Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<WoW Guild Officer>
Fuck. I found like 9 different focuses and 5 restraints last season, but can't find shit this season.


Clear eyes. Full Hearts. Can't lose.
Man I am loving this Firerasha farming. Enjoy it so much more than the SWK farming from last season.


<Silver Donator>
Fuck. I found like 9 different focuses and 5 restraints last season, but can't find shit this season.
It took a while to find my first focus, but by the end on the journey I had found several of each, just not early on. I started gambling for rings pretty quick though cause I found most of the other stuff relatively early, other than Delserre belt, and I needed Halo and Obsidian so rings were by far the best gamble despite their price. That said even though I gambled like 20k+ shards on rings, I never found a unity, so RNG is still RNG in the end.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Managed a decent Witching hour on tuesday, then I got the last piece of the UE set last night (set shoulders drop, I get the achievo for 2 full sets before I even ID them)... then I cubed a Yang's... so now it's figuring how to spec it and how to play it while trying for better jewelery.

What's the best setup for Marauders for the cube (right now doing Dawn, the vengeance helm, and some shit amulet), and what's the ideal setup for the UE6 for the cube?
UE6 Cube for speed farming I go Dawn, Cindercoat, Avarice Band, but there's plenty of options. If specifically farming for DBs, maybe use the nemesis bracers instead of cindercoat, but that cost reduction is really hard to give up. For speed I swap out bracers for Warzechian, and have a boon of hoarder gem in a different hellfire amulet than my normal one for pushing grifts.

Marauders for cube go with Dawn, Visage of Gune, and Rorg - ditch the marauders gloves for Tasker and Theo.

Played the HT Garg WD last night for the first time this season, and it's just silly. I think I maxed her out somewhere around 65 last patch, and just started at 70, and ended up stopping after doing 75 with 4 minutes to spare still for the night. So much win.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Damn! Woes of a pleb casual. Don't have a the time to well gear 1 character let alone 2! Nice job. Witch doctors are awesome!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Damn! Woes of a pleb casual. Don't have a the time to well gear 1 character let alone 2! Nice job. Witch doctors are awesome!
Hah, nothing about casuals vs anything else. I play on Xbox One, so I don't have resets each season. I usually play after each patch for a month or so, and then wait for the new updates, but still have the same characters and gear in the bank to swap out.

Yes, I bought an Xbox One. so sue me, I worked for MS at the time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Anyone able to do boost to 70 on HC yet? Normally wouldn't bother, but that's literally the only thing I am missing for Guardian so I figured what the hell.


<Silver Donator>
Anyone able to do boost to 70 on HC yet? Normally wouldn't bother, but that's literally the only thing I am missing for Guardian so I figured what the hell.
I just sat alt tabbed in the boosting communities until someone said they were plvling, took like a couple of hours(it was in the middle of a week day though).


Finally got my short man's finger to drop and instantly went from t7 to t10+.

6pc hell tooth 4pc Zuni gargs/hounds/fetish army spirit walk pirahnado and my op as fuck wall of death.

Still needing a few more legendary drops but t10 delivers an inventory full of them lol huge difference!


<Silver Donator>
The worst part about leveling gems is having to run rifts for keystones -.-
They should add Empowered Rifts or something like that, where you pay some money to get more keys at the end.

Also one of the most annoying part imo is having to change your spec/gear back to farm rifts fast, because it's rarely the same as farming GRs, unless you're leveling low lvl gems(then you can just use your TX farming build to farm GR50 or even 60). Really hope they consider dual specs or some shit. I guess you can just level a second char to farm, but it's a lot of effort to regear them so they clear TX as fast as your main.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, if they are not already they need to work on adding a dual specs type thing, even if it was just armor it would be a huge qol improvement(also has the side benefit of adding more inventory space that ppl can always use).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finally got my short man's finger to drop and instantly went from t7 to t10+.

6pc hell tooth 4pc Zuni gargs/hounds/fetish army spirit walk pirahnado and my op as fuck wall of death.

Still needing a few more legendary drops but t10 delivers an inventory full of them lol huge difference!
Hit 250 paragon last night, and was able to join TX public Rift games, and man, you are right. What a massive difference in drops. The legendaries are just raining down now compared to the T8 I was doing.


If you are doing regular rifts in pugs there is no reason to change. You are looking at like a 20 second difference in specs in a group as shit just explodes anyways. Got an ancient yang and a rama today. That spec is stupid fun.


Potato del Grande
Smashed GR 95 solo last night on NS with WD for rank 2. Any 96 will give rank one. Time to burn some keys


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
They should add Empowered Rifts or something like that, where you pay some money to get more keys at the end.

