Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wow this K Warrant Scanner was a great investment. Now I can collect bounties if they are wanted with multiple factions!
Especially useful if you hunt bounties in anarchy or independent systems. You'll rack up almost as much fed/empire bounty as regular bounty

Running Dog_sl

I'm consuming this game like I did the eve thread. Reading these posts really makes me want to play it. Sounds pretty sweet - any updates on that civil war status that was posted about a page ago or so?
More and more systems are tipping into conflict now, although the exact mechanics of what is happening and why are annoyingly hazy (for example see Njikan:Civial War in Njikan, but nobody is fighting at the conflict zones?), and it seems that conflicts get "stuck". It's possible that Frontier have blocked systems changing ownership without developer approval.

LHS 1914, LHS 1933 and Nima (all in 20 LY of each other)
civil war has erupted in LHS 1914

I have managed to get the Dukes of Mikunn to start a takeover of a neighboring system

Ho Hsi:
Player started Civil War in Ho Hsi now up! Come join the fun Commanders!

A notice to Imperial Citizens - Codorain is in expansion.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm afrafraid to venture out too far at the moment. I've been building a solid base of credits and a decent start ship by patrolling nav beacons near the starting system. I've upgraded most of my modules on my eagle and once I settle on 3 weapons I'm comfortable with I'll venture out. I just need to find a way to make even more credits now.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
More and more systems are tipping into conflict now, although the exact mechanics of what is happening and why are annoyingly hazy (for example see Njikan:Civial War in Njikan, but nobody is fighting at the conflict zones?), and it seems that conflicts get "stuck". It's possible that Frontier have blocked systems changing ownership without developer approval.

LHS 1914, LHS 1933 and Nima (all in 20 LY of each other)
civil war has erupted in LHS 1914

I have managed to get the Dukes of Mikunn to start a takeover of a neighboring system

Ho Hsi:
Player started Civil War in Ho Hsi now up! Come join the fun Commanders!

A notice to Imperial Citizens - Codorain is in expansion.
I haven't figured out how to profit from conflict zones yet. I have found a couple systems where pirates tend to drop gold bars when they die, so that's a nice new income stream.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How can I get rep to get missions from the bulletin board at the starter area?
I've been told selling to a station at a profit generates +rep with the station owner faction, and of course you can do missions for the factions you want missions from as well. It's really complicated, about as transparent as EQ was but at least isn't a horrible grind - I managed to make an ally within 2 days of semi-casual play (3-4 hours each I think) on a station I had no previous business with.

It's really cool, they answer your docking request differently then.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Hm. I can buy a Viper now, and get out of my Eagle. Thoughts? I'm thinking yea, for the extra hard point.


I pulled the trigger and bought it. Wooo this is fun. So I guess I can move my modules over to my new ship? Or are they permanently bound to my Eagle now?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You can sell them and then rebuy them, I think. There should be a buyback option when you switch ships, but I'm not 100% on that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
K I'll head back to where I stored my old ship and try that.

Interdicted my first Bounty from supercuise lol.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I hope they let you get the F63 Condor pretty soon, that thing looks sweet.

Running Dog_sl

Fuck, almost all my decent wanted targets keep FSDing out on me.
You can priority target a ship's subsystems, like the FSD, or the cargo hatch if you want to try piracy. The options come up on the left hand cockpit panel (the one with navigation, comms, etc.) once you have a ship selected. It's awkward by design, as you have to switch your attention away from combat to get the benefit of taking out individual components.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So prevent running away by starting the fight blasting the FSD? will it charge slower once damaged?

The amazing part is that AI may engage the FSD with hardpoints deployed..


I'm Amod too!
You can bind a key/button to cycle through subsystems as well. The few times I've tried targeting the FSD it seems to have nearly as much armor as the ship itself. Targeting the thrusters may give better results.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Oh boy, this game can suck the joy out of life like no other.
Had a good day yesterday. Played about 6 hours, travelled from my starting region to the closest High Tech planet. Took about 30 jumps or so, and I accrued about 50K credits in the process.
Couple remarks on game play:
- when you hyperjump, you will end facing the sun. So don't be distracted, or you end up with a heavily damaged ship.
- some of the space stations are about 100000Ls from where you warp in. That's areal time 10 minutesupercruise, just staring at your screen before you are finally at your destination.
- Nothing happens in this game. I haven't fired my laser yet.

So today, I start with 50K credits and think 'why not dump that energy shield and buy a 2nd storage module so I can carry 8 goods instead of 4?'. Also I found an Extraction facility and a High Tech next to each other, so I can start bringing in those expensive minerals in for maximum profit! So I buy the 2nd cargo hold and invest all but my final 5k cr in Gold.Time to make moneyyyyyy!
Also I'm listening to the Around the NFL podcast and my GF is busy right behind me. I've arrived with my valuable cargo, just need to align with the docking station. Girlfriend's talking, NFL podcast is going, just a little vertical thrust, turn a bit there, a little bit of impulse"yeah baby", almost there"sure honey", need to move a bit to align better"Uhuh uhuh I hear you"just a bit more forward speed press B for afterburner WHAT NO NOT B AARGH BLAM I activate my afterburner by accident and crash into the side of the dock.
90% of my fortune accumulated in the last 3 days goes up in smoke.
I've got 5K credits left. I'm still phased by what happened but hey let it be a lesson right? At least I have a ship with an 8 cargo hold, so it should go double as fast as yesterday.

