Because theire is items with lucky hit effects, and in order to get the lucky hit to begin with, you have to up your lucky hit chance. think of it as a trigger for other shit if you have it. For instance my barb had some items that did cnace of execute trash with lucky hit.
Bnet launcher says they're rolling out an update and login issues may occur during this time.Ques are back. Must be 5 PM EST.
Why would they be? Is Zelda a roguelike?But are the maps procedually generated?
Wait what? I knew she'd have to log into her battle net account to play, but you're saying it won't let her log into bnet in my D4 until she has her own D4 registered on her bnet?
Speaking of lucky hit, am I missing something about it? Every piece of gear i've seen linked in here has effects and stuff on their lucky hit mods but every item I find with it just says "chance to get lucky hit x%" with no actual effects?
Why would they be? Is Zelda a roguelike?
Someone called me out so I compared what I did yesterday with what they did.No, so why are you comparing the two?
This may actually get me to buy the game if I can get my wife into RPGs, she's platform game only pretty much.Seananigans
Ok after looking online, it looks like you need 2 Battlenet accouts, but only ONE copy of the game to play couch-coop.
So you are bitching about a game you haven't even played yet?This may actually get me to buy the game if I can get my wife into RPGs, she's platform game only pretty much.
I played the open beta, so I have experienced some of the 100+ "dungeons" lmao.So you are bitching about a game you haven't even played yet?
Do you not think it's funny that Blizzard have lost the ability to procedurally generate AGAIN, except unlike Diablo 3 where they at least relearned it to a minimum standard, this time they brute forced it with 100+ copy/paste dungeons?
HAHACharacter creation screen is 100% brown people? Seriously?
So when does season 1 start and will it contain anything new?
It sure as fuck better contain a loot filter of some sort. Even if it's basic af the fact that there isn't any kind of one at all is actually ridiculous.So when does season 1 start and will it contain anything new?