
Trakanon Raider
Now I remember why I haven't played in a couple months. Both games I played had someone who didn't build either their hero or items in a useful way. Slark skipped his Q and maxed out the passive and therefore had no farm and barely did damage in early team fights. Second game, AP, person picks Medusa and builds Aquila followed by Linkens.. which is basically one of the slowest builds ever. On top of that shit the next item is.... MANTA STYLE!!!1!! As if there wasn't enough tanky items already. Somehow the game was extremely close and lasted long enough for Medusa to get... Skadi. Yeah.

Back to not playing.


<Silver Donator>
Medusa's item build seems like the standard build. If the player didn't farm the items fast enough that's an issue but not sure why Medusa would build raw damage when the whole point of the hero is that she has the highest autoattack potential IF she can stand in the middle of people and right click them for a while. Slark build does sound retarded. If that's all it takes to get you to quit playing though, I don't think you're made for the the genre. Or online gaming in general.


Avatar of War Slayer
Now I remember why I haven't played in a couple months. ...

Back to not playing.
Don't play pubs on weekends. That's the worst time to play... then again, if all you have time for is the weekends...

(goddamnit just remembered this as i joined a game)


Trakanon Raider
If that's all it takes to get you to quit playing though, I don't think you're made for the the genre. Or online gaming in general.
More like I've been playing Dota since 2004 while raiding 40 man Molten Core and there is no hope for humanity. Everyone knows MOBAs (or whatever you prefer to call them) are one of the worst online games since it actually requires your teammates to be decent players. So really what you're saying is flat out wrong.

Also, any Medusa building 2 expensive defensive items + boots + aquila must be expecting a 45+ minute game so they can eventually get ONE expensive offensive item, at least in pubs. And considering you don't really see Medusa at the professional level we don't have much to compare it with. I agree it would be a nasty build in a game that lasts an hour long, but after the first defensive item you should assess the situation and our situation was not late game and the last thing we needed was a tanky Medusa who would do no damage and just get ignored until the rest of our team was dead.


Linken's was probably a bad idea but both aquilla and manta are reasonable mid game choices that offer some offense. What did you want her to rush? naked battlefury?


Trakanon Raider
I'd prefer one defense item after she got her boots/aquila. Then build for damage. Not saying this is standard but our game was back and forth and we needed a 5v5. By he time she got her third big item (Skadi) the other team was ahead and she couldn't kill anything.


<Silver Donator>
Manta is the highest damage item you can build on medusa other than Rapier if the enemy team doesn't have enough aoe to kill the illusions quickly, because splitshot is inherited. It also has decent damage stats for the price and the movespeed speeds up your farming. Linken is the standard Medusa item to be able to use Mana Shield decently, even though I'm not a big fan unless it can be farmed very fast, I'd much rather build drums which cost half the price and give you similar tankiness(less sustain though but if you're planning to go linken then don't go aquila).

Overall the build isn't bad, the hero is. Medusa is simply a hero that cannot contribute decently without 1major defensive item and 1major offensive item at least, generally want a 3rd one even, so basically she doesn't do shit for 35mins assuming you farm well and 45+ otherwise.

Also not sure how what I'm saying is flat out wrong when you just said the same thing. Lots of people are retarded, you can't bear playing with retarded people, so these type of games or online games in general are always going to make you angry and quit. Not much to be done, stupidity won't be cured overnight, you could try finding regular teammates to queue with that are not retarded just like you join guilds in mmos instead of pubbing, because who the fuck wants to pubs with the wow generation. Same problems, same solutions. Only games that is not an issue in are games where you don't have to play with people, like deathmatch FPS or RTS, but most of the games nowadays make their multiplayer coop based.


Despite the constant complaints by people with delusions of their own skill level, matchmaking tends to do a pretty good job matching you with people close to your own ability. The problem is people tend to look at their own mistakes from an explanatory perspective, where the failing can be attributed to some external causes like bad teammates, strong opponents, lag, and so on. Conversely the mistakes of others are looked at from a dispositional perspective--you gave up first blood because you are an idiot or horrible at the game. Granted there are moments where a person might accept their own failings or understand the failings of others, but unless you are aware of your own natural biases, it will seem like the great majority of times you are losing simply because of the immutable characteristics of the people you are playing with.

