
Haha. Fuck you, dotabuff.

It's a shame they had to go there. Dotabuff was a fantastic site before they started messing with DBR. Now the site will beseverelygimped.


Blackwing Lair Raider

So happy.

Edit: Looking at all the notes, this was a damn good patch. Fixing the DBR outrage, Least Played mode, All Random finally added, new hero, plus lots more.

Its good to know I can still get excited about Dota patches.

Edit 2: Even more excited about this pathing "fix". Might take a little getting used to but still good.

It's about fucking time, this bug was literally reported 8 months ago on the dev forum.


FINALLY fixed that fucking terrible pathing.

But oh my god, they finally added AR, I'm so stoked. I've been waiting for all random since I even got a dota 2 key.


Trakanon Raider
1651/platinum, expected to be lower because I have less than 500 games played.

Reading the dotabuff press release about the change is like reading a capitulation. Yeah, they are fucked, because they were trying to profit from harming the community if elobuff is any clue.
If you played HoN you should have no trouble believing it. Visible PSR made that community even worse than the Dota community, which says something. Players would flame the everliving crap out of people with 20 lower PSR and bully them into playing support. People would insta-leave games if they got lower PSR players on their team. On the occasions where the PSR differences were actually large, it also gave away unnecessary information pre-game about who to pressure for easy kills.

Granted, as long as it's not integrated in the client, we're still a while from that shitfest, but I doubt it will take long before a DBR overlay gets modded in.
Not only were you shit on , but if you were brown or orange and you critique someones play....quickly responded with stfu brown/orange. Nevermind if you are 10 and 0 , you still get that reply. This is why i like dota2 because no rating is visible , and it should stay that way, along with k/d ratio. I mean I hovered around .89 k/d with a 2.67 k/a/d ratio , i played almost all heroes on a normal basis. Never stuck to one role , so some games i rape face with a carry others i die for the good of the team as support. But fuck me if i didnt get shitstains rage on me with a k/d of 1.1 or 1.0 with an k/a/d of fucking 2 or lower when i would say "why aren't you helping to defend" or if they are support , can you buy some wards please. Fuck that game is a fucking festering pit of idiots. I stopped playing normal games in HoN and just played casual and had fun , someone on your team has a .4 k/d fuck it pick flint and rape face with 6 slot of items before the 30 minute mark.

Never raged so hard towards a game like i did while playing normal MM games in HoN in the 1500 to 1700 bracket. Fucking impossible getting out of that bracket solo queuing.


1617 (Platinum), 90% percentile.
I'm genuinely surprised there are that many lower players. I'm not very good.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is probably the worst game I've ever played when you're queing alone. Just not even fun in the slightest.