It seems to me more like painting oneself into a logical corner.
Forum: you need to get a new job
Mist: there aren't really any other jobs in the area that pay this high
Forum: take a lower paying job
Mist: I can't, have to help Mom pay debt off
Forum: move elsewhere
Mist: I can't, I am in school currently
And so on and so on, until it comes full circle and you find yourself back at the beginning.
I could be wrong, but my family does this and it's infuriating. I've literally seen family members end up giving up on a situation because they overthink things to the point that they shoot down every available option and just turtle up. I didn't realize I did this as well until I moved away from my family and started interacting with other people's families more.
Mist will either break the cycle or she won't. If it takes getting out of school and paying off her mother's debt, then whatevs, but that is not something I would want to do myself.