That was what was so crazy though. He didn't even really have -that- great of farm. At 30 / 35m he had less than 200 lh, had good kill participation, but was still sitting on a blink, armlet, bkb for like 30m+. He finally finished the heart. But the NP and Gyro never go anything going at all, and both should easily be able to out farm a Slardar. Even the Invoker got his Midas at like 25m and was 5th on the net worth list. He finally took over Slardar. It was crazy.Man QO manages to farm so much with shitty Slardar, even though they were losing so hard early. He slowed down when they killed him a bunch of times but then kept on trucking. Generally see Slardar fizzling out eventually where he gets stuck at like 2.5items or whatever and then falls off a cliff as everyone else outcarries him, but QO makes it work lategame and the hero is so good with lategame farm.
Matumba was pretty shit in both games. His Gyro kept getting caught out and melted. In game 1 his itemization was garbage, and his farm on Ursa was god awful.That was what was so crazy though. He didn't even really have -that- great of farm. At 30 / 35m he had less than 200 lh, had good kill participation, but was still sitting on a blink, armlet, bkb for like 30m+. He finally finished the heart. But the NP and Gyro never go anything going at all, and both should easily be able to out farm a Slardar. Even the Invoker got his Midas at like 25m and was 5th on the net worth list. He finally took over Slardar. It was crazy.