Avatar of War Slayer
I am doing the sever build, where I sac the skeletons and just use mages to CC everything with cold. Can face tank most things, since I group up and stun with Tendrils, and they freeze before they get anything big off (mostly). Then it's just spam rotate sever with corpse explosions to build a huge DoT pool, so they die before the CC ends. I keep blood mist on the bar, but rarely need to use it. Currently at level 54, but it may run out of juice, eventually.Think I finally got that Necro summon build cooking. Now my Mages cast Blizzard as well. Took forever for that aspect to drop. Up to Tier 13 and still having no issues with the Skellingtons. If they end up buffing them I wont complaing though.
And just got done Salvaging a ton of shit in my stash and could unlock this transmog.
Necro armor looks pretty good even if it's more "plate" than bone armor.
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My deaths have been from trying to pull huge 30+ mob packs with 2 or 3 elites included (the bus only stops for elites), standing in explosion due to huge black corpse explosion pools being everywhere, and the Butcher got me last level, after I pillar humped him down to 5%.
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