You will have 8 abilities total at any given time. This includes 4 weapon abilities and 4 character abilities.
?Weapon Abilities
?These 4 abilities are based on what class you are and what weapon you are using
?For example, a Warrior using a giant halberd may have large AoE sweeping type attacks and ground pound type attacks. While a Warrior using a longsword may have more 1v1 based attacks.
?These 4 abilities will only change if you swap out weapons or change to a completely new class
?You may freely swap between weapon sets, but you may not want to if you've optimized your class around one weapon set's abilities.
?These abilities are unique to your class and help define what you are
?Character Abilities
?These 4 abilities are only based on what class you are
?There are 4 possible ability types
?Offensive, Defensive, Movement, Utility
?The class you are will affect what ability types you have, (I.E. a Warrior may have 2 offensive and 2 defensive ability types VS a Wizard who may have 3 offensive and 1 movement type)
?These Character Abilities can be changed with any other character ability in the game, as long as you have unlocked it first, (I.E. a player who has unlocked a Warrior class and a Wizard class can swap out 1 of the Warrior's character ability with 1 of the Wizards character ability, such as giving up a Shield Bash type ability for a Wizards teleport type ability)
?Keep in mind the abilities you swap out wont be modified for your class . A wizards teleport ability will probably cost a tremendous amount of mana/power to a Warrior , so the Warrior will need to gear up with special items to help specialize his class to this "Warrior /Wizard Hybrid" thus balancing the fact that a warrior can now teleport as he had to give up more Warrior specific gear in order to use this new ability.