Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I've got work at 2pm cst so not a ton, but if things are slow I may try and sneak some in.


I've been running the innas pet monk build and I'm wondering what I should do next. Looking for more deeps.


I'm running pet monk too. What GR are you at? I'm hoping to do 75 with it, but dps is def an issue. I've done 65 and could probably do 68 or so now I think.

Icy veins has other builds. Generator, ulianas etc


I just went thru 55 last night with no issues but I haven't been min maxing too long now. My f&r are shit, no compass rose or travelers, and still looking for a good ancient 2her. Glad to see I can push this build higher though.

for reference :Babadoo - Community - Diablo III


<Silver Donator>
Just go Sunwuko on monk and start dropping BOMBS. I initially went with that set because I got tired of the pets being retarded and running all over the place, now they're just used as spirit batteries.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, go Sunwoku with wave of light and watch shit just melt by comparison. It's Diablo fans top monk build I believe.


<Gold Donor>
One Punch Monk 2.4.1 vids readily available on youtube. I still need the fist weapon and the dagger that gives you 100% crit on initial hit. Already spent a boatload of souls on reforging my shitty in-geom.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I imagine the answer to this is yes, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

Never got about the D3 train, and I was wondering if I should bother buying it this late in the game? I know it probably would've been better timed had I started before this latest season. Also, do I need the expansion or can I wait on that (I'm assuming the expansion doesn't include base game)?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
There's some sales that pop up from time to time but you do need base game + expansion purchases to do any current stuff. The incentive to do each season is to complete the season journey as the 2nd to last step awards you with an extra stash tab, which takes people less than a month of moderate play and then players fade off until the next one. Still worth it to do that much but don't expect D3 to be a full time game, one month on two months off kind of deal.


<Silver Donator>
I imagine the answer to this is yes, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

Never got about the D3 train, and I was wondering if I should bother buying it this late in the game? I know it probably would've been better timed had I started before this latest season. Also, do I need the expansion or can I wait on that (I'm assuming the expansion doesn't include base game)?
To add to that, you definitely need the expansion, as the base game is very incomplete nowadays with most of the current content being lvl 70.

You can find cheap keys for the game on various kinda shady key sites like G2A and cdkeys and whatever else, google will find you some for sure. Total price is like 20-25$ if you do it that way, and the keys should work fine, the lower price comes from other markets and physical boxes, but there's always a small risk of getting fucked when using these. Otherwise you have to wait for a rare Blizzard sale, and even then it's still that same price.

As for is it worth it, I think it is, it's a really fun game especially if you haven't played it yet/in a long time. It doesn't have as much longetivity as say, PoE, due to a more limited scope in builds and stuff, but it's still very enjoyable to play once in a while when they start a new season/release a new patch. The season journey gives you clear objectives to aim for rather than just farming for farming and the many added cosmetics also give you stuff to specifically farm if you want to. There also isn't really a barrier of entry like in a mmo, due to seasons being reset every 3months or whatever, you can just pick up the game and never be too far behind. Might be troublesome to find groups for greater rifts late in the season if your paragon is low though, but you can kinda level that on your own fine since solo xp is pretty good nowadays. In general soloing is perfectly fine, I personally don't like grouping much in ARPGs and I play D3 every season and have no trouble completing the season journey very quickly. The main concern is if you wanted to compete on the leaderboards, since most ppl on solo leaderboards farm in groups a lot of paragon levels and gem levels before doing it, which massively skews the odds in their favor, but leaderboards are for ppl who play everyday the entire season anyway.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
So I haven't played this in probably 2 years or so. Started a Wiz for this season and have a question. Mainly I can currently do Grift 45 but can't go further with my current build using the DMO set. In the drop down box when choosing the Grfit it says Torment X so should I be playing now at Torment VIII or above for better drops? I'm trying to switch to a Flash Fire or Vyr build to push further but am missing some pretty key drops and I'm bottleknecked on DB drops right now as well. I've gotten an Ancient Unstable Scepter but the fucking Wand of Woh is being a bitch.


One Punch Monk 2.4.1 vids readily available on youtube. I still need the fist weapon and the dagger that gives you 100% crit on initial hit. Already spent a boatload of souls on reforging my shitty in-geom.
I cubed my in-geom... was from a wiz tho so didn't have dex. I do have the helm and fist wep so should be in business.


Blackwing Lair Raider
To add to that, you definitely need the expansion, as the base game is very incomplete nowadays with most of the current content being lvl 70.

You can find cheap keys for the game on various kinda shady key sites like G2A and cdkeys and whatever else, google will find you some for sure. Total price is like 20-25$ if you do it that way, and the keys should work fine, the lower price comes from other markets and physical boxes, but there's always a small risk of getting fucked when using these. Otherwise you have to wait for a rare Blizzard sale, and even then it's still that same price.

As for is it worth it, I think it is, it's a really fun game especially if you haven't played it yet/in a long time. It doesn't have as much longetivity as say, PoE, due to a more limited scope in builds and stuff, but it's still very enjoyable to play once in a while when they start a new season/release a new patch. The season journey gives you clear objectives to aim for rather than just farming for farming and the many added cosmetics also give you stuff to specifically farm if you want to. There also isn't really a barrier of entry like in a mmo, due to seasons being reset every 3months or whatever, you can just pick up the game and never be too far behind. Might be troublesome to find groups for greater rifts late in the season if your paragon is low though, but you can kinda level that on your own fine since solo xp is pretty good nowadays. In general soloing is perfectly fine, I personally don't like grouping much in ARPGs and I play D3 every season and have no trouble completing the season journey very quickly. The main concern is if you wanted to compete on the leaderboards, since most ppl on solo leaderboards farm in groups a lot of paragon levels and gem levels before doing it, which massively skews the odds in their favor, but leaderboards are for ppl who play everyday the entire season anyway.
If leaderboards are your thing you can still hit them even while primarily playing solo. I play primarily solo and hit ~540 two seasons ago, didn't play the last two months of the season and still ended somewhere in the 700's

So I haven't played this in probably 2 years or so. Started a Wiz for this season and have a question. Mainly I can currently do Grift 45 but can't go further with my current build using the DMO set. In the drop down box when choosing the Grfit it says Torment X so should I be playing now at Torment VIII or above for better drops? I'm trying to switch to a Flash Fire or Vyr build to push further but am missing some pretty key drops and I'm bottleknecked on DB drops right now as well. I've gotten an Ancient Unstable Scepter but the fucking Wand of Woh is being a bitch.
There is a pretty big difference in quantity of drops between t8 and t10, try and leech from some ppl doing t10 if you can while you get there yourself. But yeah, thats probably about accurate, if t10 is pushing it for farming you would want to be doing t7 or 8.


558 paragon levels and only have had 1 woh that I got from cubing rare wands and it is shit. Now I'm farming bounties to roll it into something at least decent.

So far I've had 9 gifts drop too, so consider that.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
What's the point of the Set Dungeons? You need the set to run them essentially and then what? The DMO dungeon is gay, who the fuck uses wave of force?