Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Trakanon Raider
Beating the dungeons for your class unlocks something cosmetic, I think a unit frame? Beating every set dungeon in the game unlocks some green dragon'ish wings. They're also needed for some achievements and season challenges for stash tabs.

They're also retarded and not in the least fun to complete.


Trakanon Raider
I think I burned out on the Conquests, they are terrible and half of them are waiting for the RNG to align just right. Grinding rifts just so you hope you get the right one where you have pylons and open maps that you can plow through with no chance of dying is not fun. Same goes for pushing GRs, I can do lvl 65 in 12 or 7 minutes...


<Bronze Donator>
I think I burned out on the Conquests, they are terrible and half of them are waiting for the RNG to align just right. Grinding rifts just so you hope you get the right one where you have pylons and open maps that you can plow through with no chance of dying is not fun. Same goes for pushing GRs, I can do lvl 65 in 12 or 7 minutes...
Just swallow your pride and group for TX rift in under 2 minutes. Got circular A2 desert map on first try, blew it up with a bell monk and HT garg WD in maybe under a minute, I was practically useless.

GR65 in 7 minutes should get you GR75 in under 15.


Wizard seems lackluster, my WD was so op compared to wiz. Like I've used so many builds fb archon, woh/tals, 6pc tals/4pc fb, with and without chantodo.

TX and above is just weak. I don't see how people are doing gr60+ when I'm struggling with GR 45.

Some of these builds I've had full ancient gear. My problem is in defense, out of archon you get 1 shot, chantodo needs build up time to start doing the damage necessary.

WD I never had any walls of difficulty, he just simply blew through to GR 70 with just a ht set and short man's finger.

Guess because pets never fucking die so defense never was a question in progressing.

What I'm running now is a firebird archon build with chantodo halo + endless walk + fazula and its probably the least shitty of all the builds. With fb stacks and chant stacks I'm doing around 1 billion damage in archon. Don't know how to fit a zodiac ring into the build to help staying in archon.

Cube is ingeoms nemesis bracers rorg.

What can I really do? Replace halo with zodiac? Seems shitty.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
sounds like you need to look up some guides

GR 45 was trivial last season and I'm an ultra-casual these days, if you can't faceroll it with full ancients your build sucks

1-2 items can really change a build's powerlevel


Molten Core Raider
If you want to see what people are using for GR clears, you can shift-L in game to bring up the leaderboards and then view hero them. This is the easiest way to see where to improve your gear/build.


I've never seen "the swami" in game... Or the furnace for that matter but I have 7k of each material and like 900 dB so might have to get these 2 items...

Builds I've seen drop illusory boots for 6pc fb and drop rorg for zodiac ring.

Guess I'll see what that does when servers come up.

To be clear I can clear 45 rifts but the fact I die very easily out of archon leaves me feeling lacking. Wizard builds are just so squishy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you want to see what people are using for GR clears, you can shift-L in game to bring up the leaderboards and then view hero them. This is the easiest way to see where to improve your gear/build.
This is what I always do when I have a question about what to build or what affixes I want on an item.


<Silver Donator>
I've never seen "the swami" in game... Or the furnace for that matter but I have 7k of each material and like 900 dB so might have to get these 2 items...

Builds I've seen drop illusory boots for 6pc fb and drop rorg for zodiac ring.

Guess I'll see what that does when servers come up.

To be clear I can clear 45 rifts but the fact I die very easily out of archon leaves me feeling lacking. Wizard builds are just so squishy.
Swami is a 25% chance upgrade from a wizard helm or something dumb like that. Maybe 20%, but anyway it shouldn't take more than a dozen of upgrades, if that. Make sure to upgrade wizard helms, not normal helms. Don't gamble for it. Furnace is unnecessary for anything before like GR80+ or groups, and even then. Just use the orb of infinite depth(I think that was the name? the one for explosive blast) and replace frost nova with explosive blast.

I'm not sure what the illusory boots have to do with anything, I don't think anyone uses these? Don't think you even can use them, since you need 6pc fb, need swami and you can't use the fb orb since you need chantodo. And there's no way to make fb archon work without zodiac, like it's not even feasible, this isn't a preference choice, it's a must have. You need zodiac to reset archon, halo to survive and the ring/amulet set for damage.

The build is certainly squishy, but it kinda gets better the more enemy you're fighting. You need to skip small packs constantly to find larger packs. It's not meant for 45, hell for 45 you should just be running tal rasha spectral or explosive blast(flashfire), you can do that up to 60 or so easily. FB archon is only good at 60+. Even then some rift setups are terrible for the spec, but it shouldn't be an issue to do GR75 if you have an ancient chantodo(arguably even without it shouldn't be a problem, the damage of fb archon is so high).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Illusory boots are for the Tal Twister build that group wizards use since it doesn't have teleport.


That's where I'm at, I was EB for this whole wizards life and wanted to try something different and with the consensus being fb archon is the meta was trying it out, after cubing an ancient chantodos while trying to get an ancient woh, that never happened. illusory boots were to be able to run through packs without stopping just spamming nova and EB.

Zodiac ring is what was missing from my build, it took forever to get back into archon when it dropped which left me scrambling until the cd was up.

Should see some good results after making the necessary adjustments.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nice, was able to get the t10 in less than 2 minutes solo. It was the newest tile set(ruins of secheron? or however you spell it, I think its called), using hot pursuit, tactical advantage, krelm's belt, nemesis bracers, cubed warzechian bracers, and loot hoarder gem. Had a bunch of elites/champs close together and ran into two shrines.


Just swallow your pride and group for TX rift in under 2 minutes. Got circular A2 desert map on first try, blew it up with a bell monk and HT garg WD in maybe under a minute, I was practically useless.

GR65 in 7 minutes should get you GR75 in under 15.
Is there some kind of community channel to join for the 2 minute speed runs?


<Bronze Donator>
I've only had the game a few months and I'm not sure I'm doing anything right!

I've got a non-seasonal DH with about 165 paragon levels and the highest solo Grift I can do without dying is 16....and it takes about 10 minutes or so at that. I've got a few pieces of a few different sets for gear.

Does anyone think that sounds normal and I just need to grind more for gear/paragon levels or should I look into optimizing gear/skills a little more?


My suggestion is to make your character seasonal, join the powerleveling community. Ask for a powerlevel. Get to 70 and get your free set of marauders. That free set helps so much.


Dusted off my D3 account for my seasonal 3 or 4 paragon levels.

Holy hell, the top wiz has 3800+ paragon...do these people EVER sleep? I have 438 something.


Trakanon Raider
Dusted off my D3 account for my seasonal 3 or 4 paragon levels.

Holy hell, the top wiz has 3800+ paragon...do these people EVER sleep? I have 438 something.
TBH I have 200 higher paragon than my non-seasonal character, the TX and GR 80+ have inflated the levels a lot.


The top seasonal wizard has like 1500 paragons. When you are doing GR102 I assume it's not that tough. I have almost 700 and I am super casual. I still get 2-3 paragons for each GR70+ in a group.