TurboHUD was rewritten this season and none of the old customization works anymore. So unless people are writing new snippets of code and not sharing them they can't see things like hp%. It does tell you the exact % of grift completion though so maybe that's what the guy was saying.That is TurboHUD for sure or ros-bot but not sure ros bot can be piloted.
T13 is easy enough just the HP the mobs have removes any type of "speed" from the equation, at least when solo.Is T13 considered easy farming and that is where everybody is at or is T13 considered too high HP mobs so it is sub-optimal for farming and people stick to a lower tier?
I did look up builds but it's tough to soft through. I'll look up. Whatever the higher rated group farming builds areLike was suggested earlier, if you can clear it in 5 minutes then it's worth doing. If not then it's just an exercise in frustration. T13 gets that way usually around paragon 500 or so unless your luck sucks.
Noodle, try looking up some builds on diablofans. In general the higher ranked builds are worthwhile. Just note that some are for solo rift pushing and some are for farming, you should look at the group farming builds.
Really? That's too bad, it used to be my go to for quick tips when playing a toon I didn't know.Critical mass required for accurate voting seems to have disappeared from diablo fans. Either ask here or find a thread on the bnet or diablo fan forums.
Extra death's breaths and more rift keys + leg drops is the reason to do it, but it really does require having the raw sheet damage to kill at an efficient rate. Basically comes down to ancients and paragon.I tried doing T13 but it didn't seem efficient, i can clear T10 rifts in 2-3 minutes, T13 was at least double that with no real benefit?
Might give it a try. Season 6, the last time I played, the free set was Innas and it was fine for t6 farming. You'd get it and immediately be boosted up. Getting sunwuko is a kick in the dick because it doesn't work for shit without other legendaries like the belt.Start with the fresh 70+Haedrig build on icy-veins and go from there based on what drops. Most monk builds have an item synergy that simply doesn't work at all without the legendary items to support the set. If you're sticking with Sunwuko then you need Kyoshiro belt, and nothing else matters until you get it.
I've spent every shard and almost all my cube mats on it and still don't have the fucking thing, so playing the class is horrible.
Edit: I replaced EP with cyclone strike / implosion in the starter build. It's way more useful until you get the fireball spirit stone.
How the hell do you play it without any of the legendaries to go with it, like belt?Sunwuko's is still fine as a starter set if you're comparing T6 abilities, it way outclasses that, it's just not 0 work until you get the other legendariesEach core legy you get adds like another torment level to it and it's still arguably the most consistent top-end Monk set for most people so eh, seems alright.
Yea. That's how I felt a few seasons ago when I played. Is that the free set let you feel good about what you were farming. You could speed through at least T6 while you searched for the rest of it. This shit now, is terrible. Stuck T4 or below, or have to get carried in hopes you can gamble a belt from blood bitch.Very slowly. You pretty much have to have the belt and the +7 stacks weapon to not be stuck farming T4 or below. SW drops constantly without them, and when SW is down you do no damage and die when anything looks in your direction.
Finally got the belt today and immediately jumped to T9 even though I still don't have either spirit stone, the boots, In-Geom or Furnace to cube, and my weapons are poor dps even for non-ancient.