Also one of the most annoying part imo is having to change your spec/gear back to farm rifts fast, because it's rarely the same as farming GRs, unless you're leveling low lvl gems(then you can just use your TX farming build to farm GR50 or even 60). Really hope they consider dual specs or some shit. I guess you can just level a second char to farm, but it's a lot of effort to regear them so they clear TX as fast as your main.
I really wish they would add some sorts of dual specs or gear swapping. Many people have been asking for this feature even more so since you are fucked on stash space if you want to keep a copy of all the sets. A couple of people made some mock design pics for what it could look like. It would sure beat having to roll 2-3 characters every season to avoid the constant switching back and forth. But just like they should add some of the stuff from TubroHud to their base UI chalk this one up to more shit the folks at Blizzard are to fucking lazy to do. Shit they would probably say "You think you want that but you don't"




Trakanon Raider
Anyone has any tips on which conquests to do ? I tried to do cursed cellar with physicial chakram DH and I ended up at like 240 kills, not to mention the pain of remaking the game until it rolls. Then I saw somebody on youtube do one in a5 swamp, which looks like even bigger pain to roll. Guess I'll have to try to finish my UE set, but I'm running low on souls. First boss mode attempt got me like 30 minutes, mostly in a5, Maghda, Urzael and Queen Araneae are terrible to find unless you roll their bounties and even then I'm not sure I can do it in 20.

GR 75 looks doable, but I'd need decent Hellfire ammy or a few more ancient pieces. Cleared GR 60 with like 7:30 to spare


<Silver Donator>
Anyone has any tips on which conquests to do ? I tried to do cursed cellar with physicial chakram DH and I ended up at like 240 kills, not to mention the pain of remaking the game until it rolls. Then I saw somebody on youtube do one in a5 swamp, which looks like even bigger pain to roll. Guess I'll have to try to finish my UE set, but I'm running low on souls. First boss mode attempt got me like 30 minutes, mostly in a5, Maghda, Urzael and Queen Araneae are terrible to find unless you roll their bounties and even then I'm not sure I can do it in 20.

GR 75 looks doable, but I'd need decent Hellfire ammy or a few more ancient pieces. Cleared GR 60 with like 7:30 to spare
There's a massive difference between 60 and 75.

For conquests I played entirely solo, so I did bosses, 75 and gems. If I was a DH though, I'd most likely replace one of them with the cursed event. Cursed Peat in act5 isn't that bad to roll for, I mean obviously RNG, but you don't run around much if you don't want to. Just go to the TP, check the 4 spots around the TP, if it's not there, reset. An event spot often spawns right next to the TP, so it isn't too hard. Otherwise you can run around a bit, but if you see a large event area(like the one with ghosts mining around, the stairs going down in a circle, or in a square, or the stairs going up but with the other event), just reset, I don't think a blood marsh can roll more than one of these massive event areas, and the cursed peat one is one of them. You know it's the right one when it goes up(if you come from north/east/west, it'll be walled off and elevated, have to enter from south, or well southwest with the perspective), although there's 2 event that go up, one that instantly give you an objective of going to the top to fight a boss, that's the wrong one.

Overall I rolled it like 5times in 1h30, so it wasn't that bad.

But if you don't have UE, I don't know about clearing it in time. Definitely get your UE set ready I'd say. You want to be able to clear everything on the screen quickly. Maybe Marauder with 5turrets would be fine, don't know.

For the bosses one, you absolutely need Danetta, Tactical Advantage, Dawn and probably some more movespeed stuff like Wazechian. Do act5 first, with a timer, and if you take more than 6mins, restart. The other acts are a lot easier.

For act4, cross the large bridges whenever there's one, should run into the bosses quickly enough. For act3, only Ghom isn't in a set position but Keep3 tends to be fairly small, try to go north all the time as the entrance is always facing north. For act2, all bosses are in set positions(not sure why you listed Maghda in your list? it never changes, and it's not really farther than other bosses, takes like 20secs to get there and you should one shot her). Act1 only Aranae is an issue, but the map tends to follow 2 patterns, in the first crossroad, check north and east(you come from west), if it's blocked, then go south, then west, then north, it's basically "behind" the entrance. If it's not blocked, keep going north until you reach it.

Do note, it's very important to be able to kill the bosses in under 10secs, otherwise you lose too much time. Honestly if you use Marauder, I'd say you'd want Cluster more than Chakram, you want to burst them down instantly. But I'd probably use something else than marauder, since marauder dmg is reliant on turrets and you can't drop 5 right away. Shadow would be optimal, since it literally one shots bosses, or close enough to it. Also provides movespeed from perma wings, so you can move faster.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Late to the party because I'm a pleb casual, but finally finished my One Punch Monk gear set. Was a race between that or the Uliana's EP build as to which would finish first, and Sunwoko's won out!

Was using Inna's EP/mystic ally starter build, and went from Grift 42, and barely surviving elites in TX to Grift 50 so far, and stomping through TX. Made a HUGE difference, and is so damn awesome. Can't wait to farm more!!