Nothing has changed we are still a drug culture. The difference is we have outlets for people to talk against it and reach a worldwide audience instantly. I'm sure their were plenty of people in the 70's that didn't prescribe to any of the 70s, recreational drugs were all part of the club/hollywood scene. its really hard to imagine what that was like in this day age of hyper awareness. in the 70s people took uppers to keep the party rolling, then they took downers to bring you back to earth. along the way people sometimes took too much of some stuff or just flat out took the wrong stuff either by accident or maliciousness from the supplier. sometimes people would get fucked up, sometimes people would die. try telling that to a teen or 20 something and you may as well be talking to yourself. they all think they are immortal and bad things only happen to other people.
And LOL about the women not coming forth. We can clearly see that some did.
It's funny that you've been defending this guy this whole thread, and I predicted in November he was done. Ah Astrotard at it again..