Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Silver Donator>
Not sure how the game calculates official rift time, had one that should have been around 4min 45 seconds which counted for Guardian's under 4 minute but the public rift group was happy they all got under 5. Either way, completed the season journey and the final portrait feels so "meh"

I believe it stops the timer after you turn the completion in.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Very slowly. You pretty much have to have the belt and the +7 stacks weapon to not be stuck farming T4 or below. SW drops constantly without them, and when SW is down you do no damage and die when anything looks in your direction.

Finally got the belt today and immediately jumped to T9 even though I still don't have either spirit stone, the boots, In-Geom or Furnace to cube, and my weapons are poor dps even for non-ancient.
Why cube furnace/in-geom when you can cube that diabo that does 150% wol?

Got the +6 stacks weapon today and put it in my offhand... holy shit it's so much better now. I've got the helm waiting for me, but I can't get a RoRg to drop. Did 3? a1 bounties with extra chests today and got shit all. Also been trying for the bracers, but no luck.


Doing T7 somewhat quickly, which is pretty nice pace.

Planning on cubing RoRg when I get one, wearing CoE and Zodiac, and cubing cindercoat as well. Should be "rocking" by then


Trakanon Raider
Very slowly. You pretty much have to have the belt and the +7 stacks weapon to not be stuck farming T4 or below. SW drops constantly without them, and when SW is down you do no damage and die when anything looks in your direction.

Finally got the belt today and immediately jumped to T9 even though I still don't have either spirit stone, the boots, In-Geom or Furnace to cube, and my weapons are poor dps even for non-ancient.

I regret rolling a monk this season.

I should have just gone WD as usual and rolled GR 80 with a basic helltooth set.

Monk is shitty.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Maybe they stealth nerfed monks again, I dunno. I've done monks.... 5 or 6 seasons now, and I said it before but I swear they get squishier every season despite no actual patch notes saying such. I think it might be that Torment / GR levels have generally gone up but they haven't had a defense buff since the Dex = Armor thing ages ago. I still love the class and builds but it is goddamn tedious sometimes.

Meanwhile, trying crusader this season. Every time I think I have a non-invoker build ready, I try it out and realize I'm missing something so it's just worse than invoker and I end up back there. I feel like that was my life last time I tried crusader too.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Why cube furnace/in-geom when you can cube that diabo that does 150% wol?

I've got a torch--which is just cost reduction--and the bells spirit stone, but I don't have the bracer or fist weapon, which is what gives 150-250% damage. LTK is just plain better so that's what I'm working towards (while actually hoping I get the stuff for generator build in the process).

LTK = 300% extra to first 5-7 targets, 250% extra damage and 50% extra attack speed, plus 1050-1400% damage fireball on each attack. LTK/VCK also has higher base damage when you count the DoT, though of course bells have a much larger AE. Bells only gets 150% (200-250% vs. 3 or less targets) and 125-150% from the bracer, which also means not wearing nemesis full-time, and the other bonuses just reduce the spirit cost. And the extra Air Allies from Crudest Boots, for whatever that's worth.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've got a torch--which is just cost reduction--and the bells spirit stone, but I don't have the bracer or fist weapon, which is what gives 150-250% damage. LTK is just plain better so that's what I'm working towards (while actually hoping I get the stuff for generator build in the process).

LTK = 300% extra to first 5-7 targets, 250% extra damage and 50% extra attack speed, plus 1050-1400% damage fireball on each attack. LTK/VCK also has higher base damage when you count the DoT, though of course bells have a much larger AE. Bells only gets 150% (200-250% vs. 3 or less targets) and 125-150% from the bracer, which also means not wearing nemesis full-time, and the other bonuses just reduce the spirit cost. And the extra Air Allies from Crudest Boots, for whatever that's worth.
I was in a similar position as you. Finally had some time to put into really grinding, and it paid off. I got the belt, then I got the Torch, then I got the Bells helm, then I got the fist weapon for the cube, and then finally pinto's pride. Shit just kept rolling in. After such a shitty start on the Monk, tonight was quite the turn around!


