
Blackwing Lair Raider
That tome of knowledge is gonna lead to so many stupid pub arguments IMO, not looking forward to it.


Molten Core Raider
Reworked Ranked All Pick. Before the picking phase begins, there is a 15 second voting phase to ban heroes. Each player votes for a different hero. Afterwards, half of the heroes that were voted on will be randomly selected and banned.

Fuck yeah.


Trakanon Raider
Funny thing is, it might make carry shaker viable, especially if you can do totem->fissure->slam->totem semi-reliably from 900 range. God save you if you have octarine or Lens.


<Silver Donator>
I don't know, it seems very unnecessary if you get a blink dagger and a force staff. You'd still want a blink regardless due to the cast time on this, and then it's like, do I want a cheaper item that moves me faster and can be used on allies, or a more expensive item that only moves myself. I just don't see much use for the agh now, unless I'm misunderstanding the change and it keeps the damage increase on the ult. Before it was almost never built due to cost and shit, but would see use in very lategame if you could buy it, but now? Even with a damage build it seems shaky with the slow as shit travel time on it. Does look great though lol. Maybe the cooldown would be worth it, like to chase fuckers down and stuff.

Anyway lots of very interesting changes. New items, Echo Sabre seems kinda OP? gives an auto "crit" and a small root every 5secs. Blademail change is HUGE though, especially for supports. Now that it reflect the same damage type, it means a carry can't just turn on his BKB and fuck you in the ass while your useless blademail sits there unused. More cost reduction on common stuff to help supports(TP/flying courier), and ward bounty is huge now, 100g per ward, means investing in a gem or just sentries and going ward hunting can pay off big time.

Hero changes aren't as big, other than nerfing stupid rapier Warden bullshit and nerfing all the common top picks. Enchantress getting a much needed damage nerf on Impetus, Invoker forge spirits getting a pretty big health nerf by switching their health/mana relation on quast/exort as well as a bunch more stuff, OD back to his pre stupid buff arcane orb drain and such. Not too sure if any of the buffs are major enough to make some of the other heroes important. Bloodseeker agh seems pretty good though, having 2 ruptures, but still bloodseeker. I'm not entirely sure what the brewmaster changes result in, but sounds like a pretty good buff especially if enemy team runs away and you end up just pushing a tower with your ulti. Jakiro agh sounds even more broken than it was at a fucking 30secs, but well it's jakiro.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
On paper it sounds pretty bonkers, but after thinking about it who really will be spending the gold to buy it? Spirit breaker probably? But people like PA or AM I don't think will be going to it over battlefury or anything.


<Silver Donator>
On paper it sounds pretty bonkers, but after thinking about it who really will be spending the gold to buy it? Spirit breaker probably? But people like PA or AM I don't think will be going to it over battlefury or anything.
Well no not over a Bfury if they want to farm, and AM wouldn't be a good pick for this item anyway, but I think heroes who can get high damage base would like the item probably for the burst potential. Thinking like Elder Titan, Sven, maybe Treant, SB, potentially Void, maybe Doom if you hit with the ministun attack right after the root attack so you get an actual semi decent disable. Need to see it in action though, 5secs might be too long for a cd on such an item, but it does seem fairly impressive for the price, and the stats are fairly solid on basically any hero while the cost isn't particularily high. I guess Armlet would give you more consistent damage for roughly the same price though(for str heroes obviously, but that's mostly going to be a str hero item I feel the way it scales better with raw damage than attackspeed).


Silver Knight of the Realm
I have played with and against Svens that use it. The item with God strength or any hero that has a critical ability isn't right. As a support player normally it really limits the pool I can use because of the 1 shot potential around level 11. I just am full time omnibroing it to counter.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I played a bunch of games yesterday with Echo Saber. First impression, it is an awesome item. But, right now, I think people are building it too early... getting it second item after Phase boots/treads etc... It is probably a 3rd or 4th item after your base damage is built up some and your innate proc skills are maxed out. If the game drags out and you get 6+ slotted, it can feel slightly underwhelming after awhile on some hero's.

It is not for everyone. It probably affects the same amount of hero's that Dragon Lance did, but it is a pretty fun item for the ones that can take advantage of it.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Looks like storm spirit may be a thing again with bloodstone change and aghs. Just saw waga go like 30-0 with it in a pub but he's done that with a no bear LD before so who knows.

Also I feel stupid for misunderstanding patch notes on Miranas ultimate and thought the passive starfall only happened during her ultimate which is the exact opposite of how it actually works.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Her mana sucks balls, so "free" starfalls is nice for farming and team fights. Not sure it is worth blowing 4.2k gold on a scepter, though.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
God the reactive armor buffs on Timbersaw are a bigger deal than I thought they'd be. 36 armor/regen at max rank is uhhh, a lot of fucking tanking. I already <3 Timbersaw, but with the bit of free spell damage off stat growth and shivas now his waveclear is crazier than ever too.