Couple of people from FoH stopped playing after doing 100 hours in a week, dead game.They are really sitting on their dicks when they know they need to hurry up and patch this mother fucker out of it's gayness. I have never seen a new release drop off as hard as this shit has.
It costs money. Come the fuck on bitch, you know the answer stop pretending you don't
Why? Money
See at least someone's smart. @Mist try and keep up.
Huh? Every class has at least 3 "viable" specs that can do endgame and Rogue has about 5. Can every one of those specs do Tier 85 Nightmare sigils? No, but there isn't much reason to push high tier Nightmare atm and all of them can handle 21+ easily enough. Sure, if you want to go big dick and do ABSOLUTE MAX CONTENT JUICE you'll be pigeonholed into whatever the "meta" 1-2 specs are for each class, but what ARPG is that not true for?If they want to have this game be a live service game, well then they will have to service it. And im not talking about nerfing a few classes and buffing some others and changing some gear #% around. Seasons better have some type of content or else this game is too fucking shallow right now for any longevity. Not enough build variety and not enough classes. Like how many rampage or werewolf druids are people gonna make? How many WW Barbarians? Most classes have like 1-2 specs that are viable atr end game. And even if they buff some other skills there is just not enough for any longer than 2-3 seasons TOPS. Some people will though, roll the same shit season after season, Im sure, but most wont.
Grim Dawn has like 36, thats class combos, not even taking the skills into account. And its old as shit. Last epoch has even more, possibilities are near endless since every class and archetype can choose different skills, and those skills have their own skill trees. Plus uniques that changes entire playstyle too. Like for example a rare unique that gets rid of all of your skeleton minions and you now get 3 fucking golems. POE, I mean I know its been around for years, but this is the competition, and I dont even know how many possibilities there is in POE. Only power this game has is that its made by blizzard and famous DIABLO name attached. They prob will sell a shit ton of boxes, im sure they already did, but whether they keep people around with this shallow game? Im not sure.
What are the 5 Rogue specs?Huh? Every class has at least 3 "viable" specs that can do endgame and Rogue has about 5. Can every one of those specs do Tier 85 Nightmare sigils? No, but there isn't much reason to push high tier Nightmare atm and all of them can handle 21+ easily enough. Sure, if you want to go big dick and do ABSOLUTE MAX CONTENT JUICE you'll be pigeonholed into whatever the "meta" 1-2 specs are for each class, but what ARPG is that not true for?
Death Trap, Twisting Blades, Flurry, Penetrating Shot, and Barrage are all "viable".What are the 5 Rogue specs?
We talking different playstyle or different element imbuement?
Right but how different are the playstyles?Death Trap, Twisting Blades, Flurry, Penetrating Shot, and Barrage are all "viable".
Well, when I say that about other ARPGs I get told i'm wrong so some people are gonna have to decide which way they want it. Lol just kidding, it's just another case of D4 doing something other games do but it's a negative for this and a positive for them because they need reasons to be mad.Right but how different are the playstyles?
Twisting Blades and Flurry and the same thing with only a minor difference in if you think you'll get more DPS from aiming the Twisting Blades or getting free immediate permanent AoE Vulnerability from Flurry.
Death Trap uses the above skills too. However the cooldown resetting does change the playstyle a lot.
Thankfully by that time they'll finally have the technology to trans you real time so you can hit your non-binary slider in combat to transition from body type 1 to body type 2 effortlessly. Ahhh, progress.I'm a filthy casual, and yet I find myself agreeing with most people in this thread on both the positives and the negatives.
I have 2 classes to 50+ and don't really see a carrot dangling for me anymore.
I did enjoy playing through the game, but I'm not sure I'd find the appeal in repeating most of it again for seasons.
While it may be low on the totem pole for many, I just don't find many of the events rewarding.
I go to the orange circles and build up my obels and gamble with it......after maxing it out 5 to 6x and gambling and not getting anything worthwhile, I stopped that.
Then I see these elusive treasure goblins out and about....think I've seen about 10 or so, so fairly rare for me....kill it....doesn't drop shit.
Then I see these silent stack of keys....excited to loot one....pop it open, its no diff than any fucking normal chest.
Then I see some fairly large interesting looking chests after some encounters and think it might have a goodie in it, newp..same trash as any other random chest.
Do the tree of whisper event...go do a turn in...just like some random ass chest drop again.
I don't regret playing the game, and I'm sure it will be tweaked a bunch and many things adjusted...but knowing it will be another 10+ years to try again with Diablo 5 is disheartening.
Why are you white knighting a tranny californian corporation?There are additional avenues to spend consumer money after buying the box? O M F G ABSOLUTELY UNHEARD OF
This game doesn't have 400+hrs of content and doesn't have the depth of a game released and supported for the past ten years? TRASH
The game doesn't cost the same as a new Nintendo 64 game in 1997 ($60)? CAPITALIST SCUM OPPRESSING THE POOR
Where am I? Who are all these whiny bitches that have never played diablo or a video game before?
oh yeah, it's the same handful of people that whine in every thread about everything.
If you want to critisise the different coloured aoe things in melee range PoE skills, you may have a point.Well, when I say that about other ARPGs I get told i'm wrong so some people are gonna have to decide which way they want it. Lol just kidding, it's just another case of D4 doing something other games do but it's a negative for this and a positive for them because they need reasons to be mad.
No sub, thank God. But it looks like quite a few people are having your issue. Im not entirely sure its the Blizzard Servers as I can log in w/o anyone playing w/ spoilers and guides? apart from the first 2hours of figuring out how to play together, we avoided everything besides a map of the lilith locs
am i supposed to pay for a subscription? i just click circle/circle (cancel) everytime i log into the game
Is your set up less than this?is anyone playing w/ spoilers and guides? apart from the first 2hours of figuring out how to play together, we avoided everything besides a map of the lilith locs
am i supposed to pay for a subscription? i just click circle/circle (cancel) everytime i log into the game