Oh yeah the name Bioware still carries a ton of weight these days after the wild success of Andromeda and Anthem.Name recognition alone will carry it
I wasn't prepared for that cringe. and this is what really moves it from retarded, to actually offensive.Where's the renegade interrupt to punch anyone who starts a diatribe like that in the face?
Actually, that wouldn't be appropriate. What the game really needs is Dark Urge-style reactions to companions doing retarded shit.
oh yea i forgot they dei isabella
huge tan in da2
It's also based off your watch history, I watched one video on how to repair my dryer and that's all my feed was. Their algorithm sucks! I often go into my watch history after watching a video and delete it so it doesn't affect what I get on my home page.
now imagine the forums collective skin crawling with the reading of each of your posts.Listened to a news story about gayguard on npr just now and 90% of the interview was the producers talking about their mental illnesses and how they added those mental illnesses into the game. Just listening to the tranny talk made my skin crawl.
Lmao it’s hard to imagine some of you are actually going to pay money for this shit.
Thanks for noticing .now imagine the forums collective skin crawling with the reading of each of your posts.
Spot the change.Whoa, man. Calm down, I'm not some kind of a degenerate. Softly rimming that elf's ass under a tree was as far as I go!
Install blocktube extension and go to town blocking all the $$ keywords.