EQ Never


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Grim is retarded, he pretty much thinks you're a WOW cocksucker if you hate or slightly criticize his precious social utopia that was EQ circa 20th century. The only two games that he thinks ever existed were WOW and EQ.

Grimbro should play some Sonic or MarioBros sometime to relax.
Lol, you are still butthurt for being called out as a WoWtard. I'm sorry your secret is out. But it really wasn't that much of a secret. Since every post you make is just more proof that you have the imagination of a slug. You can't think of any gameplay that would work except that which copies WoW.

And I never said EQ was utopia. You have me confused with your moronic notion that everyone who posts in this thread is some sort of "neckbeard" who lives in the past. Just more proof that you are as fucking dumb and unimaginative as a brain dead DMV government employee.

I have said many times that what EQNext should be a total reboot that throws ALL the conventions out. But you don't have the brain cells to remember that, nor the courage to admit it. But keep on trucking with your nightmares of neckbeards, hah. You really are predictable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
At what point, when all the details have been successfully attacked, is your point addressed?

EQ is still there. Pulling is still a big deal. And many of the people longing for EQ Next to be EQ 1.5 aren't playing EQ, so what's the real problem?
EQ was a more social game. It's slower gameplay and the lack of voice chat encouraged a different type of gameplay. That's just the way it was.

It doesn't matter if it was by design or not. Why that simple fact gets you andKorn Kobb Kreugan's, jimmies rustled is hilarious. It's very revealing that you have to defend something I wasn't even talking about.


2 Minutes Hate
Lol, you are still butthurt for being called out as a WoWtard. I'm sorry your secret is out. But it really wasn't that much of a secret. Since every post you make is just more proof that you have the imagination of a slug. You can't think of any gameplay that would work except that which copies WoW.

And I never said EQ was utopia. You have me confused with your moronic notion that everyone who posts in this thread is some sort of "neckbeard" who lives in the past. Just more proof that you are as fucking dumb and unimaginative as a brain dead DMV government employee.

I have said many times that what EQNext should be a total reboot that throws ALL the conventions out. But you don't have the brain cells to remember that, nor the courage to admit it. But keep on trucking with your nightmares of neckbeards, hah. You really are predictable.
You're so cute when you try to insult someone. It's really not in your nature, I mean you just called me a DMV employee. Total BURN there.


I always believed that EQ being a 1st person MMO played a huge part in its success. I don't believe there have been any 1st person MMOs since.

If planet side 2 uses the same engine and is a 1st person shooter, does that mean that EQ Next will be 1st person as well?

That would be WIN


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
First person is just more immersive. But it has issues, because of the small fov.

If they could expand the fov without having the resulting fish eye lense look then it would be much better.


Registered Hutt
I prefer 1st person, but it's so much easier to play in 3rd that it's difficult not to when there is an opportunity. If headsets replace monitors as the way to game, we will probably get a lot more 1st person.


I was just thinking about the whole 1st / 3rd person perspective a couple of days ago and I do think it helped EQ be more engaging. It adds a since of danger and WTF type moments when you have to turn around to see what is going on. Now with that said, do you think all us oldschool MMOers could go back to 1st perspective and not bitch endlessly about not being able to see worth a damn, getting ganked in PvP because you can't see behind you, etc? Or better yet, could the new MMO players that came from WoW really even play in 1st perspective?

p.s. I would like to dedicate this post to Phinigel Autropos who I had to kill something like 40 times to get that fucking wizzy staff to drop. (takes off his hat) You will be missed old friend.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
People place 1st person in Skyrim/Bioshock/Misc FPS all the time. I think they could handle it in a MMO.


<Gold Donor>
It definitely adds to the game play as well since you only have a limited view rather than seeing everything around you at all times like 3rd person gives you. Especially when you are 100% zoomed out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Vanguard had decent 1st and 3rd view. I can't see why a game could not make both a realistic option.


2 Minutes Hate
Well it depends on your game. It would be incredibly difficult to do some of the more modern raid scripting due to environmental awareness that 3rd person gives you. That's why WOW/Rift/TSW/WAR or whatever other modern MMORPG is in third person. It's tough to see the fire you're standing in.

But a lot of those games let you zoom your camera in though.


You know that if they have "don't stand in the fire" type raiding and the game has both 1st and 3rd person views, no one will ever use 1st. I feel that in order to use 1st person the game needs to be built around it like Skyrim was with no option. I know that I get a bigger rush playing games like Skyrim when some NPC is arrow sniping me and I can't find him then watching fire rings under my guy.


There must be some sort of creativity out there in the industry... that can create a different raid experience. Maybe we should bring back the classic zerg style raids with a modern twist. I heard elder scrolls online will give players the ability of creating a 100 person group.


2 Minutes Hate
There we go again comparing shit to the wow. nice job
The same argument could be made with every MMORPG that has raiding. Look at any of the raids in Rift for example. WOW is just easier to use as an example because it's the most popular. Look at GW2's PVP (spvp or wvw), the same thing could be said for that game.

Personally I think a limited 3rd person view (few feet behind the shoulders) is probably the best. You get increased POV but yous till maintain a bit of the first person perspective. I think Skyrim did this right? I can't remember

Ultimately if you're going to create a first person game, you have to design for it. And there are some limitations that you have to allow for. Both style have their merits and I enjoy both.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I just beat Borderlands 2 for the first time the other day and there were quite a few "don't stand in the fire" mechanics on boss fights that I wouldn't have thought would work well in first person that I thought they handled really well. It's pretty much as simple as taking the flat, circle-on-the-floor indicator for where the fire is going/coming from to a taller, 3D indicator that is at least knee or waist high.

Check out this clip of a boss fight in BL2. Don't watch it all the way to the end if you don't want spoilers. The effects I described are in the first minute of the video so you don't have to watch long to get the idea of how many of the WoW-raid type events can work in first person.



2 Minutes Hate
There must be some sort of creativity out there in the industry... that can create a different raid experience. Maybe we should bring back the classic zerg style raids with a modern twist. I heard elder scrolls online will give players the ability of creating a 100 person group.
You can do that, GW2 tried, and they put out an update with better code to deal with large groups. Who knows if it made anything better. The rule is though, the more people you add the harder it is to create an experience that is above a certain level of quality all the time. So the more people, the dumber you have to make your encounter.

Then again, you could design a game where if you zerg something and it dies quickly and you don't care that content is trivialized, then you don't need to worry about that. Again valid argument. I'd like to see both forms imo.