Trump's Staff
What is the best method for Hellfire machine/uber farming? My DH can wreck T13 pretty easily. I did some Keywardens on T13 and only got 2 machines each; seemed to be the same amount as on T10? And killing the ubers on T12 only yielded 3 mats.

Is there a sweet spot?


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you can wreck T13 there's no reason not to farm on T13. The bonuses are ALWAYS better. You just want to do the highest difficulty where it is fast and easy.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Diablo 3 Difficulty Overview

Sweet spots are 7 and 13 if you don't want to gamble with the organ drops and possibly end up with different amounts of each.

I was in a similar position as you. Finally had some time to put into really grinding, and it paid off. I got the belt, then I got the Torch, then I got the Bells helm, then I got the fist weapon for the cube, and then finally pinto's pride. Shit just kept rolling in. After such a shitty start on the Monk, tonight was quite the turn around!
Nice. Torch should go in the cube though, otherwise you lose either the bells fist or Vengeful Wind.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Looks like CoE, Pinto's Pride, Tzo Krin's Gaze, Crudest Boots for gear; RoRG and Cindercoat in cube. Second ring can be whatever you need most (Unity for GRs, Avarice Band for farming, etc.)

No need for a generator especially once you have the spirit stone equipped, so Epiphany can go in instead.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Looks like CoE, Pinto's Pride, Tzo Krin's Gaze, Crudest Boots for gear; RoRG and Cindercoat in cube. Second ring can be whatever you need most (Unity for GRs, Avarice Band for farming, etc.)

No need for a generator especially once you have the spirit stone equipped, so Epiphany can go in instead.
I've got the gaze, I just don't have rorg yet :|
I need the ally for spirit, but you mean no need for crippling wave? Htf do I maintain spirit (boots with ally I'm guessing)?

Got some work to do then. I found T7 being the sweet stop for legendary drops, so I've been trying to farm that.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
I tried doing T13 but it didn't seem efficient, i can clear T10 rifts in 2-3 minutes, T13 was at least double that with no real benefit?

I can speed clear t13 on my non seasonal DH (UE). I have level 80+ gems, 3.6m dps with 39% +fire though, so that gives you an idea of the sort of damage output you may need.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, Cindercoat and Torch in cube make bells cheap, and the extra air allies from Crudest Boots solves any other spirit issues you might have. Plus Epiphany, even though it won't be perma except when speedfarming with In-Geom.


Toe Sucker
I can speed clear t13 on my non seasonal DH (UE). I have level 80+ gems, 3.6m dps with 39% +fire though, so that gives you an idea of the sort of damage output you may need.

Yeah my gems are only around 50, no ancient Yang's, ramalamadingdong to socket my bow or CoE cubed yet so my damage is pretty low for 13 at a quick rate


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is like my 7th or 8th dh and each time I'm amazed at the power spike after completing ue6. I went from farming t6 to farming t10 quicker than what I was farming t6. Just need a Restraint mostly now.


<Bronze Donator>
Well, stop being amazed. The number is right there!

Should be finishing up the 8th part of the season journey tonight, onto the tough parts of 9. Any wizards done Butcher in under 15s? I'm thinking either archon and blow him up, or AT:SD and hope for a lucky string of Paralysis procs.

Also wondering if it's possible to solo "TX in under 2m" and "TXIII in under 4m" as a wizard. I was going to try using the electrocute/manad heal builds, but they are somewhat annoying in that packs require Paralysis ramp up time before blowing up instantly. Might have to go archon, which I hate.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yeah, Cindercoat and Torch in cube make bells cheap, and the extra air allies from Crudest Boots solves any other spirit issues you might have. Plus Epiphany, even though it won't be perma except when speedfarming with In-Geom.
What weapon do I drop for In-Geom?