Most one trick builds (read PVE) can beat the game fairly easily at around 120-130. Its mainly double dip builds that need a little more if you are just casually beating the game, mostly combo casters that want two really high stats. There are a fair number of weapon centric builds where just having the bare minimum is plenty (Rykard's, Sword of Night and Flame, MLGS, pre nerf Moonveil, ect). Unga Bunga and lightning probably require the least stat investment to make really strong.
For comparison, I beat the game at the 125ish range with Unga, dual dagger arcane, and Hopalite Faith builds with zero difficulty. As a sorc specialist, you dominate the early game but the game gets a lot tougher for a good stretch (unless you are going MLGS) for a number of specific fights. For pure Sorc and Golden Order runs I think I ended the game in the range Bald Brah is mentioning, but I also did not have a well laid out plan for how to change up for Elden Beast so I did extra grind and beef up for the end.
I have only ever done new game plus with a single character (all casting stats for all spells type) because I find NG++ runs mostly too boring once you get settled into the weapon you plan on running. Honestly being a multicaster is the one path that is fun to NG+ in because you can customize spells to each zone and situation in cool ways from the outset. But I pretty much otherwise just starting fresh with minimal or no twinking. Figuring out "how can I go this build route and be super efficient at getting there" is my second favorite thing about the game. My favorite is that I am still finding hidden shit on my 9th run for the first time.