Wake up Bois, fucking Abed is doing it.
9,999 MMR.
This really made me laugh. BTS delivers
I'm pretty lukewarm on Machine, TBH. I liked Redeye.
RedeYe will NOT be hosting TI this year but who would you like instead? « News
Well out of those possibilities I hope it is Machine. Not fucking Day9 or Cap.
Do we know why? I thought he was a good 'adult' figure to keep everything moving along in and entertaining way. Was it him or valve?
Nah, his response is all we'll know, all we need really. It is Valve's discretion and who they think works this time. Which is fine, as it should be, but still up to them to find the right replacement.
Machine, Redeye and Chopra are all meh imo. They aren't offensive but its pretty clear they aren't dota natives. Fuck no to Capitalist, Kotlguy and Nehaz.
The people that come to mind for me - LD, Sunsfan, Purge, Tobiwan. I think any of those could do a good job.
Purge or Tobiwan I like, but fuck that as host. Purge would be a snooze fest and tobiwan... would be a spastic retard. Give me Merlini, LD or Blitz, or a any combo of those 3. Maybe Draskyl but he'd be boring probably.
Remember that the host is just there to direct the conversation, its mostly about getting the others to talk. I don't believe Merlini, Blitz or Draskyl would be interested in doing it; of the three I think Draskyl is the only one who could do it well.
Capitalist & Nehaz don't know how to shut-up (plus one imagines Capitalist jerking off to his own recordings), Kotlguy doesn't actually speak English.