Django Unchained


Millie's Staff Member
Tarrant ask yourself this. In slave days do you think a black mans life mattered enough that hate crimes only could be committed at night and in disguise? Dicaprio or his men didnt wear masks when they brutally murdered rhat runaway slave.

Aychamo BanBan

Just watched this again tonight. I still think it's brilliant, and one of my favorite movies. It's just so damn fun. And Christoph Waltz is so fucking entertaining to watch. I can't imagine anyone else who could have carried the movie like that. What a truly brilliant actor.

Are there any videos out there of QT talking about how brilliant Waltz is or anything like that?


<Prior Amod>
Just watched this again tonight. I still think it's brilliant, and one of my favorite movies. It's just so damn fun. And Christoph Waltz is so fucking entertaining to watch. I can't imagine anyone else who could have carried the movie like that. What a truly brilliant actor.
Yeah the dude deserves some awards, much like someone else posted I didn't even know he was in this movie until he appears and I was like "Hey its Chudnovsky from The Green Hornet, neat." Then he stole the whole damn movie and when it go tot he scene with him and Leo I knew what was about to happen and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..........."

Like I said in a previous post, dude needs to do more work here in the States.


Trakanon Raider
Just saw the movie GREAT FUCKING Music, I enjoyed this movie quite a bit the gun fight at the end nicely done.
Christoph Waltz did a great job.


Trakanon Raider
I cant see fucking shit in these bags..
am fucking with my eye holes...

can you see? not to good...

any one bring any extra bags...

well fuck all y'all am going home.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
That whole scene for some reason made me think of Blazing Saddles.
Oh absolutely, many parts of this movie seemed to pay homage to Blazing Saddles. Or it could be they were spoofing on the same genres which leads them along similar paths.


Silver Squire
It's the KKK's-proto/beta-head-wear-like-Spiderman's-getup-when-he-first-starts-fighting-crime-in-sewn-together-pajamas.


Molten Core Raider




Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So, just to recap.

Astro thinks some fag from Lost, AKA lawn mower man, AKA Jeff Fahey... is Christoph Waltz. Nobody gives shits, because Astro is a candidate for someone with serious brain trauma.

Then me and 99.9% of people think the KKK are being portrayed in Django, and he flips his mother fuckin top, going on a 20 post tirade how we are all wrong... pulling from his extensive,extensiveknowledge of the klan.

Tell you what Astro, you can take up the side of the KKK, and defend their honor and portrayal in the movie. I will do the same for Waltz.

How dare you not recognize him. Maybe if you took your hood off, you could better see and recognize one of the greatest actors of our time.

Oh sweet Jesus, why can't testicle cancer be merit based?


Molten Core Raider
Can you believe Don Johnson & the fat kid from Superbad weren't even IN the klan? This taratin guy is Grade - A GARBAGE.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Are there any videos out there of QT talking about how brilliant Waltz is or anything like that?
QT rarely discusses the brilliance of anyone but QT. He's quite a douche in interviews. That said, there was an episode of Fresh Air on NPR where he talks about finding Waltz for Inglorious Basterds. He mostly comes across as talking about how great he is for discovering him though.

Interview excerpt below, spoilered for length.
GROSS: If you're just joining us, my guest is Quentin Tarantino. And we're talking about his new movie, "Inglourious Basterds." Can I ask you a casting question about "Inglourious Basterds"?


GROSS: The casting is great. But what's - the person who is just like brand new to me and I think most American viewers and is like super extraordinary and it is Christoph Waltz who plays the quote "Jew hunter," the person...

Mr. TARANTINO: Mm-hmm.

GROSS: ...who is sent by the Gestapo to find the last remaining Jews hiding out in the countryside of France. And this is an actor who speaks three languages very well in the movie.

Mr. TARANTINO: Mm-hmm.

GROSS: And he plays this Jew hunter, this Nazi, as somebody who, like a lot of mobsters are portrayed in movies who on the...

Mr. TARANTINO: Mm-hmm.

GROSS: ...surface is like very polite and gracious and complimentary. And, you know, he's just like taking your measure so he can totally undo you and probably kill you or...

Mr. TARANTINO: Mm-hmm.

GROSS: ...whatever it is. And he's very kind of like neat and organized and he -when he's at the farmhouse looking for the Jews who he suspects are hiding, he takes out...

Mr. TARANTINO: Mm-hmm.