The fact that dota is an extremely complex game simply compounds these biases, because it lets you latch onto "hard proof" that the other person is just a shit player. Even if, in the aggregate, your ability to win games is even with that of another player's, there will always be skill differences in the individual attributes that lead to wins. Maybe you watch a lot of pro games and know all of the best item builds and meta game strategies. If you encounter a player who doesn't know that information, and makes sub-standard builds or makes choices you wouldn't in terms of overall strategy, you might immediately brand him a retarded noob who definitely shouldn't be matched with you and blame volvo's horrible match making system for your inevitable loss. What you don't consider is the fact that he may be getting matched with you because he has very strong mechanics. Better than you, in fact. All his poor item and strategy choices are overcome by the fact that he can brute force out of a disadvantage by farming above par for yours and his MMR range.

On top of it all, you have the fact that you are but one of five players on your team. Everyone has shit games. If you claim you don't, you're lying to yourself and everyone else. But guess what, if everyone has a roughly similar shit-games-to-good-games ratio, that means that the chances of any particular game going to shit because of you is only 20%. 4/5ths of the time, it will be someone else's fault! It may be attractive to latch onto that as proof positive of bad matchmaking, but its really just proof of your own lack of perspective.

TL/DR - If you're matched with shit players, you are shit yourself.


Hoooo no man. No no no. The matchmaking has been WAY worse recently. Someone asked me where the wards were in the shop. Ancient Apparition didn't level his Q. Undying asked what a Hood was. Also on my team was a 1000 win + NP, and we were both like...what the fuck happened with matchmaking? Yeah the matchmaker tries to make balanced teams, but people who don't know what a courier is should never be in games with people with 1000 wins + and 2000 games played.

Before the patch my stats were 80-90% VH, 10% H, 0% Normal. I get faster queue times now but I absolutely know when it drops me into H and Normal. Like people who have never played a certain hero before. It's embarassing for the people I lane against, who get mad when I win cause of "OP HERO" that they just don't understand. There are way more abandons now too, because the players are newer and don't mind abandoning. Again this is from someone who played 80% VH and only really dropped out when queueing as a stack.

I feel like the new system puts a few "experienced" players on a team and a few "I have no idea what I'm doing" players.

The other thing is, I'm winning MORE now, because if I pick a mid or a carry I just shit all over them cause they have no idea what they're doing. I'm on a massive winstreak. It's not fun for me or them.


I think Valve acknowledged that they have been tinkering with the matchmaking algorithm recently, so things are probably not working as well just right now as they have been in the past. But bitching about matchmaking is not a new thing. It has been going on since the beta began. People have continuously blamed the system, teammates, Russians, Brazilians, and everyone but themselves for losing.


Molten Core Raider
what's a good fantasy team set up? i don't really know anything about asian teams or their players which i figure would be the bread and butter of a fantasy team.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Despite the constant complaints by people with delusions of their own skill level, matchmaking tends to do a pretty good job matching you with people close to your own ability. The problem is people tend to look at their own mistakes from an explanatory perspective, where the failing can be attributed to some external causes like bad teammates, strong opponents, lag, and so on. Conversely the mistakes of others are looked at from a dispositional perspective--you gave up first blood because you are an idiot or horrible at the game. Granted there are moments where a person might accept their own failings or understand the failings of others, but unless you are aware of your own natural biases, it will seem like the great majority of times you are losing simply because of the immutable characteristics of the people you are playing with.

The fact that dota is an extremely complex game simply compounds these biases, because it lets you latch onto "hard proof" that the other person is just a shit player. Even if, in the aggregate, your ability to win games is even with that of another player's, there will always be skill differences in the individual attributes that lead to wins. Maybe you watch a lot of pro games and know all of the best item builds and meta game strategies. If you encounter a player who doesn't know that information, and makes sub-standard builds or makes choices you wouldn't in terms of overall strategy, you might immediately brand him a retarded noob who definitely shouldn't be matched with you and blame volvo's horrible match making system for your inevitable loss. What you don't consider is the fact that he may be getting matched with you because he has very strong mechanics. Better than you, in fact. All his poor item and strategy choices are overcome by the fact that he can brute force out of a disadvantage by farming above par for yours and his MMR range.

