Those builds don't work without that belt, at allYea, I just tried the LTK Sunwuko build that has no generator, and that shit was aids. Granted, I didn't have the right pieces, so with the belt for sweeping winds, etc, I'm sure it played a lot smoother, but bleh. I like the generator builds a lot.
This is one that is based around goldwrap, boon of the hoarder, and avarice band that looks super fun. I'd like to make this as well.
Uliana T10+ Speedfarm - Monk - Diablo III Builds - Diablo Fans
Link to that wizard build? Saw a wizard blasting through T6 recently. Nothing special, but it gave me that itch to try out.15s, but still, too short. I think 30s would be fine. It's an all or nothing type of buff, no one is making a build based around 50% In-Geom uptime. I want time to click chests, switch out bracers for shrines and pylons, or just deal with a not-so-uncommon elite drought.
It's why I'm pleasantly surprised there's a wizard speed farm build that does not include In-Geom. It's like the old Flashfire build but better.
It certainly assrapes rare packs, but it also feels pretty clunky for general clearing. Lot of dead time spent just running/waiting for leap cooldowns. Do you even run a regular left-click builder attack? I don't see much point in it, but can't really find anything to replace it with either.
Link to that wizard build? Saw a wizard blasting through T6 recently. Nothing special, but it gave me that itch to try out.
So what should I be doing. Just neph rifts for keys then grifts for gear? What difficulty should I be aiming for? Fairly new at this so I was doing like level 15 but I'm sure I should be higher.
Or should I be joining group games?
Perfect thanksYou always want to group with others when possible because there is bonus loot and xp when in a group.
If the 6pc you're looking for is your class' season set do the season journey to get your 6pc.
If not gamble your 6pc with blood shards from kadala.
Upgrade rares at the cube for your main hand and then off hand and then rings.
Once you have a 7th pc of your set you can also reroll them into other pieces at the cube until you get well rolled set pcs and the affixes you want.
As for which difficulty you should be doing, good rule to follow is you should be able to clear it in about 5 minutes. If you do a grift and it takes 10 minutes thats too long for efficiency, go down at least 2 lvls, maybe 3. So you know if you can do a t6 rift in about 5m you can farm t6.
Once you have your build complete (all the items you want) then you're just hunting for ancient versions.