Steve Klug, Rosie Rappaport and Terry Michaels are definitely still there.
Dave Georgeson and Jeff Butler are definitely gone.
Emily Taylor was pulled back onto EQ2 afaik, but she still makes an appearance on the Landmark forums so maybe she hops between projects.
Supposedly Darrin McPherson has been updating his LinkedIn resume and has new recommendations from EQN team members.. so, he could go soon?
Other people still on the team: Dexella (Community Manager), Josh Augustine (Game Designer), Allen Lapadis (sp?) (Lead Artist)
When they stopped doing the community Landmark builds I was 100% sure EQNext was dead, but if they are moving away from voxel tech that would explain their silence. We'll see, I guess.. They'll need to show something really good once the break the news to the existing community. "BTW all the stuff you've been making for EQNext isn't gonna be used. LOL"
From what I understand, Darrin is now Creative Director on EQN.
Dave leaving didn't hurt the project at all to be honest. I don't want to throw him under the bus, but let's just say the more I worked directly with him, the less I liked his management style. Landmark should have never been a game, but Dave tried really hard to make it into one. It should have remained the voxel development tools it was originally intended to be, and not been a distraction from EQN.
Jeff is super passionate about his projects, so they lose that for sure, but there is a lot of talented people who could do Jeff's job, and probably a lot cheaper. I'm pretty sure Jeff's departure was a $$$ thing.
Rosie is still Art Director. Some of you may not like her art style choices, but a lot of people do. I was a little surprised at how stylized things went, but I didn't hate the art, and the characters animated really nicely.
Steve is Technical Director. If anyone can figure out the technical hurdles, Steve can.. He's easily once of the most creative and intelligent programmers I've ever met.
Greg Spence left, but to run his own company, not because he was unhappy with the project. Broken Token exploded as a business and requires ALL of this, and his wife's time. Everyone is super happy for Greg's success.