On top of it all, you have the fact that you are but one of five players on your team. Everyone has shit games. If you claim you don't, you're lying to yourself and everyone else. But guess what, if everyone has a roughly similar shit-games-to-good-games ratio, that means that the chances of any particular game going to shit because of you is only 20%. 4/5ths of the time, it will be someone else's fault! It may be attractive to latch onto that as proof positive of bad matchmaking, but its really just proof of your own lack of perspective.

TL/DR - If you're matched with shit players, you are shit yourself.
That's because you probably have a terrible elo and in the Normal bracket. Most VH games are a shot in the dark, sometimes you get good teammates and sometimes it's literally unplayable.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
whats a gift box havent played ina few days
It's the compendium immortal item reward. Rewards you with a random item: Abbadon Mace, VS weapon (modifies animation on her scream attack/debuff), Kunkka sword (modifies the geyser attack so a whale tail comes out), lone druid cauldron (modifies the ranged attack slightly), and pudge hook.


That's because you probably have a terrible elo and in the Normal bracket. Most VH games are a shot in the dark, sometimes you get good teammates and sometimes it's literally unplayable.
Very high, almost never unplayable. You're mistaking a person's poor play in a single game with that person being a poor player overall. I'm sure you're good at just ignoring the games you do badly in, though.


<Silver Donator>
There's a few fringe cases with extremely bad players even in very high games. There's a few reasonable explanations though, such as skewed placement matches, when you make a new account, if you do very well your first few games, you get "promoted" very quickly to judge your real skill, which means you 2nd or 3rd game might be in very high. If you lose that it goes down a bunch but if you win for whatever reason, then your account is fucked for a while and you'll keep getting games you have no place in. Another is group queues with smurfs, which will be matched with other low rating people on the opposite team(either higher rating if solo or same rating if also in a queue). For example 4guys and one smurf queue up, to match the smurf rating, you get a guy who's queueing with his RL friend who's a newbie but has the same rating as the smurf. Finally there's still the usual case of people having a much higher rating than they should from getting carried a lot in group queues, so when they solo queue they're way out of place.

I think the first 2 issues are fixable by just adjusting the matchmaking. While their antismurf detection seems to work decently it also creates a bunh of shitty games at times when someone is given a temporary high rating to check his true skill, which are especially visible at the moment due to the influx of new players. I would say maybe turn this down for a little bit until the surge of new players is reduced. The other issue is how it tries to match base on skill level "mirrors" instead of averages especially in group queues but in general. If someone with say 2000rating queues with his friend with 1000rating, they shouldn't get matched with another 2000 and another 1000. That's because on both sides the 1000s are way outclassed(unless smurfs) and will basically skew the game heavily due to feeding and shit. It's not fun for the 2000s, not fun for the 1000s. It should average then give a bonus to the group queue so like they get matched in a 1600-1700game.

Other solution I mentionned last page is to simply add a separate queue with stricter matchmaking system where you can't queue with people with much lower rating and shit. Also visible ratings on this queue.


Crying gets so fucking old. Especially from the folks "who are exclusively in VH" and "constantly paired with retards". There are so many fucking reasons for someone to have a bad game, the main one being someone fucking has to because someone has to lose. Lane having a bad matchup? Consider a rotation. Someone getting ganked constantly? Jacking off in your empty lane telling them how bad they are may be something to take care of after you counter gank or push a tower or trade the gank for free farm.

I understand and have no issue believing that you get paired with someone new or someone else's group elo spread pairs you with someone you wouldn't normally play with. Crying like a bitch about how it happens all the time and the matchmaking is fucking so piss poor it makes the game unplayable is getting old though. Get the fuck over yourself and find a solution before a losing lane turns into a losing game or just keep pretending the other four players only reason for being there is be the ushers at the celebration for your glorious victory. You're not a professional and neither the fuck are they.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You're fighting a losing battle, just ignore it. This "my team sucks" excuse has been around for as long as multi-player has.


Tranny Chaser
so is there a reason Win % with Abaddon is so high?

Since he came out I've gone something stupid like 22-5 and managed to clawback 15 wins to finally get a positive win/loss ratio