I invest 4K in goods again. Just a simple trip. I've done this about 50 times now. Routine. Just let's be careful with the afterburner button, shall we?

My docking goes smooth. "Intruder alert" huh what? Oh for fucks sake I forgot to request docking! Request now! Denied. Euh what now I'm already inside. 400cr fine. Ok ok I'll leave! I turn around and fly out of the station again. It starts shooting at me, laser hitting my hull because I sold that useless shield to make room for a 2nd cargo hold, remember? Couple seconds later, my ship is dust again.

So after 4 days of play I'm down to exactly the same capital as when you start the game: 1k credits.

A comforting idea hits me: I have about 10k worth in interstellar cartography from all my travels. That money will kick start me again.
Nope, all my discoveries are gone, just the last system visited is there. That info must be tied to the ship...

I'm grumpy, my GF is even more grumpy about my grumpiness. And still I played on about 2 hours. Not sure why, still a bit dazed.
This game is not fun.

(I'm back up to 10K credits!)


Lord Nagafen Raider
The same thing happened to me yesterday. I bought a new Viper ship and a ton of modules for it. I took it out for a spin and got about 100k in bounties and decided it was time to go back to dock. I align for docking and boost in only to get the "INTRUDER ALERT".

OH shit oh shit oh shit. I don't have enough credits left to buy insurance on this viper if I get killed. I boosted hard through the entrance so I'm at least halfway into the dock with 5 seconds before they open fire. Oh shit.

I 180 vertical flip and HARD BOOSTERS. Fuck it if I crash I'll die regardless. Full power to engines.


I slam into an eagle who didnt have his shields up trying to dock and kill him. Now I'm wanted and now I'm bouncing off the top and bottom of the docking port. Guns have already opened fire on me. Boost again, flight assist off, evasive maneuvers, boost SHIELDS OFFLINE!

Lol anyways. I get out with 8% hull and 190% heat as I supercruise away, thinking I'm about to die to heat damage. I switch off all of my systems except thrusters and FSD. I turn around and approach the station properly this time and I pay my fine and dock while on oxygen.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've had the 'boost out of a station only to crash head on into an arriving ship' too. Really nice deep black ship it was, with just a few lights on it. Awesome contrast with the deep black, starry space.

Anyway, he're we go for session 5. I'll be back with a sob story later for sur.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
DiddleySquat's bad day
I had a similar experience the other day. I had just bought my new Cobra, my first upgrade from the starting Sidewinder, outfitted it up a bit, filled up the cargo hold with Palladium, and took off for my maiden voyage. All the while my buddy is telling me, dude, leave enough for insurance, and I thought, well shit, what's the worst that could happen? I will have plenty once I sell off all this shiny metal.

So I think, hmm, I am going to stop at a nav beacon and take down a ship or two, see how this thing handles. I was blasting the hell out of crap in my sidewinder without getting scratched, so there would be no real danger, I thought. I warp in, everything is 6km distant or so, so I accelerate up to max speed to get into sensor range. At that moment, my 2 yr old pops onto the couch next to me and distracts me, she wants to watch Daniel Tiger. I look away a sec to find my TV remote and switch the channel. I look back at my screen to see I am about to ram full speed into an Anaconda that came out of nowhere. Tried to juke quick, not fast enough, I ram it at full speed. Boom. "Your ship has been destroyed".

Well, I didn't have enough credits left over to cover all of the insurance, but I had enough with the 20k in debt they allow you to get back into my Cobra. Just like that, 300kish credits in cargo to 1k credits.

That was painful, though at least I got to keep the ship.


Useless lazy bastard.
Got the ship of my Dreams last night; Imperial Clipper.

2am in the morning, misscalculating how much credits I will have left after buying it while Selling my old ship... end up with 500k cr and an Insurance that will cost 730k....uh oh. Flip open the galaxy map to try to find a Quick and safe route back to my "home" system (they didnt sell the ship there....bastards) and discover that I have such a short jump distance I need to do a 18 jump ride back. Might as well fix this before bed right? Better throw in a basic fuelscoop too since you never know. Off we go!

11 jumps in, nothing but Purple stars you cant scoop from, need to do a 5 jump trip in another direction to get to a fueling point! Back to the grind... feeling a bit tired so I just Alt-Tab a second to turn on some music to keep me awake, come back to 50% hull and emergency stop at a sun... all in all it took me 2 hours of panic to get back home with my new ship and fuck it Im never buying another ship after midnight. Now wishing for a way to lock away enought credits to ensure an Insurance pay out.

Edit: You simply can not beat the pure sex that is the Clipper. The instument panel, the smooth lines, the cockpit... its like Tron and Apple had a designer love-child.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm so glad to hear other people's stories. My self-esteem as a gamer was taking 1-2 punches these last few days.

Here's another gem:
When you press ESC to go the Game Menu, your game is not - I repeat -NOT paused.

GF was making diner and it was ready. I just finished my jumps but didn't want to keep her waiting so pressed ESC while supercruising to my final destination.

Came back after half an hour only to find myself at about 1,500,000Ls from where I left the game.

No harm done luckily, but you don't want do learn this tidbit of information in the middle of a life or death situation. This game finds the most trivial ways to kick you in the nuts.