll damage range probably. You might not get as much dps as rolling off vit or -resource but who cares, it's not a very good Manticore anyway; you'll upgrade it soon enough.
It doesn't have a socket. IMO, he should roll vit to socket. CA is fairly resource intensive, and that RCR could help get an extra shot or two off.

And it is a shitty Manticore, so try not to waste a ton of mats on it.


15 tall man fingers and counting.... All I want is a short man's finger. Fucking aids trying to gamble or cube one too.


Silver Knight of the Realm
UE6 is just ungodly for speed bounties and TX rift farming. I don't even have good gear (play on console, no seasons), no Ancient bow yet (keep upgrading, keep failing), only a couple of Ancient armor pieces. Just replaced my Ancient Dead Man's Legacy with a normal one cause the rolls were significantly better - hate doing that, but more disc, more IAS, higher crit.

I've heard HT Garg is pretty badass too, I've got a fully built WD with it, just haven't logged it in yet since having so much fun with the UE. Multishot destruction of everything on screen is incredible.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Getting back into this. Just switched to RK6/IK4 from W6/BK2 on my barb, and the damage is insane. It's kinda frustrating losing charges now and then, but boulder toss absolutely wrecks elites and rift guardians.My gear isn't terrible I don't think, but I know it needs some work. Besides cubing 300 spear, can anyone tell me what I should focus on replacing/ancienting? My gems also need leveled up, they're pretty low atm. I'm thinking my Focus ring is my worst piece, pretty junk stats on it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
There's some rather unique things going on with the top end group game. Wizards are running ancient Tal gloves with zero int/vit and going for complete IAS/CHC/CHD/AD% as well as Aughild shoulder/bracer with RoRG cubed. Kind of emphasizing the lack of foresight past P800 and the limitations of affixes. This isn't new, rather just an evolution of the jewelry with no main stats and will probably be used more and more in non-seasons.


<WoW Guild Officer>
UE6 is just ungodly for speed bounties and TX rift farming. I don't even have good gear (play on console, no seasons), no Ancient bow yet (keep upgrading, keep failing), only a couple of Ancient armor pieces. Just replaced my Ancient Dead Man's Legacy with a normal one cause the rolls were significantly better - hate doing that, but more disc, more IAS, higher crit.

I've heard HT Garg is pretty badass too, I've got a fully built WD with it, just haven't logged it in yet since having so much fun with the UE. Multishot destruction of everything on screen is incredible.
Managed a decent Witching hour on tuesday, then I got the last piece of the UE set last night (set shoulders drop, I get the achievo for 2 full sets before I even ID them)... then I cubed a Yang's... so now it's figuring how to spec it and how to play it while trying for better jewelery.

What's the best setup for Marauders for the cube (right now doing Dawn, the vengeance helm, and some shit amulet), and what's the ideal setup for the UE6 for the cube?


<Silver Donator>
Traveller's Pledge is pretty shit for speed farming, it's only good for GRs, like 60-65+, when you actually have to stop moving for more than half a second. F+R is a lot better for speedfarming, and it's also good for greater rifts if you don't make use of many different rings, which iirc DH don't really. I guess you could use the Elusive Ring for some free toughness, or unity which iirc gives a bit less but all the time(assuming your follower has one too obviously), but damage wise there aren't many options other than CoE, so I think for DH, F/R is optimal with a Hellfire amulet with one of the damage passives(which I believe they buffed to be multiplicative too this patch right? like Steady Aim or whatever it was). Travellers is more a thing for say, Wizard due to Halo, WD due to Short man's finger, Crusader due to Obsidian and such.