GROSS: ...his papers and he fills his fountain pen very neatly. And everything is done with a little flourish. How did you find this actor, Christoph Waltz, who is so splendid in this? What was your audition like for him? How did you know you had found your man?

Mr. TARANTINO: Well, you know, it was wild because I had seen already like a few different German actors for this part and was not finding my Landa at all. And part of the problem was, well, obviously they could speak German well.

(Soundbite of laughter)

And most, actually, German actors have like, some speaking of French. So, the French wasn't the problem. But, I was having a problem with them doing my dialogue in English. And it wasn't a matter of fluency. You know, a lot of them could come in and we could speak for the next nine hours in English and there would be no problem. It was - but it was - English wasn't the language for them to read poetry in. And there is a - there's a poetic quality to my dialogue. I mean, there's an aspect I've always said that is - it's, you know, it's not poetry but it's kind of like it. It's not song lyrics but it's kind of like song lyrics. It's not rap but it's kind of like rap. And it's not stand-up comedy but it is kind of like stand-up comedy. It's all those things together.

And there's wordplay and there's rhythms and you have to be able to get the poetry out of it. You have to be able to sell my jokes. And if you're talking about somebody like Sam Jackson, they do that. Sam Jackson can do that. Sam Jackson can turn it into the spoken word that it was always meant to be and he can sell my jokes. And Christopher Walken can do it and a lot of people can do it, all right. Sam is just probably like the most famous for it. And when it came to a lot of these German actors with the English, they just couldn't do it. They couldn't get the poetry out of it. They couldn't own it and make it their own. And they were struggling with it. And then, Christoph came in and I didn't know who Christoph was. He's a TV actor in Germany. He does like miniseries and stuff. And he came in and I can literally say halfway through the reading of that first scene in the farmhouse, I knew I'd found my Landa.

Even being a big QT fanboy I don't think I would want to have a conversation with him in real life. :p


Silver Knight of the Realm
Are there any videos out there of QT talking about how brilliant Waltz is or anything like that?
From his wiki page:

In Quentin Tarantino's 2009 film Inglourious Basterds, Waltz portrayed SS-Standartenf?hrer Hans Landa, aka "The Jew Hunter". Clever, courteous and multilingual, but also self-serving, cunning, implacable, and murderous, the character of Landa was such that Tarantino feared he "might have written a part that was un-playable".
He is, as of 2012, the only actor to win for appearing in a Tarantino film. Tarantino acknowledged the importance of Waltz to his film by stating: "I think that Landa is one of the best characters I've ever written and ever will write, and Christoph played it to a tee. It's true that if I couldn't have found someone as good as Christoph I might not have made Inglourious Basterds".


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
QT rarely discusses the brilliance of anyone but QT. He's quite a douche in interviews. That said, there was an episode of Fresh Air on NPR where he talks about finding Waltz for Inglorious Basterds. He mostly comes across as talking about how great he is for discovering him though.
I never really got the douche vibe from QT's interviews and he always praises his actors (which of course inadvertently praises himself). He just seems quirky and somewhat uncomfortable, but that's probably the cocaine.

He always sells the idea that there's a very narrow group of people or one individual who is able to fit his important roles and to me that's a great complement to whomever is in those roles. When he says that Inglorious Basterds couldn't have happened without Christopher Waltz I don't think you can make a more higher or more genuine compliment.


Millie's Staff Member
So, just to recap.

Astro thinks some fag from Lost, AKA lawn mower man, AKA Jeff Fahey... is Christoph Waltz. Nobody gives shits, because Astro is a candidate for someone with serious brain trauma.

Then me and 99.9% of people think the KKK are being portrayed in Django, and he flips his mother fuckin top, going on a 20 post tirade how we are all wrong... pulling from his extensive,extensiveknowledge of the klan.

Tell you what Astro, you can take up the side of the KKK, and defend their honor and portrayal in the movie. I will do the same for Waltz.

How dare you not recognize him. Maybe if you took your hood off, you could better see and recognize one of the greatest actors of our time.

Oh sweet Jesus, why can't testicle cancer be merit based?
i also was going to post that i thought christopher waltz was awesome as Boris "the Blade" in Snatch, but before i hit send i checked IMDB and its yet another similar looking actor so i went back and edited that out. adding the klan into this movie's timeline is like having anakin destroy the death star instead of luke. its not retarded to find a problem with it.