EQ Never


Give me a short bullet list of reasons why EQ today will NOT work. This isn't the political thread so please take this seriously because I believe strongly that an EQ type game will work with a few tweaks here and there. I just want to see what your opinion is so I can see if I'm wrong or right in certain areas.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Work on what level? I think the naysayers in this thread feel that if a game isn't made for the masses it's a risky investment.. When you break it down to a unique niche like EQ they think its even more risky. Mainly because of time and convenience. I totally disagree but we would need a new mmo in the spirit of EQ to come out and be successful to help support that argument.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Next best mmo will utilize first person and Oculus VR technology for a truly immersive experience.
I would only agree to this if you die in game the headset fries your brain and you die in real life too. That is as immersive as it gets!!!


Musty Nester
Give me a short bullet list of reasons why EQ today will NOT work. This isn't the political thread so please take this seriously because I believe strongly that an EQ type game will work with a few tweaks here and there. I just want to see what your opinion is so I can see if I'm wrong or right in certain areas.
Because it's been tried, fairly recently, with vanguard and failed. It failed hard. And you can say oh vanguard was a buggy, mismanaged piece of shit produced by the barely competent. And you'd be right. You could make more than three or four excuses of why that game was doomed.

But all of them also pertain to a purist everquest reboot. "Done right" isn't a real thing.
Most of what we used Everquest for as gamers, gamers these days use Facebook for. The market has changed. Irrevocably.

RP-PVP Muds were completely fucking awesome at the time. Buggy piles of exploitable shit, but they were fun. They haven't changed very much in the last 20 years. Who plays them any more besides for lifelong hobbyists?


EQOA Refugee
Because it's been tried, fairly recently, with vanguard and failed. It failed hard. And you can say oh vanguard was a buggy, mismanaged piece of shit produced by the barely competent. And you'd be right. You could make more than three or four excuses of why that game was doomed.

But all of them also pertain to a purist everquest reboot. "Done right" isn't a real thing.
Most of what we used Everquest for as gamers, gamers these days use Facebook for. The market has changed. Irrevocably.

RP-PVP Muds were completely fucking awesome at the time. Buggy piles of exploitable shit, but they were fun. They haven't changed very much in the last 20 years. Who plays them any more besides for lifelong hobbyists?
I just disagree here. Without that atrocious launch with tons of buggy content, VG would have succeeded. It sold a ton of boxes but box sales don't keep players. Polished, finished content does. VG still has better fleshed out classes, dungeons etc than 90% of the MMOs out today.

So yes, a EQ reboot can succeed but it will never have WoW like numbers. In fact, only WoW will ever have WoW like numbers because they were an anomaly. The sooner publishers realize this, the genre will be free to make all types of games again rather than WoW clones.


Trakanon Raider
Because it's been tried, fairly recently, with vanguard and failed. It failed hard. And you can say oh vanguard was a buggy, mismanaged piece of shit produced by the barely competent. And you'd be right. You could make more than three or four excuses of why that game was doomed.

But all of them also pertain to a purist everquest reboot. "Done right" isn't a real thing.
Most of what we used Everquest for as gamers, gamers these days use Facebook for. The market has changed. Irrevocably.

RP-PVP Muds were completely fucking awesome at the time. Buggy piles of exploitable shit, but they were fun. They haven't changed very much in the last 20 years. Who plays them any more besides for lifelong hobbyists?
as buggy as vanguard was, i had more fun playing that game than any other MMO in the past 6 years.


Vyemm Raider
Give me a short bullet list of reasons why EQ today will NOT work. This isn't the political thread so please take this seriously because I believe strongly that an EQ type game will work with a few tweaks here and there. I just want to see what your opinion is so I can see if I'm wrong or right in certain areas.
EQ today... that needs a whole lot of definition before anyone can answer this question.

EQ didn't stop; it's still here. It's almost unrecognizable compared to version 1.0, but it's here, today, right now. So you need to define what era of EQ you want to see revisited... And for many of those answers there is either a progression server or a progression guild somewhere trying to recreate that era, right now. So we need to break it down even further...

Provide a short bullet list of the FEATURES you want to see and we can discuss why or why not those might work in today's market. Otherwise trying to tease out the "EQness" from a game that has gone through more revisions than any other is rather tiresome.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Work on what level? I think the naysayers in this thread feel that if a game isn't made for the masses it's a risky investment.. When you break it down to a unique niche like EQ they think its even more risky. Mainly because of time and convenience. I totally disagree but we would need a new mmo in the spirit of EQ to come out and be successful to help support that argument.
I think there's nothing more risky than trying to do the same thing that didn't work the last 6 years.
It's also risky to try something different or new.

