That's the unspoken aspect of this discussion. While that polygon art looked fantastic, they wanted destructible environs and some player-made voxel art is extremely nice. Some of that voxel artwork has obviously progressed since 2011...Voxel architecture in landmark currently doesn't look anywhere near that bad, lots of it looks great. Isn't that the most reasonable benchmark to judge how eqn probably looks instead of years old pictures from when the Voxel toolkit and technique was way shittier.
Part of me thinks Daybreak is going to take the "Get this shit done and out the door and making us money" approach and we'll see a half finished disaster.Flex,
I think that is the most valid argument against the previous mgmt. They could have already been much further along with some significant upgrades but wanted to go all out on new and underdeveloped ideas and tech. Blizzard has already shown where simpler looking tech helps shift resources to other areas like smoother animations and less server issues. Will voxels and Storybricks take them to the next step? Or will not enough people care or too much was spent in the effort? I do like the thought of something completely new and innovative though. Is Daybreak really the company to provide that?
my concern, I wonder how much money has been spent and what is left allocated to this project? It definitely feels like EQN needs like 2 more years?Part of me thinks Daybreak is going to take the "Get this shit done and out the door and making us money" approach and we'll see a half finished disaster.
When Daybreak lets EQN see, well, the light of day, it's going to shamble out and ask Dumar to shoot it."I have to be honest with you. We have completely blown up the design of EverQuest Next. For the last year and a half we have been working on something we are not ready to show. Why did we blow up the design? The design was evolutionary. It was EverQuest III. It was something that was slightly better that what had come before it. IT was slightly better. What we are building is something that we will be very proud to call EverQuest. It will be the largest sandbox style MMO ever designed. The same exciting content delivered in a new way. Something you've never seen before. The MMO world has never seen before. We didn't want more Kill 10 Rats quests. We didn't want more of the same. If you look at the MMOs out there, they'r delivering the same content over and over again. So are we. We need to change that. When we released EverQuest, we changed the world. We want to do that again with a different type of game.
What I will commit to is, at the next Fan Faire, not only will you get to see it but you will get to touch it. Most of the EQNext devs are in this room. If you get them drunk enough they might tell you. They're led by Dave Georgeson. Terry Michaels. Vets from EQ and EQ2. We are remaking Norrath unlike anything you've ever seen, but you'll recognize it. I'm sorry we don't have anything to show for it, but I wanted to be honest with you and tell you a little bit about it. Keep the faith." - John Smedley
No one is telling you want game to enjoy. People are telling you the type of game you want to play is not something a lot of people want and really not worthy of a large investment.just like people need to get away from telling other people what type of game they want to play... It cuts both ways
is there a such thing as a worthy investment anymore with the MMO world? It's all a crapshoot at this point.No one is telling you want game to enjoy. People are telling you the type of game you want to play is not something a lot of people want and really not worthy of a large investment.
Can we please stop doing this to ourselves.YAY
Very Planetside 2, early voxel development, note the Paladin from the leak, and the traditional locations listed highlighted in green.Is this map relevant anymore?
You're correct, with that said the reason this is so impactful to us is a community is the fact that its associated with Everquest. Pure and simple. If this was the saga of Blizzard's Titan, I'd give zero fucks.You show me a voxel cumdumpster with "Innothule" and "Freeport" on the map, now I'm angry.We regard EQ like its the Prophet Muhammad.Can we please stop doing this to ourselves.
It's not just SoE but the entire MMO industry loves to string you along with hype images and videos (which are completely staged) and then derail to reality.
It's depressing.
I have zero confidence in [any studio's] ability to design a desirable PVE side of a non-instanced world, let alone a sandbox PVE.What are you, stupid? You gotta cram everything in there all at once, but first we gotta burn years of work to the ground.
When Daybreak lets EQN see, well, the light of day, it's going to shamble out and ask Dumar to shoot it.
Wasn't the whole point of voxels so that the community could contribute in very much artists can contribute to Dota2 items? There has to be some idea behind making money for just building things in EQN.Crowfall, don't let me down.
But in all seriousness, you could do a sociological study of this thread. Its like there are group of people who for some reason got really hurt by something a video game company did and they cloak themselves in this shell of cynicism to protect this tiny precious part of them that is still left alive."Doris: You have no values. With you it's all nihilism, cynicism, sarcasm, and orgasm.
Harry: Hey, in France I could run for office with that slogan, and win!"