Silver Baronet of the Realm
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This shit makes me think of my dad or uncle. They threw out cunt all the time if feelings got hurt.
This is what I was talking about. Like people are talking about the shit early in the game because thats all they've seen. But the eye roll shit for these gender politics is all through the game. Every time the player starts to get involved in the actual story of the game, the story takes a back seat so that the gender politics can be front and center. Always reminding the player of how you should address these people.This shit makes me think of my dad or uncle. They threw out cunt all the time if feelings got hurt.
I like cock in my ass and blow dudes for escapism.
This is somehow the gayest thing I've read in this threadSlightly off topic, lol... As I said earlier, just booted up DA: Inquisition again.
Once the dust settles after the opening events, and you hit Haven for the first time, Cassandra is out in the training yard hacking away at the dummies. I'd completely forgotten about this chance encounter, (so many years ago it's possible I missed it altogether) but I think it's the first time you get to have a truly private conversation with her.
Everything about the exchange seemed utterly authentic, the voice acting/delivery/emotion, her facial expressions etc. All of it, so much so it choked me up a little to be honest. At that moment I formed a bond with her, and knew that even if we didn't agree, I would always be able to trust her.
Felt compelled to mention this in light of current events, as I never finished the game before, and probably wouldn't have decided to give it another serious look if not for all the noise around Veilguard. If memory serves, I stumbled somewhere in The Hinterlands/Storm Coast. Going to take it really slow this time, and hopefully make it to the end, DLCs included.
Just you wait...This is somehow the gayest thing I've read in this thread
This thread must be setting an FOH record for uses of "faggot". Like the word has gone from having some punch to just being hilarious in the span of a week.
Kinda like "cunt" after Louis CK did a bit about how funny of a word it actually is
Getting corrected how to speak is always comical. If someone invites a friend that goes off pronouns, they are not invited or you see a slaughter of said person.
Its brutal, think the best one was saying he was such a pussy his mom went with a C section. I can't remember the punch line it was amazing. Never seen that guy again
Being born in commie Poland myself, all that shit is true and more. The worst part about it was the neighbors turning in neighbors, family turning in family. It truly was a disgusting political way of life. But they could never get rid of Catholicism in Poland, that shit endured no matter how much they wanted to get rid of it.I now totally understand so many things I heard about communism when growing up (from people who left Yugoslavia, the USSR, Cuba, etc). Especially Yugoslavia, my neighbors growing up were from there and I heard all about it.
Basically all the "communist beliefs are treated like religion, and they have to get rid of other religions to make room for it" and "it only works if they control everyone's behavior and speech and destroy the people who don't play along to keep everyone else in line" type stuff.
I mean it's all been right in our faces for a few years now.
Not sure this heavy cultural stuff is relevant to discussion of this silly little game that I don't care about, but "being corrected on how to speak" reminds me of the tip of that commie iceberg I always heard about.
My family is all passed away. I know HVAC and I think I'm ready to move to polandBeing born in commie Poland.
Jokes on you, nobody can afford hvac there.My family is all passed away. I know HVAC and I think I'm ready to move to poland
SAY THAT SHIT TO MY FACE IN MINECRAFT, BITCH!!!Glad to hear you didn't spend $ on this garbage. Don't sweat the rabid losers here trying to out-edgelord each other.