I read it the first time you posted it. It's not a well written article, to be sure, but the little content it does have is troubling to me. I find the whole premise of the article ridiculous for two reasons:
1. Making general statements like "all religious kids are jerks" is not productive. Even "most religious kids are jerks" is not productive. Are there kids who are jerks who come from religious families? Yes. Many of them. Are there religious people who are jerks? Yes. Many of them. But blanket statements of that sort are useless. Most women are bitches. Most men are bumbling idiots. I could find studies to support those statements.
2. We're talking about kids. All kids can be jerks. Do the same test with the same kids five days in a row, get five different results.
Not a convincing article, but not because it says something about religious kids, because it's just not a convincing article.
Actually, not Plantinga, I hear George Marsden is actually working on something quasi biological on Lewis now. Plantinga has some beefs with Lewis.