One of the big things miss with employer healthcare is how socialized that cost is within the company. You can't say oh the employer would just pay you the amount in your wages if they didnt have to pay for healthcare. That kinda statement might have some truth but when you look at it case by case it is pretty murky. Your employer pays $300/m and you pay $100, a 75% match, for you for health insurrance, then you find a bitch and she whelps a litter of 4, you put um all on your healthcare. Now your employer is paying $1000/m and you are paying $333, same 75% match, but you just got a raise of like 8 grand per year.
It really isn't handled like other parts of your salary, it isn't merit based and large increases in your cost to the company are usually pretty much out of the companies hands. No where else in a company can you get that kind of increase in compensation with so little questioning.
That also brings me back to how you would be compensated if your employer cut all healthcare benefits and offered salary only compensation, you with the big family cost the company 1000/m, the other single guy still costs the company only 300/m, I am unaware of any economic theory that predicts you would get to keep making 700/m more than your equal counterpart were wages allowed to reach a new salary only equalibrium.
And that isn't even touching the averaging of rates that is done on the insurrance companies end. Since you and the diabetic 55 year old at the company might pay the same insurrance rates according to your paystubs, when reality is that is not actually a reflection of your true costs to the company.