Remaking EverQuest, in the other hand, we know exactly what we're getting and a few hundred thousand people will play it. It does need some tweaking and improvements of course.

I just find it amusing that people think it's CRAZY!!! when we ask the devs to make their game play like its predecessor. The blasphemy....

I'm all with evolution, trying something different and yadi yadi yada.... but this is EverQuest, I want to play an improved EverQuest. As its core, the basic mechanics and the whole experience should be at least 80% the same. Risk trying something different with a new IP, not with an established one like EverQuest with a lot of fans hoping to play the same improved game they played 10 years ago.


Lord Nagafen Raider
dude, only a small segment of the population even knew what an mmo was in 1999. they were mostly nerds who convened somewhere to play d&d. it had no foreign servers. it attracted maybe 1,000 players outside the u.s. it had no marketing. as you can see, it didn't operate under ideal conditions.
I guess you forgot to mention that several of your "NA servers" were practically European. Karana, Tunare and Solusek Ro had huge European populations. Saryrn for example had a high Japanese population, so please.. stop with the bullshit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Because it's been tried, fairly recently, with vanguard and failed. It failed hard. And you can say oh vanguard was a buggy, mismanaged piece of shit produced by the barely competent. And you'd be right. You could make more than three or four excuses of why that game was doomed.

But all of them also pertain to a purist everquest reboot. "Done right" isn't a real thing.
Most of what we used Everquest for as gamers, gamers these days use Facebook for. The market has changed. Irrevocably.

RP-PVP Muds were completely fucking awesome at the time. Buggy piles of exploitable shit, but they were fun. They haven't changed very much in the last 20 years. Who plays them any more besides for lifelong hobbyists?
You forget the insane amount of hype VG had prior to all the drama/beta feedback.


EQ today... that needs a whole lot of definition before anyone can answer this question.
I quit just before PoP so I will say EQ as it was back in Velious days although from what I have heard, PoP was the apex of what made EQ "EQ".

Persistant Zones
"Forced" Group (I was a quad kiting Wizard machine so /shrug)
The need of past tier gear to advance
Large group raiding(but not just "Tank and Spank)
No instant travel.
The need to rely on others

I am sure there are more but you get the idea. I will say though that WoW did raiding right. 24 is a good number for raids and although I LOVED EQ but running the 10 man Karazhan raid has got to be, hands down, the most fun I have had in an MMO. The Opera, Chess Set, Undead Dragon, the zone/atmosphere, etc., are so incredibly cool.


<Gold Donor>
Because it's been tried, fairly recently, with vanguard and failed. It failed hard. And you can say oh vanguard was a buggy, mismanaged piece of shit produced by the barely competent. And you'd be right. You could make more than three or four excuses of why that game was doomed.
Yeah, I dont buy this entire Vanguard failed because it was EQlike. It failed because at the time, it had shitty performance on even the best hardware, it was buggy, and had an unfinished end game. You are arguing that Vanguard failed because it was an EQ clone rather than the reality of the game being a buggy unfinished mess. EQ, today, has hundreds of thousands of players still. If its such a shitty idea, why are people still playing it?

I could name another game that went the same path from the PvP perspective, remember Shadowbane? Yeah, lots of cool ideas and lots of people which bought the box, but in the end people dont want to play buggy, laggy, unfinished messes. Its frustration that wins out in the end.


Member of the Year 2016
I quit just before PoP so I will say EQ as it was back in Velious days although from what I have heard, PoP was the apex of what made EQ "EQ".
PoP may have had more subscribers but, imo, Velious was the pinnacle of EQ.

PoP turned the game into two major zone hubs: one for the old game and one for the new planes (end game). The entire expansion was based around flagging and incremental gear upgrades. Probably a bit more of a loot-fest than prior expansions. Raiding required more strategy and was an absolute requirement for progression. The final zone eventually became instanced with a lockout timer as an artificial way to prevent over-farming.

In a solid guild, PoP felt like a very rewarding expansion because end-game progress was continuous from start to finish, but it was linear and felt disjointed from the rest of Norrath. Again imo, Velious was better because it had cool non-linear faction based content from 30-60, great end-game non-instanced raiding, and tied into the rest of Norrath nicely.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah I think PoP turned EQ away from being a group centric game into a raid centric game, it sort of tilted the scales.