Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Up to about $60k and scared to death to leave the station, hah. Couple more space trucking missions and might get out of this Sidewinder!


Trakanon Raider
Just bought this, totally out of my depth and enjoying it -- and apparently I've only d/l'd the tutorials. Good times.


Useless lazy bastard.
Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter remake))

Those that are following this game may want to follow the fhc thread too. I havent bought the game to comment on the quality of advice over there.
Seems to be the same bitching about PvP/Solo as the games own forum. "But but but I want more targets to kill for lulz! erm I mean its much more exciting for everyone with the dangers of piracy and there is no ganking at all! Solo should be forbidden!" vs "Fuck you if you think you have the right to grief/kill my hauler I have spent 10 days playing to get and a cargo for millions! Earn your own money you bums!"

I think they might wanna introduce a PvP flag system ala SWG if they plan to make the "open" gameplay more alive instead of a place everyone goes to with fully loaded combat-ships only.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Seems to be the same bitching about PvP/Solo as the games own forum. "But but but I want more targets to kill for lulz! erm I mean its much more exciting for everyone with the dangers of piracy and there is no ganking at all! Solo should be forbidden!" vs "Fuck you if you think you have the right to grief/kill my hauler I have spent 10 days playing to get and a cargo for millions! Earn your own money you bums!"

I think they might wanna introduce a PvP flag system ala SWG if they plan to make the "open" gameplay more alive instead of a place everyone goes to with fully loaded combat-ships only.
They could just make more valuable NPCs and other sites spawn in Open Mode.


Lord Nagafen Raider
FUCK. Right after I posted that I fucking OPENED FIRE ON THE DOCK and promptly got butt fucked.

Been 2 days since I played.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I set "pressing fire deploys hardpoints: Off"

I think they might wanna introduce a PvP flag system ala SWG if they plan to make the "open" gameplay more alive instead of a place everyone goes to with fully loaded combat-ships only.
Haulers have no reason at all to go into open play right now. That shit needs to change.

And cargo insurance needs to be a thing if you want t6+ haulers as PVP targets. I'm not gonna risk 1.5 million loss on my space cow in a fight I can't possibly win or escape from just so some player pirate can steal the 8 tons of cargo he can fit in his viper...

They could just make more valuable NPCs and other sites spawn in Open Mode.
Having played games like this in the past, let me assure you: valuable NPCs are of no value to griefers. They want to kill players, and they don't want to make profit from it.

Lakon 9 Docking inEliteDangerous - YouTube


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Right, what I'm saying is that people who don't want to get griefed might risk it for higher rewards.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As far as I'm concerned, ramming another ship to finish off those last few hull points is a valid and worthy tactical maneuver.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Do Wanted npcs spawn in belts too or only resource extraction sites?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No, they (the large majority) won't.
It's hard to tell, I've never seen a game where you got higher rewards for trading at higher risks. Many games sung the praise of that shit, no one ever actually did it. What I certainly did see is people refusing to take extra risks for no extra reward.

As far as I'm concerned, ramming another ship to finish off those last few hull points is a valid and worthy tactical maneuver.
Only do this if your ship is at least the same type. Never ram anything higher, you might die trying to finish off 10%. Ramming a nearly dead Asp in my Cobra with most shields still online almost killed me.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Lessons in life in space... jump in to my new Eagle, got some laser beams, got a Kill Warrant Scanner, got a pirate mission. Fly in, drop out of frame shift, find a pirate and decide to try out the KWS. BZZZT ship offline, life support down, atmosphere gone in 5 minutes or whatever the countdown is. With about 30 seconds left I figured out how to go to the module window and disable the KWS to drop down from 105% draw to below 100%, systems come back online.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I just got the Sol System Permit. I thought these permits weren't even in the game?


I'm Amod too!
There are several systems near Sol that require a permit. I've heard the Imperial home system requires one. The Kickstarter/beta backer system requires one as well.


Useless lazy bastard.
Right, what I'm saying is that people who don't want to get griefed might risk it for higher rewards.
Personaly I would never chose to risk any cargo/credits flying a Type 6/7/9 if there was a chance I could lose it to someone who had a Viper and an attitude. The reward for taking that risk would have to be so high (250+% markup) that it would not be viable for a game this large. Considering how little chance there is to actually meet another player once you head out from the core worlds it would be a rediculously easy way to get money. With just a little more reward, say 10%, I would rather do 11 roundtrips then 10 to get the same money.

I just got the Sol System Permit. I thought these permits weren't even in the game?
There are several permits in game, Sol that all backers got automaticaly.
I currently have permit to enter:

Sol system
Beta Hydri
Achenar (Imperial home World)
Plx 695
Founders World

Running Dog_sl

Lessons in life in space... jump in to my new Eagle, got some laser beams, got a Kill Warrant Scanner, got a pirate mission. Fly in, drop out of frame shift, find a pirate and decide to try out the KWS. BZZZT ship offline, life support down, atmosphere gone in 5 minutes or whatever the countdown is. With about 30 seconds left I figured out how to go to the module window and disable the KWS to drop down from 105% draw to below 100%, systems come back online.
The Eagle has a notoriously weak power plant, most people usually find that out after spotting it only comes with 2 out of 3 weapons fitted and adding the third without checking the power draw; then the first time they get into combat power goes offline.

In general I would upgrade the power plant and the power distributor first in any ship, before adding or upgrading anything else.