wasnt a fan of the d3 auction house - because it made gold the currency
but not really a fan of d2 trading atm too... i can either browse diablo2.io, d2jsp, or create a game with a "TAL AMMY 4 VEX" or w/e
idk just too much work. i never played d2 online so dunno what it was like... but why cant we just have a global Trade channel in lobby. I think there is 1, but pretty sure its capped because i see 0 activity in it always.
any tips on trading?
Anyone playing on Switch?
Yeah, important people sit alone at their PC using the same peripherals they use in office jobs, wrecking their hands.Probably the same people playing WoW with a controller, nobody of importance.
Yeah, important people sit alone at their PC using the same peripherals they use in office jobs, wrecking their hands.
Reported for white supremacy.Cry about it faggot.
I created a Javazon that I actually named ItsMaam.Thats Ma'amazon to you, bigots
I’m done with the Bnet online single player. I only play online if I ever need to make a trade other than that I’m mostly solo. I’m just going to install the Better SP mod and play the game offline until they figure what the fuck is going on and fix it.
It’s really easy to install. It’s a matter of creating a folder, naming it, copying a single file into that folder and adding a few characters into the D2R shortcut. Simple as that. The mod is pretty damn good and I mostly use it for the larger stash space. I really wish the creators who made Plugy will make one for D2R. The unlimited stash space is perfect for a Holy grail. I’m just worried if I invest tons of hours using this mod one day they may stop supporting it.Hilariously their servers were down on west coast weekend morning prime time gaming hours three days in a row. Fucking brilliant.
How hard is it to get the Better SP mod on your single player? I spent a minimum of effort looking into it last night but did not get far.
I have put a ton of time into this game over the last couple of weeks, but I think I am burning out now. Level 81 Forb/Meteor Sorc, cleared to Hell Mephisto and started doing Countess/Ancient Tunnels/Lower Kurast Chests/Mephisto runs and got bored fast. I've gotten +8 sorc levels so far but I am not having much luck finding good charms for anything, and my fire and light resists are still deep neg. I think I am just shy of 200 Mf as well.
I was playing a bit with a friend of mine but it got annoying because he is a dirty loot goblin. We did the Act 5 quest that gives the 3 runes as reward and my inventory was full so one dropped on the ground. That fucking loot hover had it picked up in 1 second and I was like wtf dude. "I thought you dropped it because you didn't want it". Yeah, dude, no one wants runes.
Prob going to take a break and finish my Mechwarrior 5 campaign.
It is quite hilarious to me that D2 from 20 years ago is so objectively superior in terms of game design to D3.
I was pretty casual and made $700 while at university with D3 lol.Diablo 3 shit the bed so hard I think partly because they were trying to build a banking system they could siphon cash from with the RMAH more than they were trying to design a good game.
The sheer greed levels that shit took to put in is still shocking to this day. Only good thing about it was I made a few thousand playing Diablo 3 at the start. Shame I didn't hack bot and sleeze my way there were programing milking 10-100s of thousands of dollars out of that shit.
My GF is playing on switch and PC. I tried the swich version today and was impressed. So much easier to use multiple skillsProbably the same people playing WoW with a controller, nobody of importance.
I get why people hated it, but easy ways to cash out of games I'm playing fuck yes.I was pretty casual and made $700 while at university with D3 lol.
It is quite hilarious to me that D2 from 20 years ago is so objectively superior in terms of game design to D3.