Yeah there's a lot of really cool shit, including upgrades for people who don't have enough slots(BoT and the silver whatever that gives attack speed and you can consume it).
Love the support space stuff, both ward types stacking and Arcane+Mek into a better item, frees up a ton of space for that 50mins magic stick and bottle.
Lots of fairly crazy stuff, hard to say what's going to be more broken than the other. The agh upgrades are great but a lot of the heroes that got them are either poop or can't farm agh easily(Nyx agh looks godlike, but how are you farming an agh). The spell leech+reduced cd item is like WUT for strong int casters like Lina/Zeus.
One thing I like about a lot of the new aghs is instead of being derpderp more ultimate, they add new abilities that shift a traditional carry-like hero into a support with the agh. Lifestealer, Morphling, Weaver, Wraith King, Naga Siren, Alchemist. Note that a bunch of these were already played as support(morph recently, WK, Naga and Alchemist), but it's still a really cool way to design them I think, giving those heroes a true duality.