So, people mentioned playing together, but Dota is like the worst game to casually plan to 5 stack. Games are long, people shouldn't be sitting at their pc not queueing maybe waiting for a 4th/5th. The old guild was nicer than the chat channels for organization. In the spirit of people saying they want to play together, lets get some dates/times together that work for people. In house games are not generally fun and impossible to balance, but as many 5 man parties as we can create or just rotate one on a friday/sat night or something might be worth doing if people are into it.
For west coast USA people, we can probably start by 8EST if it extends into Europe. US East is probably the server that will have to be used so I hope people are ok with 100~ ping.
Anyways, lets get some names, times, and opinions on what days of the week, if we want to make a general guideline, or actually plan specific dates. And if no one gives a fuck, ok too!